There are some serious problems with Bernie. It should not be too hard to understand.
I will ad this:
8. Bernie should not be allowed to hijack the Democratic platform to seek the highest office of the land. He has not been a Democrat, always has been an independent and he should run as an independent. We have plenty of good Democrat candidates who can do better than him. He has done serious damage to the party's image by painting it as an extreme left socialist party. The opponents have successfully labeled the Democratic party as socialist and extreme left wing. We are not an extreme left wing or a socialist party. We are a party of great leaders in the history who have been able to bring both aisles together to get things done in Washington, not polarize people extremely like Bernie has done twice. Voters told him once loud and clear to get out but apparently he has not listened. He is failing again. I do not know what other signals he needs to drop out and not run ever again. Bernie is not a Democrat and we are not like Bernie.
His supporters are living in a la la land. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Ahhh, so you're a centrist. Only a centrist gets that triggered by Bernie.
Bernie's popularity reflects what the voters want. They respond to his policies because he wants to level the playing field so more people have more of a chance to prosper. This is repugnant to Rs and centrist Ds alike -- two groups so mired in greed and corruption that nothing will ever change under either of them.Centrist Democrats are just Republican Lite.
Bernie does want a revolution, so do most Americans which is why his policies are overwhelmingly favored by voters when polled.
M4A -- 70%
$15 Min Wage -- 63%
Debt Free College -- 60%
Green New Deal -- 81%
Expand Social Security -- 72%
Legalize Weed -- 62%
Uphold Roe v Wade -- 69%
And on and on it goes: Net Neutrality, Climate Change, Tax the Rick/Corporations, Campaign Finance Reform, etc... they're all in Bernie's view and all in majority agreement with voters and that includes many R voters.
You hate Bernie. Fine, don't vote for him. Your support will not be missed.
You are not getting the message. We all want fairness, we all want justice, healthcare, college and all.... all.... all else. But the problems is not the programs, it is not the message. It is Bernie. You prop is bad. Bernie will not get elected. In American politics, candidates get elected, not programs.
@St-Sinner Your comment is not grounded in reality. He just pointed out to you the massive popularity of his proposals. That's a big part of getting elected. Rational people look at policy rather than playing identity politics. And this candidate does get elected. He got elected Senator he is the front running in the primary, and he just won Iowa.
@RoboGraham The very fact that Bernie lost in 2016, he could not even win in Iowa hands down for the second run in 2020 and still cannot lead the pack of other candidates is all grounded in reality. You are blinded by blind faith that you do not see the reality.
@St-Sinner But he is leading the pack. He has replaced biden as national front runner. And he got the most votes in Iowa. Despite all their tricks, he still won. You have blind faith to the cause of cable news centrism.
@RoboGraham Hello, Bernie lost Iowa to a 38 year nobody after all that hoopla and a second time run with a lot of money? Don't give me that popular vote crap. A loss is a loss. A novice like Buttigieg kicked his ass.
@St-Sinner The Iowa democrats have admitted that there are significant errors in the counting but "βThe incorrect math on the Caucus Math Worksheets must not be changed to ensure the integrity of the process,β
No, you ensure the integrity of the process by fixing errors so it is accurate. The rigging in favor of Mayor Pete is so blatant that you would have to be oblivious, which I know you aren't, or willing to accept this anti-democratic process because it hurts the candidate you dislike.
@St-Sinner So you agree with his meassage but not with Bernie personally. Do you think he's too old, rumpled. and Jewish to be President? What's your problem with him as a person?
Agree with all except get off the Democratic Party platform. That is what I am fighting. The Democratic Party is not for socialists, far extreme leftists and fringe elements.
Bernie represents my values too. But I'm also a pragmatist and I realize this country doesn't change that fast. The 2016 election taught me that this 2020 election is a contest of progress versus regress. Bernie is influencing the conversation in a good way but his ideas are too radical for this electorate. I will vote for the candidate most likely to deliver baby steps in a progressive direction. Then in 2024 or 2028 we can hopefully win with a candidate who has values which match Bernie's.
This country doesn't change that fast because people think it can't and vote to slow it down (otherwise known as conservatism). It changes as fast as people will vote for change.
@skado I agree with you that conservatism exists. The unapologetic conservatives are called the Republican party! I'm NPA who is firmly moderate on the political spectrum. So to people on the right I look like a left wing liberal. To people on the left I look like a "conservative" right winger. That's why I call myself a pragmatist because I'm less zealous than the two more extreme sides of the spectrum. I'm not denouncing your opinion. I'm merely sharing mine for your edification.
@skado, @OwlInASack I don't see politics as a binary function regardless of which country we are talking about. I look at it on a spectrum. In the US a clear majority exists in the middle of that spectrum. In our perticular case the charlatan has been exposed to the whole country by the impeachment. I know a lot of people who fell for the dirty tricks in 2016. All of these people feel embarrased that they were bamboozled by the global humanitarian disaster we call the US President. But they fear a knee jerk reaction to the far left. This sentiment is why I think a measured compromise candidate is needed and most likely to be elected.
I didnβt feel denounced, and I hope you didnβt. Just discussing ideas.
@skado Thanks my friend. We are good as always...
@OwlInASack I agree there are many types of people on the political spectrum. It is my experience that the centrists draw the ire from both extremes (the left and the right)!
Bernie has a program that will raise the middle class. I'm sorry you don't see it. But Bernie is a super star.
I am dumbfounded about your blind passion. I am telling you that Bernie will not be president. Who cares about what he has in his pockets and back pockets. We do not want him. He will doom the Democratic Party for 30 years to come. It is not the message, it is not the programs, it is the lousy messenger.
Hey, I'm not a Bernie supporter at all but this post is an unhinged shitshow.
Tell me what is wrong about Bernie here. Don't shoot and scoot.
Calling this post "truth" and calling your claims "pragmatism" is too farcical to even address seriously. You just come across like one of those atheist movement people who co-opted the language of skepticism without holding yourself accountable to actually learn something about politics or history or economics. You don't just spout silly nonsense and get a pass because you call it the truth.
The citizens of most Western Democracy (other than the USofA) would consider Bernie Sanders to be somewhere right of center on their political landscapes. Bernie is a Radical but only if you are an American and living in the corrupt corporate oligarchy that the US calls a democracy.
@OwlInASack I must confess that I didn't include the UK in the group of Western Democracies, wtf is going on over there. Has every Englishman lost their bloody mind?
Why does not Bernie launch his own party and win? Why hijack the Democratic Party that is not his?
@St-Sinner Why did the Democratic Party allow itself to be hijacked by the corporate elites? Why didn't the corporate elites start their own party and let the Democratic Party continue to stand for the sane majority instead of limiting the choices in each election to Bad or Worse? Sounds to me like Bernie is just moving the Democrats back to where they ought to be in the first place.
@St-Sinner "Why does not Bernie launch his own party and win? Why hijack the Democratic Party that is not his?" is the first on the list of my "Spot the Trump Talking Points."
@AtheistReader It is my point. I want Bernie to be thrown out of the Democratic Party platform. I do not care what Trump says.
@OwlInASack I have more than a few British friends who feel the same way. On the bright side, a bad case of Coronavirus would decimate the base for the Tories, nature takes its course.
Hahaha A bigger load of horse poo I never did read. It would take a novel to debunk the bogus βlogicββand thatβs doing a disservice to the wordβof this post.
Blind faith blinds your thinking and vision.
@St-Sinner you make rash and irrational assumptions based in a bizarre world of upside down and chaotic rhetoric. You know nothing of my beliefs. So I will say only this: I believe in the rights of all beings to live a life of dignity. People and their policies that force us to prove our worthiness have such a wayward, outsized view of their own worth that they feel they must impose their ideas And metrics on others to ensure their superiority. Whether this happens in religion or politics or anywhere in society, this is the bane of human existence. Just accept that we all deserve a life of dignity and leave the rest on the cutting room floor.
Rash and irrational because I oppose Bernie and they are not palatable to your thinking? Every comment is a concern of the Democrats. Bernie is a bad news. He is a bad messenger for the Democrats and progressive movement. Bernie belongs to some extreme party, not the Democratic Party. He is the Extreme Far Left. We do not want him.
@OwlInASack I stand by my observations in the post. Instead of being angry, think through and understand the reality. Bernie will not be president. Buttigieg will not be president. Bloomberg.. as good as he is an I love him... will not be president in this land. I am trying to save you all but you your blind faith has put on a wrong path and I do not like that you are using the Democratic Party banner to do the damage.
I am pointing out my observations in Bernie's week candidacy, Am I not? When you strongly disagree with them, you can name it anything you like.
@St-Sinner I've asked you to stop assuming you know who I am or what I believe, except for my stated belief that all people should be treated as if they're lives are worth the same as everyone else's lives. I can't even keep up with the number of places in this post you've continued to hound me and tell me what's right and wrong, what I believe and don't believe it. I'm through here. I'll be deleting future notifications of updates to this thread because I will never stop believing that all people have the unalienable right to health care, among other basic human rights.
The country doesn't need to be going to shit for a political revolution to occur. Remember the Reagan Revolution? Was the country any worse off in the 80s than it is now? No, over half a million homeless people, people swimming in student debt, people dying and going bankrupt because they can't get healthcare, endless wars, suicide rate rising, opioid epidemic, life expectancy declining, climate crisis looming, minimum wage stagnant, gun violence way up, mass incarceration.. These are the sorts of conditions in which major change can occur.
Taxing the ultra-wealthy to provide public services for the greater good does sell, it's extremely popular. The only reason it doesn't occur is because the wealthy have a stranglehold on power and massive propaganda machines constantly churning out their narrative.
#4 will apply to every candidate out there. Congress is gridlocked nothing gets done. Do you think that another moderate is going to fix that? They are all about the status quo. remember that revolution from #1, well this is where that comes in. We need someone with different ideas and a ton of ambition to accomplish positive reform. We need a fighter. Bernie has been fighting for decades. He never got any breaks from the establishment and the media as Mayor Pete did. He had to fight for it with them obstructing him all along the way.
#5 is nothing but meaningless superficial attributes and identity politics. Donald Trump got elected, the boundaries of electability have been widened massively.
#6- same as #5. Next
#7 is about a black president. That's off topic.
Some of he information on your meme is factually incorrect. Never had a job? He worked as a teacher and a carpenter. Can't catch fire outside the northeast? He just won Iowa. 4 days to admit heart attack? I remember his campaign tweeting about it the next day. Failed candidacy/ Yes in a rigged primary.
Some of the stuff on your meme isn't problematic. Never had a business or inventing anything, so what? most presidents haven't invented things and many didn't own business. It isn't relevant. Lived off welfare, so what? That shows you how far he's come. Everybody loves the story of the underdog winning. And perhaps that's why he fights so hard for the less fortunate. He knows what it's like. Self declared socialist in a capitalist country, social democrat to be precise, So what? We have a mixed economy, there are free market folks and there are pro-government folks. That's how it's been for a long time.
Your reasoning is faulty and your arguments are weak.
Yes, and what Bernie says is not just currently self-serving and expedient. His words have been falling on deaf ears for over thirty years. Also, remember Trump telling us in 2015 he's financing his campaign with his own money. Yeah, right! He never paid for anything with his own money. Even his golfing trips to Maralago cost US nearly $200,000,000 last year! At least Bernie (who doesn't have money) uses grass-roots funding and sticks to his message instead of proffering whatever is currently popular with his doting base. BTW, according to a recent (Washington Post?) pole, He, Biden and Blumberg are currently running at around 70-75% national projection to beat Trump, but that's only if it's a real, honest election, so don't hold your breath.
@fishline79 His words have been falling on deaf ears? He has been advocating for radical political policies for decades and many of those policies are now in the mainstream, thanks in part, to his words. Gay marriage, single payer healthcare, women in leadership positions in government, addressing climate change, legalizing cannabis, women's right to choose... all of these were supported by Bernie before going mainstream. His words are heard and repeated. That's why he is the front runner who just won Iowa.
That's a great point you make about him not having a lot of money and being dependent on grassroots funding. He is the only leader who has not been bought and will be beholden to the people rather than the special interests.
@RoboGraham Bloomberg's money isn't tied to political interest groups either. It's largely his own but some is from grass root donations. Further, he's far more experienced in big population governing and Party unification. Bernie is my 2nd choice, though.
@rainmanjr There are some issues with Bloomberg.
He has so little grassroots support that he did not meet the minimum individual donor requirement to get on the debate stage. He donated some large sums of money to the DNC and wouldn't ya know it, the rules have changed. We call that plutocracy.
He was a republican mayor. He has donated to republican candidates as recently as 2018. He endorsed George Bush for cryin out load.
He oversaw a policy which allowed police to detain people at random. It was of course used for racial profiling and Bloomberg himself has said that they specifically targeted young black and brown males. Even if you set aside the racism, just the fact that he was encouraging a policy that allowed people to be stopped and searched unconstitutionally is an affront to freedom. it is unamerican.
He supported the Iraq war disaster and still maintains that it was the correct decision.
If he is the nominee, the democratic vote will be severely repressed. I cannot vote for this man and there are millions of others who have the same reservations. His only advantage is that he has unlimited money. I see that as a major flaw. I don't want another billionaire holding the highest office in the land.
Ok...your not a Bernie fan...you state there are PLENTY of other candidates to fill the docket but you fail to name even ONE...you have pretty much eliminated every candidate in the field which leads me to believe the purpose is to spin divisiveness and derision into the political arena...put a candidate up here that can do the job better than Bernie or I see you as a troll.
Yes, plenty of them like Warren, Biden. But sadly nobody will win. They will just lose but Bernie's candidacy will doom the Democratic Party for the next 30 years. We have to avoid the Far Left, Extreme and Fringe Elements in our party. Bernie's madness is not any different from the White Supremacist elements. Far Right or Far Left should have no place in politics and certainly not in the Democratic Party of FDR.
@St-Sinner your a troll..smh
@phoenixone1 Stay in the ring and finish the argument, not call names. I am a democrat and will do everything to expose Bernie who is causing a tremendous damage to the Democratic Party and its cause.
@St-Sinner Boring B8den & the Shrill Shill, bleh......
@St-Sinner so who is your "Super Candidate" there sparky...Who is your Bernie replacement and are you going to torpedo the Democratic Party and vote OTHER than the nominee...thus insuring a Trump Victory...which makes you a Republicab troll.
I think the very fact that there are 61 responses to your post even though you put it in the general and hellos category rather than the political one shows us that Bernie is a big deal, like it or not.
I'm pleased to see that the majority of responses have been positive toward Bernie. Quite a few directly call out your errors and faulty reasoning.
In my ex-Facebook community (mostly from Phila. and Europe) it would have been about 98 % Bernie, but I got kicked off of Facebook for posting an innocent photo I sent years ago of friends on a clothing-optional beach. I re-posted the photo (which I had posted with no problem and Facebook sent it to me as a "Memory). F--k Facebook.They immediately shut me out from posting anything. I can't even quit my account or even ask them a question. They are incommunicado. BTW, my liberal group liked the photo. I would post it on Agnostic but I'm afraid they, too would be too prudish, although they are not US based, are they?
@fishline79 Agnostic is total okay with nudity as long as it doesn't show genitalia.
@RoboGraham Thanks, It had one "bumshot".
@fishline79 There are groups on here that are all about nude photos.
@RoboGraham I think it was Mort Saul who said, "Pornography is whatever gives a Judge a hard on."
You are So full of BS on this. And as for paying for his ideas, why not go to YouTube and see all his concrete proposals on doing it all, mostly from not growing an even bigger military (since we have enough munitions, to name just one aspect) to destroy the world 6 (SIX!) Times over right now.....
Your intentional ignorance and willful blindness are stunning.......
I am reporting opinions and observations of democrats. It hurts because it blatantly true and ugly. The truth is not pretty. Bernie must be thrown out of the Democratic Party platform.
@MichaelSpinler Right. The hardest part will be beating the corrupt DNC and overcoming the inertia of all the people who think change is impossible.
Bernie, a true populist who has been fighting for the working class all his life, will wipe the floor with Trump.
@MichaelSpinler I hope Bernie wins as he will be easy for Trump to beat. But if someone like Bernie ever did become president it would be a major disaster for America and would likely result in civil war.
@Trajan61 I agree, you should vote for Bennie in the primary so that Trump will have an easy victory.
@RoboGraham I donβt vote in the democrap primary as Iβm a registered republican.
@MichaelSpinler Bernie doesnβt stand a chance against Trump.
@Trajan61 If you were truly devoted to the republican cause, you would switch to democrat so you could vote for the weakest candidate in their primary and in doing so, helping your man win in November.
@MichaelSpinler Hillary was supposed to beat Trump as well. Your the one whose mistaken.
@RoboGraham "Bennie"???
@RoboGraham, @Trajan61 becuz what we have now is not?
@AnneWimsey You are a hopeless radical left wing idiot!
@MichaelSpinler Just wait till November and you will find out.
@Trajan61 And you are a hopeless reactionary right wing dimwit. It's a two way street if you want to go there.
It is a mark of low character when a person resorts to name calling rather than engaging in rational debate.
@RoboGraham You liberals make a habit of berating and cursing people who donβt agree with you. Just look at all the hatred shown by the democraps against Trump and his supporters since he was elected. Hell what they are doing is nothing short of trying to overthrow the government by staging a coup!
Well, I didn't see any name calling in this particular conversation until you started it.
There are people on the left who behave that way and there are people on the right who do it too. I've seen it myself, been called every nasty name in the book by MAGA people.
That coup they tried, well it wasn't anything worse than what the republicans tried on Bill Clinton. I'd say Trump's actions were more egregious. I'd prefer it if both sides would grow up and stop behaving this way.
@RoboGraham Yes I agree what the Republicans did to Bill Clinton was ludicrous. Hell thereβs not one man in a thousand who would tell the truth about having an affair. The Democrats have been after Trump since the day he was elected.
@Trajan61 No Doubt
@Trajan61 no, I am a person who has seen, first-hand, a Vibrant middle class, upwardly-mobile, until Reagan & "trickle-down" sucked the life out of everyday people's lives! And the tax rate on the very rich at the time was around 80-90%, and they appeared to be still having a damned luxurious way of life. And everybody expected their wife to stay home, a home that they Owned, and their kids all go to college if that's what they wanted. And now you have both parents working their butts off and No expectations...in less than 40 years! But, noooo, let's continue grinding everybody into the dust...just like France, we can all eat cake..
Hmmm...see #5 for various reasons why Trump should not have been elected. America is a country which is fueled by emotion and irrational thought. Who knows what will happen? I fear above all, that Trump will end up being president again, either by dividing the Democratic party, or by subterfuge, or both. Just vote blue all the way!
Trump is on his way to becoming 2nd time president again. Big thanks to Bernie because he has scared away moderates and independents already.
@OwlInASack Talk about what Bernie is doing. Trump is the enemy. Enemies do what they have to do. With a candidate like Bernie who needs Trump? Bernie has single handedly achieved imploding the party with his outlandish socialism talk. He has scared away independents and moderates in our own party.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you winβ
Except when it is Bernie. He is not it.
@St-Sinner What are we, 5 year olds?
You are one helluva troll!
Don't shoot and scoot like Bernie
@St-Sinner What does that even mean?
@RoboGraham Explain your comment
@St-Sinner I don't understand your statement "Don't shoot and scoot like Bernie"
What do you mean by that?
I did not waste too many words in asking the question. I simply Googled it = [en.wikipedia.org]
Spend some time thinking and not salivating after a wrong candidate. You must use the brain.
@St-Sinner I understand what it means in a military sense but I have no idea what you mean when you apply it to Bernie. He is shooting at targets and then quickly moving?
For the most part, agreed⦠His idealist goals are shared by many, but the practicality of implementing them are dismal.. And, his minions are fickle. They turned on Obama, and would eventually turn on ..Bernie. They are the tea party of the left.
Tragically, Bernies not had the intelligence or integrity to bow out. Heβs become the New Nader - a Pursuit Prick, gambling advancement on those demanding it now! ..the unaware, oftentimes having not participated in politics enough to know of what they speakβ¦
His prolonged and Republican encouraged attacks on Hillary were just enough to nearly elect trump. And yes - now heβs back β¦ how Naderesk.. Harvesting our youth - and, the one-time youth whoβd elected George McGoven
Heβs taken no hits from the Republicans, and his pursuit demands are aimed at the Democrats. And, heβs neither! Really - why didnβt he run as a Republican? - that would have been cool.. As is, he & his minions continue to drag the Democratic party further left than electable ...as witnessed by the lack of strong moderates having entered the race..
Iβm always tempted to ask why βBernieβ didnβt run for president thirty years ago? Suppose he was afraid of Nader. Thereβs always a pied-piper of youth, their idealism and political naivete is constantly rekindled.
With no coat-tail effect, thus not enough change in the Senate to allow his policies be enacted, heβd be a lame duck from day one.. The Rβs could (again) run against βCommunism,β cuz most donβt know the difference between that and modern Socialism. Heβd be a one-termer, too old for another. Would likely die in office ..staging podium-pounding rallies across the nation to whip up that β99%β And - yet another generation of idealistic young Americans would be disillusioned ..allowing their new found apathy to let evil (Republicans) finally kill us allβ¦
Lacking a strong, electable Centerest, weβll have to go with whatβs left. Beyond Bernie β¦ Iβm sickened by the gutless Centerests who lacked the courage and integrity to run.. Theyβve basically tossed the ball to the far-left and slunk off to the sidelines. Another Bernie affect
Ashamed of my nation ..and deathly fearful of itβs prospects, Iβll vote for whatever emerges from the Democratic party ..even if itβs not a Democrat. Will I energetically support it..? Probably not -- but hey - I need a break
What Owl said.
I agree fully. Bernie must be thrown out immediately. Democratic Party... where are you?
@OwlInASack I agree, sadly, itβs the nation ..not Bernie. Itβs going back some β¦ but I remember once voting βthird party,β and for βthe Greens.β Though it was a short time before realizing Iβd tossed my votes.
No, βAmericaβ should be far more, but weβre not What a pathetic tragedy to have so much ..yet lag so far behind the civilized world. I suppose all the previous Idealist presidential contenders from the left have been correct, and not all that extreme. Problem is, the entrenched industrial wealth who oppose them, and the tremendous resources and political framework theyβve crafted to keep themselves in near perpetual power..
Itβs like we need someone slick, brilliant, or so wholesome in comparison as to βtrickβ the nation into taking a few baby steps forward.. We can do it, same-sex marriage was amazing. But we too quickly backslide. So, weβve no Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, or Jimmy Carter in the lineup β¦ just an angry old man using the only party whoβd tolerate him ..in a last-ditch effort to ..show a lonely softcore Socialist can become a US president. Then what?
St. Sinner assumes wrongly that his obviously mistaken opinions are facts. And fails to recognize that opinions aren't facts which is even worse.
If Bernie's followers can have bizarre beliefs that Bernie can be elected president, American voters will accept socialism, Bernie with a hard rock musician's hair to the wind is a good looking candidate fit to represent America on the world stage and shake hands with the Queen of England and be the leader of the free world when he has nothing to show for it in his 50 years of political offices.... why can I not just tell some facts of how bad Bernie and his candidacy is?
@St-Sinner nobody is banning your opinions, but just remember that they are just your opinions, and you fail to recognize the many, abundant research that say Bernie is the most electable, the most likable, the most believable, so go ahead and post your erroneous opinion, that the majority of america obviously and factually reject.
@St-Sinner read the polls, you seem to be reading the russian propaganda or sound too much like the russian misinformation campaign. Prrhaps you are one of the russian trolls, who knows. Just read the polls where Sanders not only beats trump, but is the most believable, most likeable, most trustful, etc. These are facts. Who the fuck knows what the fuck you're reading.
You are so full of crap. I hope Bernie wins the democrap nomination as he will be easy for Trump to beat.
You have a blind passion and faith in Bernie. I am appealing to your conscience and heart to see the truth and facts on the group. Don't push nation into the ditch, not at least the Democratic Party.
Heil Hitler!
@fishline79 You liberals seem to have a lot in common with Hitler and Stalin.
@Trajan61 Go back to your History books. You sound like you are imitating the "Projection politics" of Donald . His entire agenda of Pot calling the kettle black and unabashed propaganda attacks and targeted political campaign ads is right out of Hitler's methodology. (also, Stalin, who was no more a Communist than Hitler was).
@fishline79 Hitler and Stalin disarmed the population before killing millions of them. That seems to be the objective of you liberals also. When Stalin took over all the private farms he killed millions from starvation.
@Trajan61 So, who is arguing with that? Do you think I'm lauding Stalin? He was a bigger mass murderer than Hitler.
@fishline79 Your comparison of Trump with Hitler and Stalin is Ludricous.
@Trajan61 I'll remember you said that, and so will you.
The economy is doing its best in 70 years? According to whom? And who are the main beneficiaries?
Bernie is not my choice, and I wish he weren't running; but there are plenty of people, like me, who cannot afford to pay 800 dollars or more per month for health insurance on just myself--plus a $7500 or higher, deductible. Fortunately, I don't have any health issues and do not need any medications. If that changes, however, I could be screwed.
I don't want it to be Bernie, but if he gets the nomination he will get my vote.
By every standard, the economy is the best in the world. If you want to find a flaw in everything, there is a bad in everything. There is a word for this outlook. It is negativity.
@Wangobango3 Economy is about the numbers, not a perception of the critics.
Right you are. It's just an illusion. Like I said, the bubble will explode; everybody salivating over the stock-market numbers. As we have seen before, that doesn't mean shit!
@fishline79 If it does, it the economy cycle. Do you know who the majority of investors is? It is not the Wall Street firms. It is the day to day workers like you and I... the retirement funds of individuals. We all get to choose the funds in our plans and choose to stay cash.
@OwlInASack You are twisting anything you want to defend Bernie.
@St-Sinner May be but they're not the ones who sit behind computer screens and use their money to enrich themselves. Those are the un-regulated people to whom I prefer. Reagan started the ball rolling with his de-regulation of virtually everything and his attempts to destroy the unions.
I'm not sure I understand all your talking points. Maybe you should try understanding how things were in the Eisenhower years and then try again. Nobody is wanting anything "for free" or talking about pie in the sky. Slipping in the names of other politicians to discuss Bernie (or anyone) is an apples and oranges type distraction.
I simply cannot be for any person that wants to cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. Why? It is because we need these services and most of us have someone in our families that gets their basic support from these services. No, it is not free. We pay in a tax on these in our working lifetime. Can we afford to pay $6000 per month to keep a family member in a nursing home? I can't. Cuts to the system are already affecting lots of families. To believe that these continued cuts will not affect you and your loved ones is a bit lame. Setting up a 401K for such people at any age is a pipe dream. An honest person cannot declare that they want to see these services cut or taken away.
The above is just ONE of my many objections to the the current regime and the powers that be. See! I have accurately discussed politics without naming those who are running for POTUS. Those who do not see my talking point are either rich or they are lying.
Please get a better messenger. Bernie is not FDR nor Eisenhower. He is a pony, not a racehorse.
Bless you, an idealist. Sure, you're right, but the point is that the machine that has been conniving since before Reagan to change our system of government has finally hit pay dirt with trump and his "alt right" enablers. He was the 'Messiah" they have been waiting for, and they are not about to let that go.
@St-Sinner I only mentioned Bernie because your post was about him. Politics can be discussed as to what we really need without bringing names to play in the discussion. Am I an idealist? IDK but I discuss what we really need. Any sane person knows it is true. When I here that my ideas will "cost us 93 trillion dollars" I wonder who's ass that figure came out of - theirs or the politician. Other countries are making this work but our current regime goes along with Koch Industries and the crowd that bought into the GOP. We can do better than this and most of us know it.
Sorry but none of what you said makes any sense. The "facts" you declare are untrue and your conclusions are based upon them. I am saying this as someone who has already voted by absentee ballot and i did not vote for bernie, so you cannot dismiss me as a berner. I just don't like misinformation. Bernie is as viable as any other current democratic candidate and the meme is disgustingly misleading.
Bernie supporters will not agree with me. That is what a passion is about. Bernie is not viable at all. He is doomed from the start. That is what the whole discussion is about.
@OwlInASack Because facts are harsh. It hurts.
You have parroted the corporate - billionaire montra; those who will steal my social security, remove children from their parents at our border and imprison them, charge outrageous prices for inexpensive drugs such as insulin, make war after war to profit on selling arms, and deny climate change to sell oil and coal. Opposing Bernie's policies will make more billionaires and destroy the economy, just as the billionaire policies did in 1929 preceeding the great depression. Unbridled greed is disastrous.
I have given my own words but your response is typical of the retort by Bernie supporters. Instead of accepting and at least pondering over some of the criticism, you are getting defensive and start blaming the person who points out the flaws.
Those who claim something can not be done can often be found interrupting someone who is doing it.
Where does it say we are a capitalist country in our constitution? You speak with more authority than you actually have. It sounds like all the pundits that constantly underrate the Bern and his connection with voters.
Iβm not saying he will win the primaries, win against Trump, or pull the House and the Senate along with him. But he could. Stranger things have happened lately in our body politic. Each time the Dems have put up βsafeβ candidates over the past forty years they have lost. Bernie actually does best over time in the polls over Trump.
The real issue is if he wins the primaries and the Dem party structure abandons him. If they get behind him 50% of what the Republicans got behind Trump (and beyond that 50% is where the sickness lies in the Republican Party), we could get some real change in this country, maybe get some environmental balance and a form of social democracy that Western Europe considers normal and has since WW2.
Would that be such a bad thing? Please reconsider.
It is not about the Constitution. It is about the system we have been following, the psyche of the voters and how that psyche drives voting. Socialism is a dirty word in America at least now. 25 years from now it will not be. It is important to keep fee on the ground. We will a war based on where we are and what we have at our disposal, not what we would like to have.
@Kenoaks The party that calls itself Republican is not what it used to be. The reprobates and sycophants that inhabit that lair would have all been called "Dixicrats" back 30 or 40 years ago. They are a cult, not a political party.
I pretty much agree with you, having recently completed my US politics module. For us in the UK and Europe he is just an ordinary middle-ground politician. Nothing revolutionary in him for us. However, America is quite a different place politics wise and about a century or so behind the 'old powers' in social development.
These changes cannot be paid for in one big hit. They will need to garner support from across society. Where the power of rich individuals overpower the majority through the concept of the American dream, social(ism) reform is merely a pipe dream.
Disclaimer - Socialism and Communism are quite different things. Communism has never been achieved, do not confuse this with Stalinism. All European states, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and many more countries are Liberal Socialist countries. Apologies to St.Sinner, I know you know this, but some of your readers may be new to understanding this.
Bernie has caused a tremendous damage to the Democratic Party platform and the cause that will reverberate for decades to come. History will record how Bernie got Trump re-elected in 2020.
@St-Sinner "tremendous damage" yup, that's why every single one of them parrots ideas Bernie had 30 years ago (and how to pay for it all) . Your ignorance is ASStounding!
I agree with you but I think Bernie can't win for different reasons.
Bernie can't win the Presidential vote because the U.S. electorate is very pragmatic. In other words our diverse and frequently oppositional party system will only allow incremental steps to correct the social injustices that Bernie insists must happen immediately.
If Bernie lost the 2016 democratic primary to a more moderate candidate then why should we expect him to win the 2020 primary when there are several good moderate candidates running against him?
Lastly, I want to point out your statement which says the economy is the best in 70 years is patently wrong! It is just another deceptive Trump alternate fact. See the first link below to a chart of the GDP annual growth over the last 70 years. To see the 70 year chart you must select the "MAX" button at the top of the bar chart.
Please also realize that the stock market performance is only one of many leading economic indicators included in the measure of the economy by the Federal Reserve. The second link below shows the top 10 economic indicators used by the Federal Reserve.
@RoboGraham I think you missed a logical step in your argument. The fact is Bernie lost the primary in 2016. So logically it demonstrated that he had less of a voter base comparably to the moderate candidate. The main reason for primaries is to discover who has the largest voter base to go into the general election. It doesn't matter how emotional and vociferous a voter or a candidate is. Their vote still equals one.
@kensmile4u Okay, setting aside the unfairness he faced in that primary race, sure he lost. That was then. The main reason for the primary is to discover who has the largest voter base right? Let look at things now, he is the front runner who just won Iowa. His name recognition is greater. His movement is larger and stronger. He is shattering individual donor records and pulling in more money than the rest without resorted to taking corporate bribes. He has millions of motivated volunteers constantly advocating for him. He got an endorsement from the most influential podcaster in the world. His rallies are always filled to the brim with cheering crowds.
Biden is falling off a cliff. Mayor Pete has no support from people of color and little support outside of the two early states. Bloomberg is a former republican oligarch who instituted a racist policy which allowed police to unconstitutionally detain people for no reason. Warren is lagging behind. Which of these great moderate candidates can beat Sanders? And more importantly, which of them could beat Trump?
@RoboGraham I applaud your fervor for Bernie but you are still missing some logical steps. First Bernie did not win Iowa. The best he can do is get 13 delegates in a tie with Buttigieg (who is a moderate candidate). That leaves him needing to win 1,977 delegates in the remaining state primaries to win the nomination in the first ballot of the national democratic primary. That will be difficult to do given the fact that Biden has performed better in the aggregate of national polls for over a year. I have attached links to the national democratic primary and the aggregate national polls so you can check the facts. So logically your predictions are premature and uninformed.