It takes more than an Atheist to over throw over obiedience authority of Religion.
It takes a born anarchist. The sheep followers is based on fear rather than the learning process of individualism.
Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule. About 95% of man's exsitence in time in the world of woods that no one owned. We were born free like anarchist and strongly independent with no rules above us or below us. There was no Religion for 95% of the time mankind existed on earth nor atheist to over focus on them. It is much deeper than Religion, today, it's also Government playing God and the military who are the enforcer by corrosion. We each have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to want and the courage to take it.
You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere. Atheist lack spirit and can be lame when Religion takes it from them. An anarchist will confront them because its in our genes to be free. God is not a natural gene, it exist only in many people's bad imagination. The greater danger is the authorities, they are not the true leaders, the people are. Most theift, murder, poverty and enviorment damage is cause by authorities, not the public.
The collective consciousness of the people are the ones that make true positive change. Not the authorities with their over loaded laws, orders and commandment to over control our live or enslave us. They dare to call everything they do, is for our safety at a greater cost our freedom and health.
I recommend atheist and anarchist unite and be stronger together rather than the over harming authorities. For I am not their puppets and nobody owns me.
Your thoughts?
A lot of people are very uncomfortable with the concept of anarchy.
I'm not, but a lot of people are.
There is only one God and it is called Government. Religion is a tool for these powers to be. That's why Religion is tax free and all others pay. Even Richard Dawkins said Nationism is more dangerous than Religion. The idea like atheist is to make them more comfort in their uncomfortableness and to uncomfort the comfortably numb.
@Castlepaloma I understand your point, but do not agree.
I don't see human nature changing enough to get most people to leave their comfort zones.
Most humans are entirely too afraid of change to ever get comfortable with it.
Evolution is a slow process.
Study a bit of history, and look around the globe today, to see just how well societies/people fare when there is no government, no established rule of law. Anarchy is not the answer. The answer lies in finding the balance between personal freedoms, individual rights, corporate responsibility, and government involvement.
If Atheist and anarchist are not allowed in the government. Then you got fixed foxes guarding the hen house.
Atheism isn't a system, such that if there were a power vacuum, atheists would band together and impose. All it is is the rejection of supernatural deistic or theistic claims.
Well said and welcome!
It far greater than that. It's about no authority above me or below me. Do you know how much deprograming and indoctrination hierarchy camp to debrainwash from 1000s of years back, it will take?
When Religious government and military are in bed together. So where are the clowns, since many are calling me foolish. Where are those non believers, send in those clowns, anything better than the shit injustice system they give us? The largest corporation in the world is the military and the police. You kill a cop you get a death penalty, how is that cop better than me or not as equal to my life? Authorities kill more people than the public do worldwide. They are just good hypocrites.
Atheist speciality is deprograming organizated superstition.
This about the dumbest thing I've read.
Anarchy, the lacks of rules, strips freedoms away from those who are not lucky or strong enough to keep them. They are stripped away by those who lucked into the right resources or advantages.
Anarchy fundamental flaw is that it assumes that people are always good and know what is good. It's the same flaw of Communism.
If we assume that no one knows the rules of good and that we have limited resources then a government and society is neccessary to codify a set starting rules that can be changed and resources that can be distributed correctly.
Are there a-holes who will try to take advantage of an imperfect government and society? Of course. Does that mean we throw out the rules? No. We simply provides a means of changing the rules towards the better, and make it harder to change the rules without everyone's consent.
This is why we have a government of the people, fracturing and decentralized power, and checks and balances with the goal of slowly changing and updating the law as we learn what being good means. It's so no one group or individual has the ability to quickly amass power to impose their "rules of good".
Besides, I don't want to eliminate religion. I want every one to freely choose and hopefully eventually leave religion on their own. Thats true freedom. There is no doubt religion has benefited individuals and given them a quality a life they desired, I'm not against that. I am against those who abuse religion to amass political and financial power to impose their rules on others by changing our society and our government. Anarchy would only help them by removing the rules that hinder them.
So, no anarchy for me, thanks.
No shock to me, my entire life was been filled with naysayer, yet unlike the Phelps family. I turned everyone them into a positive, like the sand and snow sculpture industry. Like Cannabis, urban farming and tiny house industry. Watch how Anarchist and non-believers plus many other new ways of positive thinking can be blended in time, . Anarchist have simple rules & most are easy to follow, biggest on freedoms rather than counting sheep and their sheep dogs. Diversity is their strength for self reliance and self effectively is the key than share with the world as a family. Government is a delusional of your freedoms and rights with far too many ridiculous laws and rules that emprison you, faster than can make your head spin.
Anarchy fundamental is no authority above me or below me, yet it can be incorporated with any other ways of thinking. Just not with cruel dictatorships and Gods or anything harmful involved in the state. Everyone has their own rules for their business. Free trade will assumes distributed correctly only no harm is the rule and law. People are basicly good or the planet would not exist. Communism just another over dictatorship.
I am for Religious freedom also. Just not a government absence of non-believers or no degree of Anarchist for safe balance and checks.
Anarchist would not take out any sound ethical law or rule if it agreement with the majority.
Sorry, anarchist are booming like atheist anyways.
Communism doesn't assume everybody is good. That's ridiculous.
All it assumes is, collective action is better than every man for himself.
If anything, it's the OPPOSITE of anarchy.
A few Communism countries I visited, like old USSR Most can be basically good people, just didn't find them to be happy places. Russia today is moving in the right direction. I found anarchist communities both collective with many strong individuals.
Anarchy is the system which has maximum freedom from the onset, but as time goes on it quickly becomes the least free. Why? It's because there is nothing stopping the strong from taking as they please from the weak.The most basic hierarchies quickly develop into organized totalitarian regimes in as little as a few days. The end result is a system that has a relatively small number of completely free people at the top, but overall has very little freedom.
On the other hand, the basis of liberalism is that we take away the freedoms that allow one person to violate another individual's freedom, or harm the system itself. So every individual is less free than the privileged few under anarchy, but the overall freedom is much higher because the freedoms are more distributed to everyone.
Anarchy always leads to authoritarianism.
Nonsense! to anarchy leads to authoritism, it is the opposite as you can get. Like Atheist is a Religion. I had Trump tried to unionized my artist, thats like herding cats, the same with individualism anarchist.
Have you ever lived with a group of Anarchist, if not you don't know what you are taking about. I was shock when I first move in with a women, it's nicer with anarchist.
I learn most about anarchist in Canada and Latin countries. The Legatum ProThesperity Indexanada Ranked The #1 Freest Country In The World to be Canada. For shoulders above all other countries in one aspect — personal freedom. From traveling over a 100 countries I find many Latin countries freest because they don't except America authorities greater than anywhere. It where I spend most of my winters and plan B in case of a financial collapse.
@Castlepaloma If there are no rules, then what stops someone from say, taking slaves?
Canada is not anarchist. Somalia is.
Anarchism is for youngsters who don't have enough social experience to understand why we have government. You still eventually have leaders, but they're going to be the most brutal, greedy, and ruthless people in the group.
And if you think those are the people in charge now, you don't understand the difference between a pickpocket and a gangster.
I am a senior, I find the opposite to be true.
Have you ever visited an anarchist community? Never met an anarchist leader who was greedy, brutal and ruthless. Funny all these Atheist with bigotry notion where they have not experienced being with anarchist. The odd young punk who thinks he is an anarchist dose not represent the whole. Atheist must be still going through this same shit being called jerks and atheist equal to Rapest by the Religious, I certainly could not bare that. Be more understanding and go to Anarchast website on YouTube or better actually meet a group of them, they are as normal as you, I hope.
@Castlepaloma - So, who's the leader or leadership group of this anarchist "community"?
No leader = No community
Leader = Not anarchy
And if you do have a leaderless group of anarchists you call a community, does it consist only of adults with common goals like security, safety, or other goals for the common good, If so, THOSE AREN'T ANARCHISTS!
If someone an etrreme anarchist they are probably a hermit. If an atheist is extreme , they lack the knowledge of 99% of world mass and have 75% of world population disagreeing with their core value, kind of leaves you a bit lonely.
Most here are disagreeing with me on this post and I think in everything in moderation and diversity of all group is the best strength. Over domination of Religions, government and the injustices system is most damaging to my very core being. Best example is Iceland an anarchist country for 45 years and Canada with the most diverse system and both are among the top happiness countries in the world.
In an anarchist community you hire a professional cop or security for protection if need, the best security is your community watch. I am a leader in urban farming, sculpture, tiny houses they hire me or I teach them. Schooling is more home school and often they more advance like Finland who tops in the world. Most would agree to use Governments for the small stuff, just never to be the boss or slave master of their lives.
@Castlepaloma - Anarchy is extreme. The community you speak of is not an "anarchist" community, even if that's what they choose to call themselves.
Assuming you're using the second definition of anarchy (Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal), you've already violated that with your "community watch."
Who decides what they watch for? Who determines what constitutes a security violation? As soon as that decision is made, by a leader, by a trusted group, or by the whole group, your friends are no longer anarchists.
In a related topic - I planning to start a nihilist glee club. I hope all like-minded enthusiastic, optimistic nihilists on this site who like to sing pop music will contact me to sign up!
Anarchist festivals and conventions are everywhere. There are some in the US that do not go under the label anarchist because they are extremely hassle or treated like illegal marrijunna events. The Cannabis and anarchtist conversations and meetings are the most advanced in diversity of trades and technology I've seen anywhere on the planet. You will find plenty of millionaire and billionaire's there and there is no stopping it now.
The Largest internet podcast in the world is Anarchast. I am sure you would change your mind about anarchist if you watched a few of those.
If you don't get out much.
@Castlepaloma - I assume that "Anarchapulco" is like a Renaissance Festival for fans of anarchy. You probably get to dress up like anarchists, eat anarchist foods on a stick, and throw styrofoam molotov cocktails at a model of a police car. Enjoy yourself!
Funny you would say that, going by your photo, you look like you would fit in, just right.
In Quebec a major features was my Sandcastle in the worlds largest Renaissance festival in Quebec with 500,000 attendance. Also Quebec has the most anarchist in North America, San Francisco would be second. They sure know how to Party. Wail your Atheist parades would be dragging your science books around. After the party, they blend in with everyone else because they don't want to be seriously hassle by the cops. Most anarchist I know prefer pot over posionist alcohol. The odd time they will finger a cop wail they are growing their cheap legal medicine pot at the possible expense of a drunk driving and violent cops arresting them.
Apart from in a few theocracies we are not governed by religious authorities so anarchy has no connection with atheism.
Since man has always been a tribal animal anarchy does not and cannot work.
Republicans have shown by their actions that they want to push us into a theocracy. Just saying.......,
I disagree with that.
I think, in the US, the christians have effectively taken over most aspects of public policy.
They're continuing to gain ground, too.
Whenever christian control is challenged, they scream "discrimination".
We may not be a recognized theocracy, but don't kid yourself, we're up to
our eyeballs in religious influence.
Where are all these non believers in supreme Court or US congress, nada. Atheist is considered to be between a jerk and Rapest. There is no God gene, nor atheist gene or anarchist gene. Just the ideas that form our imagination along with work. Where they have formed our lifestyles, the world and everything we have ever achieved.
In the US, it is damned near impossible for any atheist to achieve elected office. Unless of course you count 45, who said he was an atheist years ago, but then pandered to the evangelicals and claimed to be a christian.
They are STUPID enough to believe him.
The reason there are no atheists on SCOTUS is because, again, it's about who you know and the "clubs" you belong to.
Yes, there SHOULD be more non-believers holding high office and judgeships in this country, but there aren't.
Now, with the republicans packing the courts with conservatives, it's going to be generations before there's any possibility of restoring ANY kind of balance anywhere in the US, whether it be within the government or the courts.
There's definitely reason to be angry about it, but the only thing that's going to fix this (if it can be fixed) is time.
I think the problem with that lies in the cyclical form of nature where we keep moving from liberalism to conservatism and back. We probably do that because we are incapable of getting the balance right so we keep correcting the mistakes of one system by a return to the mistakes of the other and on and on.
They designed two wings to the same bird. They are like a tag team pro wrestlers of megalomaniac. ( Taken from Jessi Ventura, anarchist) Allowing other politiscal parties would mean letting go of complete control of the people. Even control of politiscains who like anarchist Ron Paul, and his direct honesty, would be disallowed by the corrupted powers to be.
@Castlepaloma I was thinking more about political systems than political parties.
Politicial Parties or systems they are both broken.
@Castlepaloma I wouldn't recommend anarchy in that case.
Very few anarchist are inspired to be in poliitricks. Many hope for maybe a libertarian or Atheists might slip in to make things better. Probably still disguise as Religious. After this post, I have less hope. There is always tropical Colombia for Plan B.
@Castlepaloma I would be surprised too if atheists tended to anarchists. Society needs a certain amount of stability. It's the lack of balance that is the problem and I don't think destruction is the answer.
I can understand why some people think Anarchist are desturctive. When fake news media and over controling Government think Anarchist is their public enemie number one like weed was for 80 years. Luckly the Government doesn't own a patent on Anarchist like marijunna and then burn it at the stake.
For lack of Anarchism balance or creating destruction, that can't be further from the truth.
You think that more Atheists would show more compassion for Anarchist. At times in history atheist just mentioned God is no more than a figment of human imagination. The trails of heresy, convicted an atheist, to be burned at the stake.
If so few people are capable of ruling their own lives, why would you be on favor of a system that at it's core is dependent on people governing themselves without oversight from a higher authority?
Few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule.
Why would you want someone else to rule your life?, When always you can do a better job of running your own life. I thought Atheist are sick and tired of Religion running their lives. Religion rules your lives because they are all Religious in the US Government. Religion has a monopoly on emotion, social programs and your Government. It seems the time machine Morlocks are having you for lunch, everyday.. I know much happier people who are living their own lives and creating their own dreams. You follow their fake dreams and their greedy.owners and you honestly think they care about you?
Without your own dreams, you may loose your mind.
@Castlepaloma I agree with you. Religious people running things in government, pushing their values on us is terrible. People ought to be able to run their own lives as they see fit.
But you got to admit, when you are arguing that the vast majority of people aren't wise enough to rule themselves, while simultaneously advocating a social system featuring complete autonomy for individuals is a bit oxymoronic. I happen to believe that most people are capable of running their own lives very well, especially when they organize themselves in close knit communities that are supportive and egalitarian.
My thoughts? Honestly, I don't even understand the premise of your argument.
I dislike broad generalizations, stereotypes and proposed definitives. This post borders on an ad hominem fallacy with a touch of the strawman thrown in for good measure. There is no logic in your argument nor any supporting facts, not to mention the premises based on opinion.
What is your basis for the phrase "collective consciousness"? Where did you get your percentages? If I don't agree with your premise, then I am an authorities' puppet? Whose definition and history of anarchism are you basing your argument on?
Too many open questions left in this.
This, is of course, my opinion base on logical fallacies found in discourse and debate. YMMV.
I build eco tiny house communities as one of my few business. Many on which I experience many strong anarchist eco communities throughout
Western Canada , Centro America and South America. Many here don't understand what or how Anarchist can be a great contribution or incorporated into North America society or throughout the world.
One great success story is how an anarchist country like Iceland emprisoned their bankers from a bankrupt country then changed to be one of Europe's wealthest countries per capita. The anarchist black flag flew at the Icesave referendum. Iceland rejects bank payback plans two times. Anarchist Economics. May Day 2011 is both a day of action, history and celebration, see International Workers of the World - IWW.
The US will hold their citizens to endless debt to bankers for generations to come. The Extreme probabilities is that America empire will soon suffer the most financial it's history and US will be ground zero.
What do I care, I am here only to wake up a few people. I've have a Colombia country of Anarchist community to move to. Planning on sending care packages to the US as a business plan, later anyways.
Iceland was the first anarchist country in the world, since the velvet anarchist revolution May Day 1966, and is still an Anarchy. The "Pots & Pans Revolution" since 2008 is an extension of the revolutionary change of 1966. 01.05.2011 libertarians world wide celebrate both 1. International Labor Day 125 years since the initialization related to the Chicago anarchists in 1886, and 2. the Icelandic Anarchist Revolution 45 years.
I don't count North Korea or Somolia an anarchist country. Just more negatively toward ideas of Anarchism or individualism.
Tl;dr zzzzz
Full version, wow that whole brain dump is just one self contradictiry truism after another.
Prove it!
@Castlepaloma zzzzzz
Most here have not proven one bit that Anarchist are not as worthy as Atheists. The truth is both more funny and
more extraordinary than fiction.
Alot of this lame shit makes me want to zzzz.
@Castlepaloma You've not proven anything to disprove.
I can't tell you what fish taste like, if you have never eaten it. Third hand me information comments about anarchist counts as bs.
This is the best way I can respond to this:
The Beatles are unquestionably the best and most important band in rock history, as well as the most compelling story. They created their own revolution. In smaller ways I have too. They made love song wise and hate foolish.
Shheech, can't get I like anywhere, don't really care, The strongest man in the world stands alone. Been there, done that, and always flying on the seat of my pants. Funny how I always end up going in the right direction.
We are not born free at all. Humans are among the most helpless and dependent when born and would not survive in your definition of freedom. Freedom and responsibility are linked and interdependent. If one person is totally free, no one else is, or, as my mom used to say, my freedom to swing my arm ends at your nose. Anarchy does not lead to freedom and it is antithetical to our survival as a species, which survival indeed relies on cooperation.
I was born helpless with the only fear was loud sounds and falling. Everything else I had to learn. Once I learn how fuckup my parents were starting at age 4. I tried to run away several times, but athority keept dragging me back. I was an adult at age12 hitch hiked 3000 miles away. Authorities dragged me back to finish 5 more years of indoctrinations camp schooling and alcohol parenting. As an legal adult I retained my parents on how to be loving. Been happy ever after ever since, sometime it's survival yet I can honestly say most of my life had been happy. All I want is each country, is the gross national product, to be happy in steps.
@Castlepaloma right. so... everything i said stands.
Anarchy means a breakdown in societal structures and the rule of law is replaced by the rule of the jungle. This means the strongest and fittest become the new rulers they take from the weak, and the majority are worse off than they were thanks, I’m old and would be one of the weak, but even if I were young and strong I wouldn’t want to live in a world like that. The structures of government and laws that we have developed over centuries are irksome at times, but are necessary if we are to remain reasonably civilised.
The most civilizated and strongest individuals people I have ever been with are Anarchist.
Don't worry they won't rule over you, not like evolution or far worst world leaders. At least I can understand evolution because maybe I love animals as much or more than people.
true anarchism would never be written about... just practiced...
That's what I say about Religion, alway ends up in a conflict along with politics.
The fastest growing groups out there are non believers and anarchist who are coming out of the closest like atheist did 30 years ago.
"Anarchists unite"... then stratify into your own hierarchy. You'll become what you hate or starve.
I recommend watching a few 1/2 shows on Anarchast on YouTube, to get educate yourselves. If you never get off your butts, to try to experience between cannabis and anarchist conversation With all their festivals, conversation and communities where the most advanced on entrepreneur trades and new technology I have ever seen. Then just maybe, your head is in the sand.
Have not met any staving, violent, hateful or even lonely anarchist yet. You would think by now, everyone knows the Government is seriously corrupted, it's time to wake up now!!!. At this anarchapulco conversation they have 1000s of attendance and a few happy millionaire and billionaire's. None of the poorest from Bangladesh or terrorist.
@Castlepaloma Cryptocurrency? I thought you were talking about something significant.
He was just one of the speakers of dozens at the world largest anarchist conversation in Mexico. There are dozens of other videos of other organizations of anarchist events and venues. Why bother presenting it here. So far Atheists have shown me on this site they have as much interested about anarchist than they do for cannabis being the best known medicine known to man and most diverse productive plant on earth. Anarichst and cannabis are the best organizated events I've experienced of any kind. There are few of interest that do here, just not enough to invest my
energy towards.
I am talking about the most advanced and amazing group of people I've ever met. Anarchist have enlighten my life more than any other group in the last 30 years. I will be doing a series of interviews and documentaries about Anarchist in the near future.My daughter lives in Montreal the largest group of Anarchism in North America, she is keen on being involved , another Anarchist who is world famous in her profession also. Although since I have talked about cannabis here and got greatly rejected. Funny how many more here on this site have been investigating about cannabis for themselves.
@Castlepaloma All I'm saying is that anarchism is akin to utopianism. Its pursuit is paved in blood. It may even be achieved. Yet there is no guarantee that what replaces the status quo is better.
Hierarchy or centroization has not worked out well for equallity for all groups for centuries. All groups as to all individuals are all equal in different ways. Like women are equal to men in different ways.
Right now Religions, Politicians and military are in bed together totally dominance of the world that can't be healthy. Most people have been killed by these athorities than have been killed by the public. I don't want Atheist or anarchist to dominate the world, only to have their share in freedom and Human rights as for all. All for one and one for all.
No Thanks, anarchism today can be viewed as just another form of domestic terrorism and I want no part of the violence.
US government is by far the leading terrorist group in the world and many former troops will video testimonial that. I have not found evidence of anarchist terrorist. Just the odd lost punk kid that vandalizes something. I know, I'm a part time investigator the last 10 years. I got my licence so I can better develop security system for my tiny house community. Anarchist I know, are always stressing nonviolence more than any group. Montreal has the largest group of anartist in North America. The Government also making out to the people to make believe that anarchists are bad as Nazis, it's total BS.
"Not the authorities with their over loaded laws, orders and commandment to over control our live or enslave us. "
Most people don't seem to understand that the government, assuming you live in a democracy, is not an independent organization, nor a royal family passing authority to their offspring.
It's a product of citizen's vote.
If the government is corrupt, that is not due to an inherent corruption of governing bodies; it's because the citizens elected corrupt people.
Now, if most people can not even spend enough time/energy on ensuring their elected officials are not corrupt, what makes you think they have what it takes to survive without a government?
First there was Religions, then military and latest government. Humans have had 1000s of years exsitence long before kings and politics. The collective consciousness of the people have always been the boss. They have crushed empires when they decide they are greatly abused enough in almost no time. US military could not stand a chance against it's citizens with 10 times the gun power and 100s of times the man power. Since guns do most of the killing and number win most of the wars, it's no contest.. USSR military could not fire on its own people, so the walls had to come down. Trump can't save America with delusional walls.
I am of the mindset that NO person is fit to run government, because once in it, they gradually gravitate toward increasing the power that they have, becoming more corrupt, and you know the rest.
As for anarchy, yes it has a lot of merit, but it has failed to take root, time and time again, most likely because of the smear campaigns about how it means chaos and all that bull shit.
Maybe there is a window of opportunity for it though . . .
I am of the opinion that the only thing that will prevent man from self destruction is artificial intelligence, or the mix of man and computer, i.e., transhumanism.
The internet has been the best tool so far, for bringing awareness of the broken system and can't be fix by it's leaders. Don't think robot cop is humane proof, or it has not been invent yet, exspeically to out smart ourselves. Although did enjoy the robot movie with Robert Williams probably won't see it in my lifetime.
Maybe . . . maybe not . . . []
If there is a person like the brilliance of Elon Musk’s Neuralink, the secretive company developing brain-machine interfaces. He would be the one.
Is Matt Damon gonna be in the Born Anarchist?
I hear Matt Damon is a hot nice guy. Where did he claim he is an anarchist?
Anarchy is all well and good, but let's not conflate it with the goals and principles of atheism. These are not necessarily similar ideas. I'm not all that excited about how our 1st world governments are operating, either, but I can think of a million worse options, yanno? And I'm an able-bodied male.
A courageous, white, able-bodied male has a different list of priorities than, say, a young female. The potential end product of anarchy will seem a lot more frightening to her than to him. What will you tell her about her safety?
Once she meets up with anarchists women. They will show her by example how well educated, honest and we'll behaved their children are, being a reflection of themselves. There is no terrorist cave you will be brought to, like your brainwash fake news presents.
Beside you are 8 to 40 times more likely to be killed by police than by terrorist. Anarchist don't allow both in, without an ethical test.
@Castlepaloma Yeahhhhh....I'm not sure it's in my best interest to take you seriously at this point. Fun discussion, but I think you understand my reservations succinctly.
Most often I am most serious when I am joking.
Because most people cannot handle the truth.
@Castlepaloma If I thought you were the arbiter of truth this discussion would have gone much differently. Thankfully I can usually tell a hawk from a handsaw. "I am most serious when I am joking" doesn't seem a credible excuse, sorry.
I think that you would do better to give a description of anarchy. Many people have a knee-jerk reaction to the very word anarchy. I think that it's a great idea..and joining of forces will be needed because of the large problems. I am waiting to hear people's discussions on this.
I have belonged to an anarchist group btw We also did organic gardening and alternative energies.
My response was partially erased. our anarchist group mainly did community development and involving sidelined youth in the procerss. Also big on the agenda was organic gardening, veganism, and alternative energy. Protesting things was also involved.. but not on a day to day basis.
Taking up arms is unnecessary. There is a great misception anarchist are involved in bombings, riots and alot of other false flag destructive acts. They are the least violent group and most creative entrepenurs I have ever experienced in my life. Personally I am not anti anything and think simply rules and a Government the people are the boss of, not the other way round. It gose in degree like some atheist as for some Anarchism is an anti-authoritarian. Anarchist are a political philosophy that rejects hierarchies deemed unjust and advocates their replacement with self-managed, self-governed societies based on voluntary, cooperative institutions.
That is really cool, organic food and alternative energy.
Being an artist all my life, pioneered two new industry from it. Last 15 years pioneered tiny houses and their community. Also urban farming and helped legalized cannabis. Can't believe as a senior today, my birthday is today!!! Full pension, I am just getting started.
I am it too sure, on the strength of this diatribe whinyiu want to take up arms against.
Give us a summary with clarity and we could discuss
Talk about preaching to the choir, lol. I, however, am with you 100%. I'm not so sure about supposed human predisposition toward benevolence, or the need for it, but to me it doesn't matter all that much. I am a nature lover, human and otherwise. As cruel and callous as it can be, it never lies. The nature of something is it's origin, where it comes from. People forget this fact too often, and as they do, they become lost in fairytales and fantasies about gods and masters that will solve all of their problems as long as they believe it, and pledge allegiance to it. Be careful, as you re-mind people, that the state not take notice.
Happy not to fell so lonesome here.
I love your guote
I believe we exist in a world of endless possibilities, within which several exist as probabilities, simpler and more efficient than the others, as necessity demands
What anarchists cannot address properly is what happens to the disadvantaged populations? Your disabled people that cannot work or the sick or pregnant or poverty-stricken or elderly? Without social services and social programs like socialized healthcare or medicaid, food stamps, welfare, subsidized or affordable housing, pension plans and a host of other programs, how will they live? Anarchists assume the community would step up and care for all of these. AND WHAT IF THEY DON'T?! Fck em? Would there be socialist programs offered under anarchism?
I don't have the answers for political solutions. For politiscains like Ron Paul and many others do have answers. I am so confident in the uncompelled benevolence of human beings, we should join libertarians in the call for a society without cynically legitimized, systematic coercion. With cooperation groups of contractors like myself. I studied endless on how the government abuses the public. To the point where most people are a few paycheck away from bankruptcy or homelessness. That abuse by human nature is force to change to masses suffering of the unhappy people are force into my area of efficiency living.
With grey areas and alternative living toward to operations like real-life libertarians have repeatedly stressed that cooperation and sharing come naturally to human beings; we need not, therefore, be intimidated and terrorized into cooperative endeavors by the state.
I myself who lives off grid for most of 15 years. Have answers for the largest problem of all, housing. I'm manufacturing tiny houses that is affordable to 90% of the population when most houses are unaffordable now. In Canada most food comes from 1500 km. away. Where urban farming that I teach provides most of my food supply. This combined with selfsubstainble eco communities is a starting push.The greatest Podcast I ever seen on the internet for solutions in our society is called Anarchast. This gives the most me the confidence and most solutions I have ever seen out there for a variety of people. The is no problems, only can do and solution attitude. Rather than overwhelming constant complainters everyday about the Government it sicken me to no end. Wail I am living dream of happiness. Most of envy can only put me down, is probably that is the worst virtue people can have and it solves nothing.
I think hardcore anarchists rely on Darwin to explain this point..
@ maturin
Yes Libertarians will bur between lines to protect themselves , from being ousted for this hidden agenda for anarchy. When Religion has totally dominance in Government. With your bigotry towards libertarians and your an atheist merits you as, Not a snowball chance in hell of changing the increasingly collaspe of your Nation.
@Castlepaloma "cooperation and sharing come naturally to human beings". Really? To all humans? Or just those part of the in-group? aka those with the same race, religion, etc. as a person? And also, giving a few bucks to help someone out is not enough to provide one with housing, medication, food, etc. To sustain the lives of the disadvantaged is very costly and not what most average humans are capable of. Which is where libertarianism and anarchism fail horribly.
My life been beautiful because I keept bullies and negative people at bay. Freedom , love and health were not challenges until our Government and owner of us, were the greatest bullies and threw us over board 30 years ago and it's been getting worst ever since.
Being a moderate anarchist balance my life and found no other group more cooperation, sharing and naturally humane. They just don't cow down to bullies and over dominate other groups like Religion and Government. The high tax of 1/3 to half is not giving a few bucks, it forcing most
to a few checks away from bankruptcy or Homelessness. I have the solution for 90% of affordable housing with tiny houses, but couldn't put it into practice
legally until this year. Along with medical marijuana that saved my life and many others I know. I'm Teaching urban superfood farming Al this combined makes me the best leader I can be. Also leading by example, rather than begging from the Government for most everything wail handing out most everything over to the 1%. Government had done very little towards the two top killers in the world, Poverty and Natural environment which go hand and hand. Libertarianism and anarchism have not given a real chance to do anything horrible, that is a delusion. Wouldn't want Atheist or anarchist to dominate in Government a neither, just have group equal human beings in their own way only rule no harm. Your just supporting Religion and more military and prisons they way they are booming.
Government is the only true God and it dominated by Religion and the injustices system. Plus your owners, owners of your house, owners of your job and national debt to own your kids and to own you.. I thought non believers knew that by now.
@Castlepaloma LOL what are you talking about? Open a history book. Diseases have been rampant throughout history! Have you not heard of the black plague that wiped out millions in Europe?! IT is only thanks to modern vaccines and medicine that people are able to live to such old ages. Living beyond 50 in the distant past was a rarity.
Government job is to protect the people and take care of the small stuff. Not to be creative with our finances or what goes in or out of our bodies or who we love. First time in modern history Americans life expectancy has decline.
Americans rarely have anything good to say about bureaucracies, and their complaints hold alot of truth. Regan trickle down plan put into practice created the stranglehold chains for hierachary and surpression everyone except the rich. Where inflation beat wage increase every year and most people living beyond their means with synthetic materialistic sociality foremost and a decline overall in intelligent, spiritual, realationships and physical.
Previously, bureaucratic since JFK regulations and rules were helpful when unexpected situations arise, not today. Bureaucratic authority is notoriously undemocratic, and blind adherence to rules inhibit the exact actions necessary to achieve organizational goals.
Bureacrocks creating “paper trails” and mountains of paper and rules only slow an organization's capacity to achieve stated goals. Their red tape costs taxpayers both time and money. This formulated explains how the system is broken and dysfunctional.