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Name Something Christians say when they know they are losing an argument with an atheist.

UrsiMajor 8 June 25

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Geez Louise, have you got at least 2 life times for me to list their inane responses?

  1. The Bible is the word of God, EVERYTHING it states is 100% true,
  2. You are a Heathen/Pagan, you will be going to Hell for not believing in God/Jesus,
  3. Their best of ALL, "You are taking it all out of context,
  4. "Let Jesus into your heart and then you will know the truth."
  5. Quoting biblical verse after biblical verse just like they had a computerized program running in their head,
  6. "Have you ever read the Bible?
    I could go on and on for page after page but I don't want to bore anyone so I'll leave it at just those 6 if no-one minds.

@kodimerlyn LOL, you should see their shocked faces when I tell them that, a) I have read it cover to cover, page by page, word by word, and,
b) that I HAD to read it as part of my studies to gain a ThD ( Doctorate in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions) whilst being a DELCARED atheist and still remaining an Atheist to this day.

@kodimerlyn As my Dad taught me, "If you ever get into a debate/discussion, etc, it is always better to know more about the subject than the person with whom you are debating."
And, trust me, it works wonders against the Faithfools, I often get invited to debate with all kinds of Preachers, etc, and, not boasting in any way, shape nor form, I've only ever been in what you could call a Stalemate situation once in over 50+ debates and that was because the Mediator decided to call 'time.'
I'm pretty certain that on a number of occasions I've actually manage to make more than a few Faithfools start to actually think deeply and questioningly about their beliefs.


how can an organism go from asexual to sexual reproduction?

m16566 Level 7 June 25, 2019

That happens to me every time I see a photo of Keanu Reeves.

Broken condom?

@JustRyanAgain Lol

Which organisms uses both methods sexual and asexual for reproduction?
1 Answer
Israel Ramirez
Israel Ramirez, Retired Biopsychologist
Answered Nov 20, 2017
One of the biggest questions in biology is why animals and plants have sex. Darwinian theory says that a female who rears her offspring, without any help from a male, is wasting a lot of effort rearing offspring that are partly somebody else’s. Genes are selfish; they favor their own reproduction.

People have devised various theories about sex providing advantages but it’s not obvious that sex is always worth the effort. Couldn’t you get the advantages of sex by only using it occasionally. That way, you get the benefits of reproducing your own genes plus occasionally mixing them with those o...(more)



There were actually two instances on "The Atheist Experience" where two different callers lost to Matt Dillahunty (it was clear as they stopped talking and had no response), and suddenly said they were going to come down there and "punch his fat head in for Jesus."

I think someone made a song out of it at one point, but I can't find it.

Here they are. I didn't remember they were on the same episode:

@OwlInASack They've gotten a few weird calls (although not threatening that I can remember) from England, New Zealand, Australia, and an African nation (I can't remember which), among many others. I've probably spent a few thousand hours watching the show since clips first started showing up on youtube, then live on u-stream, now live on youtube, etc.

But America is weird. I honestly can't say I fully understand it right now. Maybe I never did.


"You just want to keep on sinning."

That's one thing I love about the term secular humanist

Winning an argument with an intelegent person is difficult,...winning an argument against someone stupid,or in a ''faith''is impossible


I feel sorry for you that you won't be joining the rest of the family in heaven...

Ask them to describe heaven and explain what goes on there. Their bible says very little on it. In fact, most of what you read is simply implied but remains vague.

@DenoPenno Actually, the person that said that is very intelligent and educated...her answer was that it was not a place but an unknown that we can't possible even imagine...she acknowledged that it might be just a bunch of protons floating around but that somehow, our sentient beings would be enough to see each other in various ways...she does not think it is a place...that heaven is a metaphor for the next phase of existence....I asked her why I had to believe in a god to get into that answer

@thinktwice What next phase of existence?

@DenoPenno nothingness...death...darkness...return to photons? exactly...very vague


Well I got into a debate with a Christian last weekend. When ahe had no rebuttal, she said that I will see how wrong I was when I died.

Which makes no sense since neither one of you will know....😀

They use this one often. Believers use my age to try and convince me I had better start believing soon now. Oh, don't we love those Christians.

Hit her with these if you like, No Son of Man may die for another's sins, No one has ever gone up to heaven, There is only One Immortal. yw🙂 You and your sons will be here with me

I tell believers that if they die before I do and find out that they have ceased to exist in any form, the least they can do is return to tell me I was right and to apologize. They readily agree ... until they think about it ...


The lord moves in mysterious ways.

@Donotbelieve oh, there's nothing mysterious about the way my bowels move. My ex would say the mysterious bit is how I can spend 45 minutes doing it. Apparently "I'm hiding from you" is not the correct answer.


"I'm sorry you're an atheist," they say as if I have a terminal disease.

"I chose rational thought over magical beliefs," I reply firmly.

Silence. They don't know what to say. Perfect.


You're welcome, darling.


I feel it in my heart that god exists and you can’t convince me otherwise. What do you have to live for if there is no god?

Hot Hunks.

A good country fried steak and gravy? (Mmmmm...)

@JustRyanAgain Mmmmmmm, gravy!


How could a fish turn into a dog?

m16566 Level 7 June 25, 2019

He wasn't watching where he was swimming? The fish that is, not the dog.

Hehehe! That's right,, or can monkeys give birth to humans!?

Ne because they already are, all vertebrates are just very specialized species of fish (if you take modern biological definitions at their ridicule extreme)


"Where do you think you'll go, when you die?"

Ultimately Back To Nature. when the brain dies everything connected with it dies.
and we return to the food chain

@m16566 I always tell em: "Depends on how much money you've got!".

Who says once I die I'll have to go? Maybe I'll be able to hold it. 😉


"Did someone in the church hurt you to make you hate god?"


"But what if you're wrong?"
"That's not what the scriptures says."
"You're just angry at god."

JimG Level 8 June 25, 2019

" What if you're wrong".. I've heard that one a lot and my response is the same ? back to them. They refuse to consider that possibility and I walk away saying that we are each only responsible for ourselves, nobody else and that we'll both find out when we die. Until then, it will be unknown.

I also like #3, " You're just angry at God", to which, if I had already bothered arguing with them at all, would probably lead me to say, "Nope I'm not angry at a god I don't believe in, but I sure am tired of idiots like you".

Reminds me of a joke a stand up said, "St Peter was at the Pearly Gates with thousands of people waiting to get into heaven. He announces that the catholics were right and so all the jews, protestants, muslims, etc were condemned to hell. Sorry!"


"Don't call me a monkey!"

Love Jeff Dee.

@J75243 They lost a few hosts over the last week or two due to the kerfuffle...although Matt hinted Sunday that there may be hope some return (Jen, Tracie, John, and Phil have quit the show). In any case, people in the live chat were asking for them to reach out to Jeff Dee to return to hosting, which would be great. I remember he used to do one of their podcasts for a while after he quit hosting AE years ago, but I think he had stopped doing that for sometime now also (I could be wrong).


I can only speak from my own experience. Usually it’s something like, “Please untie me ..”

"Should I start with the bondage ties or these chain restraints? Maybe this genital cup?"

@UrsiMajor You one kinky bear.


Arn't you worried about your soul, as if the argument beyond that gets very far. They can't get their brainwashed minds around the idea that in our minds such a thing is a pointless worry.

azzow2 Level 9 June 25, 2019

I would say - sold the ol' soul to Satan for a night of pleasure with the hottest babe in the world. Yea Satan! All hail the king!

@UrsiMajor That would not work for me either mostly because I could not bend my mind around any mythology what so ever.


I got you now ,who caused the Big Bang?

m16566 Level 7 June 25, 2019

In science we don't pretend to know all the answers, we believe that the answers are knowable without the need of the supernatural.
each scientist builds on the work of the previous.
and when we've gone as far as we can go we leave it to the Next Generation.

I did


My favorite is "fuck you". When I push them to that, I know they are done. 🙂

I know taking God's name in vain is a sin - wonder of profanity is. Nice work - I salute your efforts.

@UrsiMajor I have known plenty of Christians that cuss as much as I do, and that is a lot. 🙂


You've got to have faith.

That just makes me think of poor George Michael.🥺


So you think that you should be able to just go round killing and raping and doing whatever you please.

Yes, I've come across christians who think they have a monopoly on ethics. How stupid can they get?!


So how do Satan's balls taste, sinner?

My brother said satan will fuck me in the ass! He a homophobic douche.


Have they ever won an argument with an atheist?

1of5 Level 8 June 25, 2019

"How can you not believe? Just look at a tree. Look at the clouds."
Yeah, You got me.

That reminds me of the Chewbacca defense from South Park.



Scientists say" people came from monkeys"," why are there still monkeys today?"

m16566 Level 7 June 25, 2019

Why don't they learn to google? []


we don't use that part of the Bible

m16566 Level 7 June 25, 2019

That's funny, I use the whole thing as a door stop.

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