30 25

I hate that I'm the type of person who gets super motivated by getting points & moving up levels, so this site has me hooked until I can reach level 5 (for now) lol.
Help me and yourself out by commenting and liking this post so we can get those points! (:

Flowers28 5 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm realy close to level 8 , so I understand.


Not sure I like being used for points. And we could have been great friends.


My comments and likes subtract points.. Merry Christmas!


I tend to get more excited about points the closer I get to moving to the next level Why not?

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

You go girl. Get them points.
I wish you luck, ?



I have been at L7 since what seems like the beginning of time. LOL!


T shirt & a nice pen at level 8. Motivated me. Now I am just here to troublemaker & yuk it up.

Omg, I want that t-shirt. Now I must make it to level 7 ?

Did something change? This is the 2nd comment in the last week or so where someone said level 7 is the t-shirt and pen. I thought it was level 8. I'm level 7 and haven't gotten anything.

@John_Tyrrell That sucks :/

My bad. Level 8 gets the Tshirt & pen. I was at level 7 for so long I forget I made it to level 8.

@joeymf86 My error. Level 8 for the shirt & pen.


Here's some points for you! I know your struggle! Lol


@Flowers28 You're welcome


Random points.


It seems like most of you guys are stuck around levels 7 and 8. How long did it take you guys to reach those levels?

I wouldn’t call it stuck between levels. It’s a continuing process- the points begin to lose importance as you become familiar with the personalities here and enjoy the relationships that form. 🙂

Took the better part of a year to get to 7 (joined last April) and it'll probably take me more than a year, maybe even two to get to 8, if ever. At this stage, for me at least, it's not about the points so much as the interactions.
Anyway, enjoy the points. ?

And these too!

Three months I was bored because Marky Fuckerberg kept suspending both my accounts and I had to let them cool off... I figure I will be at level 8 before new years...


Here's your points. I'm begrudgingly working my tortoise pace towards level 8.



Here's looking at you!

Orbit Level 7 Jan 20, 2019

Before you know it you will be at level 7... then it slows way down.

That's what I hear lol.


All the players are god and the points don't matter.


Here's a bump from Quebec. I must admit that I got hooked too. But I need to put this down for now. We're having a snow storm and I have a bit of shoveling to do.

Good luck!


Points Points Points Points Points


Who knew getting points and moving up to new levels, could be addicting? But, the content gets hold of you too, and off you go, keeping up with nothing on a daily basis! Just keeping up with phantom friends! Because, I keep abreast of the news, elsewhere!

Exactly! It's not a bad thing, but yeah these website creators definitely knew what they were doing when they created points for perks lol.

that is why i am working on creating a game called clash of tasks

@Flowers28, @jeron good luck, what we need is to know what is worthwhile and what is static storing in our brains! Lol


Update: Finally made it to level 5!
Pretty disappointed that the "reward" for this level is that my posts aren't reviewed -_-
Oh well... onto the next level.


We are on the same boat


Level 4 - - you're still in the foothills easy climbing down there as it takes so few point to ascend to the next level. Wait until you hit level 7 or above. . . levels will appear to be frozen in time:

Level 1 Join Agnostic
Level 2 100 Points
Level 3 200 Points
Level 4 500 Points
Level 5 1,500 Points
Level 6 4,000 Points
Level 7 10,000 Points
Level 8 50,000 Points
Level 9 200,000 Points


‘I thank you, God, that I am not like other people (Luke 18:11).


good point - most of still beat our online massively played gaming addiction


How close are you?

Not that close. Still missing like 478 :l

@Flowers28 I think creating new posts gets the most points lol


Like the ad says "just do it".

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