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I don’t believe in god, but I do think that there is something either spiritual or universal going on. The thing I lack in life is “comfort”-something that Christians seem to have in abundance. I believe in kindness, yet this world has little of it to offer. I believe in education, yet that system is failing. I’m single, no kids, not many friends yet here in Columbus. Where do you find comfort when you feel lost?

CityGirl7 4 June 1

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I doubt that christians have "comfort". If they did they would not "scream" so much and so loud about how happy they are. You find comfort everywhere. Start with being grateful for what you have everyday no matter how small it is.


I think many confuse spiritualism with ESP, something we all have and use to various degrees.

gater Level 7 June 1, 2019

Not Me !

@FrostyJim Don't kid yourself - we all have it, although you might not be aware of it.

I think ESP gets a bad rap, just like the term "UFO". The terms do not necessarily mean what many have defaulted to. To me, hunches and intuition are forms of extra sensory perception. And they are often well founded, even if inexplicable. I have learned to trust my gut over the last 5 decades. And if one's "gut" isn't a form of ESP, then I am not sure what is.

ESP is nothing but woo but you are free to think and believe what you want and makes you happy.

@gater - I am not kidding myself one bit... like some people do.

@Piratefish That's subconscious pattern recognition based on past experience. The same way we are able to accurately predict outcomes on a small scale when we have enough information.

@Kafirah, @jlynn37 Who cares what we call it. The idea clearly works for some and not for others

@Kafirah I would certainly call that extrasensory. None of my five senses were involved, but rather an intangible, unmeasurable quality. I've also had instances where I had no prior experience, but something in me recognized something was amiss. I have learned to trust this quality, even though there is no scientific basis for it. It has served me well.

Some (obviously) want to split hairs and play semantics, but technically, this intuition is "extrasensory". Just like a UFO does not mean an extraterrestrial craft, ESP does not mean hokey, mumbo jumbo spiritualism.

@Piratefish I hear what you're saying, but I see it as simple observation, which would involve your eyes and thinking about what they have observed... I don't really consider thinking and feeling to be "extra sensory" as they are how our brains interpret and process input... But, to each their own.

@Piratefish The brain (aka god) works in mysterious ways.

@Kafirah There is far more than sight involved in intuition. Even more than abstract reasoning. So I am wondering again, which of my five senses I am using when my gut is telling me something, especially in situations where I have had no previous experience. That is the very definition of extrasensory. I'm using something beyond the information that my five senses are providing me at the moment, and something other than just memory and abstract reasoning is at play. I don't know how much more extrasensory one can get.

But just to clarify, what most people think of as ESP (e.g. mind reading, seeing the future, etc.) is utter bullshit.

Also, while we're at it, I have seen UFOs before. Does that mean I think I saw an extraterrestrial spacecraft? Absolutely not. I am convinced what I saw was of human origin, I just could not identify what it was (e.g. a plane, a blimp, a helicopter, a balloon, etc.). But I suppose some will try to convince me I didn't see an unidentified flying object, even though I was never able to identify the flying object.

@jlynn37 Now THAT is an explanation I can agree with. At least until such time as science finally completely unravels all of the mysteries of the brain. 😀

@Kafirah - human observation is the least reliable scientific proof as you can see in conflicting eye-witness reports in all crimes and many people were convicted and some executed for something they did not do.

@TheMiddleWay Theres a logical flaw in your argument - you say "It has never been demonstrated despite many rigorous tests. Hence, we don't have ESP"

Our brains are far more sophisticated than the tests we have developed. It has never been demonstrated - yet. You have already come to a conclusion before all the evidence is in.

@TheMiddleWay Im saying that im keeping an open mind until all the evidence is in - you have already made up your mind.

@TheMiddleWay Again you fail to acknowledge that the human brain is far more sophisticated than any tests that we have come up with. Just because no one has come up with and appropriate test yet, doesn't mean it won't happen - until then I keep an open mind on the topic - you've already convinced yourself it is not possible - when it clearly is possible.

@TheMiddleWay Of course its possible.


Christian's have "comfort"? As in, an all-powerful entity taking care of them? ROFLMAO!


My dog, Cecil, helps a lot. It also helps to be strong mentally and emotionally. Some days that is easier said than done. Message me anytime, I am happy to have new, like-minded friends who are also decent, thinking human beings.


I think you need to get laid.


I find my comfort and happiness in doing good to others. I enjoy volunteering to help the needy, or being of assistance to my friends and relatives, and just doing common courtesies like opening doors for people. I also like to feed and pet animals. I have rejected the mythology of religion, but its ethics are sometimes worth keeping. My life motto is, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That makes me happy and gives me comfort. 🙂


Comfort is the music the human instrument has the potential to play. But as with any other instrument, making something that sounds like music requires lots of practice. Learn the nature of the instrument (study evolution). Learn the nature of comfort (study psychology). Learn how to practice (study mental disciplines, such as meditation and others). Pace yourself; it can take a long time.

skado Level 9 June 2, 2019

Stop over thinking and caring so much, that leads you into bad places when you dwell on what you don't have or trying to find meaning in existence, living in the moment and maintaining a touch of obliviousness is where it's at. For what other purpose do we need but to enjoy our time here before our matter returns to the infinite cycle.


To be honest, when I can't find peace of mind and I'm feeling lost and alone, I focus on experiences. I'll watch stand up, take a walk in the afternoon and focus on my senses, get lost in a novel, anything to distract myself and ground myself in the experience of being a human.

Or you can stare into the void and get comfortable with the loneliness and grapple with your mortality. That's the less fun way, though.


You can take comfort in the dazzling and mysterious gem of consciously aware existence. Every moment of awareness is a miracle beyond all miracles.

Let your mind dwell only on truth and you will find comfort, joy, friendship, love...


There was a time when I took some comfort in the belief in the future of humanity. Events in the past few decades have destroyed that belief, as I observe our destruction of the biosphere, the only environment in which humans will ever be able to thrive and prosper. Sorry I couldn't be any help.

it is possible that humans were missionary dead end.
this planet Will Go On Without people.
let not your heart be troubled.

@m16566 that's kind of what I believe too. When asked what's the strangest thing you believe, my answer is the Earth is a living organism and will rise up and kill all of us one day. I don't know why, and I know it's strange ,but I find that extremely comforting.


It is a journey that may take some longer than others ...eventually you will realize there is actually nothing there.

I assume you know that when a person loses his sight, his hearing improves, why? because your senses improve as you need them. My belief is that we all relied on ESP in our past, and as our language developed, the need for ESP diminished. I might be wrong, but that's my non scientific theory 🙂

@gater - ESP is not a physical sense like hearing - except in your mind and it is a delusion created by your mind.

@FrostyJim Your brain puts out brain waves, maybe some of us are perceptive to them.

@gater - believing or wanting to believe in something that has no proof - sounds an awful lot like religion - if you have evidence for ESP I suggest that you contact James Randi since he has a $1 million check waiting for you...

@FrostyJim if I really had ESP the last thing I would do would be to let anyone know that I did. And if I really had ESP Randy can keep his million because I'll make so much more.

@Metahuman - the conclusion to your response is obvious...

@FrostyJim of course


The only place I know to find "comfort" is within myself.

I also don't think that christians are any more or less "comfortable" than
anyone else. They just like to say they are.

And I think they are terrified that they just might not be christian enough to make the grade to heaven and might end in hell.

@jlynn37 It has got to be so miserable to live one's life stubbornly believing
in delusions and superstitions.

@KKGator Quite agree. Can you imagine how much energy that must take up just holding the house of cards steady. I’m far too lazy to even consider it!


I believe that things happen due to natural consequences, and conscious decisions made with that knowledge is a wise way to live.

I believe the pendulum will always swing one way or the other, so learn to just ride it out if things don't seem to be going the way you like.

Nature has a way of balancing things out eventually, if you have patience, and learn to take matters into your own hands to remedy problems.

I believe in opposites and that the nature of the world is to fill a void.

I have hope that the goodness of humanity will defeat evilness, some day, with honesty, respect, responsibility and the dozens of human virtues that should be held up and enshrined rather than worshipping a twisted book of tales that show no such path to a harmonious sense of humanity.


I'm an ex-Christian and I was a really devout one. Now that I'm atheist, I understand what I was experiencing a bit better. I experienced a false sense of security. My entire life was wrapped up in my beliefs. My family relationships, my friends, my job, my social life, and everything in between. I didn't realize how much of a life I didn't have once I found myself outside of the belief I was raised in from birth. When I became honest about not being convinced that a god exists, my whole life fell apart. My great reputation as a Christian was permanently tarnished, I lost friends (supposed friends), grew distant from family members, lost my social life, lost trust in a lot of people, and had to find a new career. I'm married and grateful for my wife, but I don't really have a sense of community anymore. I find it hard to relate to people a lot, because I completely understand what it means to grow up in a very religious black church and can relate to the community, but at the same time, I don't believe in that stuff anymore and don't wish to be around people that will judge me for being honest. I feel like a Christian Atheist at times, because I am a pretty reserved and friendly person, but I'm all atheist. People still think I'm a Christian because I'm just a nice guy. It really makes it hard to fit in sometimes. I'm just not a militant or very outspoken atheist. I still haven't really found a true place of comfort after about 7 years of being open about my non belief. But all I can say is, don't give up on looking for a place of comfort. Maybe you'll meet that one person or group of people that can give you the comfort you may seek. Best wishes.


Try some CBD for your anxiety.

Remember that Christianity, like most other religions, is all about exclusion and xenophobia; that is where your dearth of kindness comes from. Similarly, education which is innately ennobling, education is feared as viable competition to religious faith/ignorance. So, maybe find comfort in a library or supporting education fostering organizations.


My kids

bobwjr Level 10 June 6, 2019

The comfort Christians create for themselves comes at a high premium. The rest of us--the unrepentant 98 percent--must suffer eternal torment in a lake of fire. Those who find joy in THAT deserve our contempt.


We create "something spiritual and universal" with our own thoughts and actions.


I know how you feel. Great authors have written volumes about despair which, unfortunately, is too big a part of daily life. I've been there and have come through it, So now in my 80's I look back on my life and feel so strong for having survived it. Set you goal and do everything you can to reach them. Know that you deserve happiness,,,and know you are not alone.


"“comfort”-something that Christians seem to have in abundance'
i don't believe that at all.
i can't imagine any worse fate than being a true believer & having bad things happen.
how can a christian father reconcile his 10 yr/old daughter dying from cancer?
those ppl must go thru a hell on earth worse than any i can even imagine.


What spiritual or universal things do you think are going on?


so which god don't you believe in, exactly? i mean you are entitled to believe as you will, but if you're going to share that info, then you're inviting questions and comments, right? my answer is that you cannot always find comfort. (mac and cheese is good, though.) not being able to find comfort is not a very logical case for spirituality, not that you need an excuse, but since you mentioned it....



I don't. I drink a lot, but that doesn't comfort me. For me it's pretty much a zero-sum game. I live, I suffer, and my only hope is death where I can finally put it all down. "Dying" scares me, but the idea of being dead offers a lot of comfort. In the meantime, Vokda.

craft beer & good whiskey for me.


I find 'comfort' in all manner of things, but do Christians/believers have an abundance of it? I doubt it, they seem consumed by doubt, unworthiness, submissiveness and/or ignorance. I don't think their take on life, the universe and everything is anything to be envious of.

Exactly! They are likely more anxious the we non-believers! Do things that you enjoy to occupy your time, be it hobbies, volunteering, watching tv, smoke some weed, whatever! You can do things you may not have done while a believer, but without all the annoying guilt or fear of going to a lake of fire and brimstone! Who the hell came up with that crap anyway? Lol

@Stilltrying1964 I find much comfort in creating art; media such as watercolors, pencil, pens, yarns (chrochet and knitting). Then gift unusual pieces to family, friends and foster kids.

I watch a lot of tv; documentaries, bibliographies of famous people and period pieces of historical events.

I also believe strongly in extraterrestials and seek comfort knowing I may yet live to greet them as I believe they are benevolent and wish us well. If there is a higher power it comed from them, who are also non-believers.

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