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Would you support a single payer option for health insurance if offered?

Marine 8 Jan 8

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Nope, no way.


Some things capitalism does badly, and national health care is one of them. Yes, I support single payer.


Without reservation. Removing the Claim Denials Department from the picture alone would be worth it.


Expanding Medicare/Medicaid would require reworking the benefits now given but would eliminate insurance companies which I think is best. Single-payer might be a short term solution until then. There is no free market solution to healthcare.


I'm in the UK. I like that the increased buying power of our socialised healthcare system means we pay less for treatments than the US insurance companies do.



single-payer without insurance, just health care instead of health insurane, would be best, BUT while we're breaking that in, a public option tagged onto the aca would be a lot better than nothing.





I would have to see the plan. If it's at all like Tricare or what France has today, yes, i would support it.


Nope. Doesn't work


I’ve ‘supported one’ for a long time now … and it sounds as though most others are expecting the same. Obama took the middle road promoting ‘Romneycare,’ but had he not, nothing would have got passed.. The USA no longer has the wealth to fund ‘for profit’ healthcare ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 8, 2019

No, That would be a complete nightmare. The federal government is completely incompetent at limiting the costs of services. A single-provider option would make a lot more sense.

BD66 Level 8 Jan 8, 2019

No insurance. Only universal, single-payer health care provided by the government.


Based upon the Koch brothers survey which stated it was the least expensive method of paying for health insurance I would support a single payer option.They were taken completely by surprise when the the survey they promoted came up supporting the plan the democrats had proposed for health insurance.

It’s as if while the Republicans (koch bros) weren’t looking ... the US has grown up!

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