29 7

Listen to today's news piece on NPR - the true independent news. It has no fish to fry to give biased news - like Fox News or CNN would do..

I know Bernie supporters are currently in denial and will deny this truth too. But please take the time to read and understand why Jamal Simmons, a democratic strategist is saying what he is saying. For a freethinker and an open mind, it will make sense. Else if you are in the Bernie trans, it will not enlighten you.

I liked this observation the most... "If you are a Bernie supporter, you are not a Practical Voter. You are just an ideology supporter." In other words, it is the same thing I have been saying all along. Bernie supporters are just ideologues and dreamers. They are not pragmatic about how badly Bernie will be defeated and destroyed against Trump if nominated.

Democratic Frontrunner Bernie Sanders Doesn't Have A Lock On The Party []

Here are the main points from the interview: ( N O T.. M Y.. W O R D S )

  1. Rep Jim Clyburn said South Carolinians are weary of socialists
  2. Bernie seems very uncertain of the Democratic Party (but he wants its platform to run on)
  3. Barack Obama was also an insurgent candidate like Bernie but Obama united democrats, moderates, independents. Bernie Sanders is threatening Democrats and has been very polarizing
  4. Is Bernie campaign interested in defeating the Democratic establishment or in defeating Trump. We are not sure if he can do both
  5. Bernie is capitalizing on the anger against the failures of the economy and he is directing the anger directed towards the leadership class and the rich
  6. Bernie's war on one class of the society will not work. Pitting one class against another will not work. He must take everybody along
  7. Winning the primaries is like winning a college vote. It will be different in the general in November 2020
  8. Bernie if nominated will not get many Democrats, moderates and independents that Obama was able to get
  9. If you are a Bernie supporter, you are not a Practical Voter. You are just an ideology supporter.

Now, go ahead... attack me for telling the truth.

St-Sinner 9 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Although I'm not rooting for Bernie at this point in the campaign, he certainly will be my choice come November if he wins the nomination. All those points are bullshit IMHO.

gearl Level 8 Feb 24, 2020

Same point I tried to make😀


this is such bullshit. we have this unique, one-time opportunity to do something about campaign finance and citizens united and I'll be damned if I'm not gonna fight for it. all of you anti-socialist dumbasses need to make sure that you don't use utilities or libraries or public roads ... all of these things fit your definition of "socialist" and your fraidy-cat bullshit is the same song and dance they used against FDR and continue to use any time people want to actually help those less fortunate than themselves. get bent.

If Bernie could win, I would be quiet although I don't think he is a good candidate. But I am sure with Bernie's nomination, the defeat will be huge, it will embolden conservatives nationwide and the Democratic Party will not recover for another 20 years. America will have changed forever by that time.

@St-Sinner you underestimate the effects of groundswell support. I thought marital equality was shot for all after DOMA. Same with marijuana legalization in many jurisdictions (especially Oklahoma). when it shifts it shifts hard. I think it is with this youth movement.

@JeffMesser The groundwell is only in Vermont and what you see in the primaries will evaporate in the general. The groundswell is only among the Occupy Wall Street activists. It is overblown. It is not a ground well. It is just a pimple on Vermont. It will go away.

@St-Sinner thats either an outright lie or complete ignorance. either way it's delusional because I know better firsthand. now begone.

@St-Sinner that just might be a good thing! Everything needs overhauling from time to time! Do you think your position is bringing out dormant fears? That is a good thing too!

My fear is real if Bernie is nominated. Here it is:

  1. Trump will win a second term
  2. Trump will complete his second term (because Democrats will not win a majority in the Senate)
  3. Trump will build the best and the largest Presidential Library in Florida that will also be a symbol of the greatest narcissist ever lived in America
  4. The admission will not be free to the library. We all, our grandchildren, foreign tourists will buy tickets to go see it
  5. Our grandchildren will go to Trump schools and colleges, drive on Trump highways, take off and land on Trump national and international airports
  6. Our grandchildren and their children will not complain about a national holiday for Trump's birthday
  7. Bernie's candidacy and defeat will galvanize the conservatives base, the conservative state legislatures, school boards
  8. Natural evolution lessons will be removed from school books and intelligent design will be included, American history will be revised, Christian prayers will be introduced at schools and at the beginning of all legislative sessions
  9. Ten Commandments monuments will be installed in front of all state houses
  10. Citizens vs. United will continue but Roe vs Wade will be overturned
  11. Anti-abortion will be the law of the land
  12. Gender based bathrooms laws will spread nationwide like wildfire
  13. All state and federal courts will be packed with ultra conservative and religious appointees
  14. Gun lobby and second amendment protections will get stronger
  15. Federal funding to Christianity in the country and overseas will increase
  16. The defeat lesson of the Democrats in 2020 will be taught in political science classes in Harvard
  17. Democrats will change parties in droves
    18.. It will be embarrassing to be called a Democrat in streets
  18. The Republicans, religious right and religion will have a grip on Washington for the next 30 years.
  19. Racism will rise
  20. Civil Rights progress will be set back 50 years
  21. Racial hatred crimes will rise
  22. Biases and hatred against immigrants will rise
  23. America will lose further respect around the world
  24. Many Americans will move to Canada
  25. Many highly educated, qualified and successful immigrants will move back to home countries and to other countries (Canada, UK, Sweden, Norway, Finland)
  26. The religious right will call Trump's victory as the second coming of Jesus
  27. America will not remain a super power. China will.

@St-Sinner I agree that your ‘fear’ is real.’ Keep in mind that this will ‘cloud’ how you assimilate your information to find a conclusion. Just saying...this is the same for everyone who has a brain.


Just because you keep this shit up I will be voting for Bernie if he wins the presidential nomination.
Just to piss you off.

Don't be just angry. Let us talk about what is most likely to happen. I do not think Bernie can be president.

@St-Sinner there is nothing more to talk about.

@St-Sinner you can have that opinion...I have knowledge of watching what someone is capable of for years...I base my opinions on that.


If you believe NPR is independent, you’re just as deluded about the media as you are about Bernie.

I listen to NPR daily, but since government funding has been decreased, there has been a shift in their reporting (or lack of reporting) that’s more favorable to corporate America, where more of their funding is now coming from.


@Haemish1 Agree about the shift. Supposedly they don't run ads, but of course they do.


Wow can you twist facts...not one concrete example. How is the weather in Estonia, BTW?

There you go. Deny all reports, all facts, all news from all sources that say Bernie is a bad idea. I will try to wake you up in December 2020. Will that be a good time to take the head out of the sand?

@St-Sinner I am ASKING for nor the poster have None, apparently, or you would have replied with one

Is NPR interview of today not a good source? Do you want to do the interview yourself in Australia?

@St-Sinner No NPR(Nice Polite Republicans) is not a good source on Democrats these days. I do agree with your idea that the GOP, with the help of Faux news, CNN, NPR and the rest of the Trump fan club will be flashing red with the socialism word & low info voters will eat it up. OTOH, if Democrats and never Trumper GOP still for the Dem candidate in the end then we'll still be rid of the awful evil Orange troll.

@ronnie40356 So when will it be a good time to ask you to take the head out of the sand? December 2020 or December 2024?

@St-Sinner 🤣🤣🤣 I'm honestly not sure what you're looking for here. I'll try once more, Bernie is not one of my top candidates BUT if he's the Dem candidate in the fall I'm voting for him. About as clear as I can make it. You're exhibiting signs of a troll.

@ronnie40356 I am not a troll but I am beginning to like you.

@St-Sinner That remains to be seen. The troll part..

@St-Sinner Your citation isn't fact or anything close to it. You cite NPR to give it a modicum of credibility, but... what you're actually citing is just the opinions (backed with no facts) of a democratic strategist, brought to us by NPR. This is essentially citing opinion as fact, not even fact-based opinion.

@bingst What truth will you accept?

@St-Sinner it is 109% OPINION, and stupid opinion at that...cannot imagine why anyone would jump all over it...oh, wait, it IS you....


I AM a practical vote would be based on Bernie’s history that I have observed over his political career. But, I have not written my opinions about political parties in stone! However, after observing the Republicans for the past 50 years, I want vote for them now, because I see how they make decisions...they are greedy to a political fault! As for the opinion above...I read it, I thought about it’s content and meaning and I disagree with it. There is NO perfect choose for any political position, but I believe in Bernie’s overall operating capacity for sensible solutions to government problems.


Its gonna be great if Bernie wins the election in November for st sinner.....😁

No, it won't be. I will cry but in Canada. I will miss the U.S. I like it here.

Trump will win guaranteed but still we nominating a socialist will embolden the conservatives nationwide and the mayhem will begin....

@Novelty I will lose hope for some time, sad for some time but I must... I must gather courage and wits to help all. That is my life's mission. I am a truth teller but I am attacked by extremists for doing it. How would Galileo and others must have felt like when they said the Earth was not flat? The truth always wins in the end. That's the hope I live on. One day at a time. Help one life at a time.

@St-Sinner do you think it is time to find a different ‘crystal ball?’ If your current one is modern, try rebooting it...

@Freedompath I think he might have a magic lamp to rub...

@godlessinal Do you think the ‘magic’ has been used up in that ‘lamp?’

@Freedompath it would depend on how many times he rubbed it. Probably alot of rubbing during the impeachment...

@godlessinal maybe he just has a ‘god’ complex? He has not yet learned, that we each have a Universal ability to make up our minds!

A Different Crystal Ball? It is not time to crack jokes. We are going through very serious, very dangerous times. The country's future is at stake. Our democracy is at stake. This year will decide if we will give the country in Far Right Extremists' hands or in Far Left Extremists' hands. We are talking about real people, real lives.

@Freedompath Apparently not..

@Freedompath, @St-Sinner what do you think this last election was? Supreme court justices, healthcare, etc...

@St-Sinner I completely agree, and Bernie (if he is the nominee), will be what this Country needs. He truely is an Independent...a person who believes in and has always worked for the good of this Country. If he ends up as our President, I am...for certain that we will be in good hands. At least, for every person that is not stuck in his own ‘mind.’ Bernie has high integrity and I do not see that changing if he should become President! And he would not be dismantling our democracy! A man’s life long behavior counts for something! His dismantling of our democracy could only be classified as a ‘conspiracy theory!’ He cannot be compared to trump in any way shape or form.

@Novelty he won't be allowed in. We are building a wall, paid for by americans, to keep people like him out of canada 😉

@demifeministgal the trick is getting American soldiers to build it off you....😁


Smacks of desperation.

Give it a rest.



You sure are giving Bernie a lot of airtime. THANKS!

skado Level 9 Feb 24, 2020

You we welcome. But at any given time time, the online members here are under 300, not more. Lol

And you don't preach anywhere else?

No, I have been so distraught these days that I have started drinking. I am really worried about the future of our democracy. On one hand, it is far right crazy nationalists and white supremacists taking over and on the other, it is far left socialists trying to take over. The common man is going to suffer in the middle but I must fight on with the mission of enlightening the American voter and save our democracy.

You should get out more. By world standards, Bernie is barely left of center, and Trump is off the charts to the extreme right. The only far left socialists are in your fevered dreams.


Let me make it very simple for you:

  1. Bernie said since 2016 that he is a socialist. This cannot be undone
  2. The damage of that saying is already done. That cannot be undone
  3. Trump, Republicans and Conservatives have already capitalized on this stupidity and branded Bernie as a socialist. That cannot be undone
  4. Voters have now a perception of who Bernie is with enough information out there of his communist and socialist misadventures. Perceptions matter for the masses. That damage cannot be undone
  5. You can continue the academic discussion of the difference between the two but the voter is not a student of political science, politics or a professor like some are here. It is does not matter what the difference is to voters." The damage has been done and it cannot be undone.


Get out more?
On one hand it is far right nationalists and white supremacists and on the other... it is far left socialist and communists angry about the Billionaires and Millionaires. I dress well and am an immigrant. I am worried that each side would think I am to blame... 😟

@desertastronomer I have noticed that people don't like truth tellers.

There is no far left movement in the U.S. The political spectrum has shifted so far to the right in the last 30 years that what was moderate Republican is now thought to be Communist! No one (NO one) is campaigning to nationalize the means of production. Wake up! Bernie is about as far left as Dwight Eisenhower.

@St-Sinner and saying you are a socialist is bad in & of itself because........walked on any sidewalks lately, driven on any roads?

You are trying make light of the worries about Bernie. Do you really believe the American presidential race is the race of ideas, policies and programs? I am only arguing about how bad and flawed his candidacy is. We have so much polarization with the Democratic Party with Bernie's name even before the nomination. Trump has not even gotten started on Bernie yet but he has said many times that Bernie against him would be a dream come true.

The reason for that polarization is that values are changing. On both sides. The establishment candidates, both red and blue, couldn’t make any headway in 2016. Jeb Bush couldn’t beat Donald Trump, and Hillary Clinton couldn’t beat anybody! The Bush and Clinton dynasties were ineffective in this new environment, and we are not going back. Establishment candidates of the very highest pedigree were, and are, no longer appealing to voters.

Voters on all sides are wanting something the establishment moderates can’t deliver. That means that Bernie is the only Democratic candidate who could possibly beat Trump. Your campaigning against Sanders is a campaign for Trump.

If you let anything Trump says about the situation influence your thinking, you haven’t understood that what comes out of his mouth has nothing to do with reality, his or ours. His mind is not connected to reality, it’s just a random noise generator.

No candidate that the DNC (establishment) chooses for us (like they did in 2016) will have any chance of beating DJT. The only chance, and even then an outside chance, of getting Trump out this time is running a candidate against him who is at least equally an outsider in the minds of the voters. Establishment politics is finished in America. Nothing could be plainer to anyone who is paying attention. If you want to beat Trump, and you can’t stomach Bernie, you’re going to have to run a candidate who is more radical than Bernie, not less. Those days are gone.

I don’t think it’s a race of ideas, policies and programs. I think it’s a race of attitudes toward human beings who don’t happen to be rich and powerful; people who are being left behind in our race to kiss corporate butt. Bernie gets that. Nobody else does... except the voters.


But towards the end, you are again saying what Bernie thinks, what Bernie gets and what Bernie understands. My point was Bernie as a candidate is weak and vulnerable to stand strong against Trump's whirlwind. You said yourself how Trump destroyed Jeb Bush and other strong candidates.. coming out of nowhere in 2016.

The issue here is not what Bernie believes in. It is about if he can sell the product. I think Bernie has a likable and feel-good message but he is a bad messenger.

I always thought Bernie could either teach politics and start a think tank to further his cause. I believe Bernie will not be president. This running for president is a personal ambition and delusional misadventure.

I’m starting to think we may see things differently.

@St-Sinner I thought you spent your free time with a personal harem for some strange reason. Don't drink too much, it's bad for you...My friend who has experience as senior campaign manager with both Gore and Obama says Bernie is unelectable against Trump. The nation has moved too far to the right. It will be painful to vote for Bloomburg if it is between him and Sanders in a primary. Bloomburg may be able to buy the election somehow. But, we'll hold our noses and do it. You take a beating well, my friend.


  1. You must have a spooky talent of reading into somebody's dreams
  2. Bernie is not electable is written on the wall and all over his face and waving hands in the air.

I have been telling his supporters that Bernie will not be president. If they are still surprised in November 2020, I will be right here every day to remind them that St. Sinner told you so. I am the red devil on the shoulder that your grandmas warned y'all about.

There's a Chris Hedges quote, that I probably don't remember perfectly, but it's something along the lines of... We don't fight this battle because we are certain we will win; we fight it in order to maintain our integrity and our sanity.

If everyone I've heard say "I like Bernie's ideas but I won't vote for him because he can't win" would just vote for him, he'd win in a landslide.

Trump didn't win because his opponents were weak. He won because voters are tired of same ole same ole (and the DNC wouldn't allow Bernie to compete). It's not a wrestling match; it's an election. The voters' preference for novelty is what put Trump in office, not Trump's strength. They would have preferred Bernie, but the Democratic establishment preferred Trump to Bernie because they knew Trump wouldn't endanger their cash cow.

It won't surprise me in the least if Bernie is never president; everything is stacked against him, and against fair treatment of the disadvantaged. It's been that way for ten thousand years. But that isn't going to stop me from supporting what I think is fair and humane.

The so-called "moderate" Democrats are worse than Trump, because all they do hold the status quo until the next Republican comes back and pushes everything further to the right. We need someone who will push back.


Very well said.

My hat is off to you.


You live in abject terror of Bernie running against Trump. You can see nothing but ignominious defeat if Bernie runs against Trump. Right now Bernie is the most likely candidate who's going to run against Trump so if that happens you need to get over all this shit and get behind him.

What else you gonna do, vote Trump?

No, I will not vote for Trump. With Bernie's nomination, this is what is most likely to happen.

  1. Trump will win a second term
  2. Trump will complete his second term (because Democrats will not win a majority in the Senate)
  3. Trump will build the best and the largest Presidential Library in Florida that will also be a symbol of the greatest narcissist ever lived in America
  4. The admission will not be free to the library. We all, our grandchildren, foreign tourists will buy tickets to go see it
  5. Our grandchildren will go to Trump schools and colleges, drive on Trump highways, take off and land on Trump national and international airports
  6. Our grandchildren and their children will not complain about a national holiday for Trump's birthday
  7. Bernie's candidacy and defeat will galvanize the conservatives base, the conservative state legislatures, school boards
  8. Natural evolution lessons will be removed from school books and intelligent design will be included, American history will be revised, Christian prayers will be introduced at schools and at the beginning of all legislative sessions
  9. Ten Commandments monuments will be installed in front of all state houses
  10. Citizens vs. United will continue but Roe vs Wade will be overturned
  11. Anti-abortion will be the law of the land
  12. Gender based bathrooms laws will spread nationwide like wildfire
  13. All state and federal courts will be packed with ultra conservative and religious appointees
  14. Gun lobby and second amendment protections will get stronger
  15. Federal funding to Christianity in the country and overseas will increase
  16. The defeat lesson of the Democrats in 2020 will be taught in political science classes in Harvard
  17. Democrats will change parties in droves
    18.. It will be embarrassing to be called a Democrat in streets
  18. The Republicans, religious right and religion will have a grip on Washington for the next 30 years.
  19. Racism will rise
  20. Civil Rights progress will be set back 50 years
  21. Racial hatred crimes will rise
  22. Biases and hatred against immigrants will rise
  23. America will lose further respect around the world
  24. Many Americans will move to Canada
  25. Many highly educated, qualified and successful immigrants will move back to home countries and to other countries (Canada, UK, Sweden, Norway, Finland)
  26. The religious right will call Trump's victory as the second coming of Jesus
  27. America will not remain a super power. China will.

@St-Sinner I already know you envision Armageddon. . I didn't ask you what your doomsday scenario would be if Bernie was the nominee, I asked you if you're going to get behind him IF he's the nominee.

@Sgt_Spanky I am trying to go to Canada to avoid that day.

@St-Sinner maybe your imagination has got ‘ahead’ of you? But, even with ‘strong’ opinions...there is still something more!

@St-Sinner You're just going to have to hold your nose and vote for him like I did for Hillary in 2016 -- I fucking hated that woman but what other choice was there? Don't think of it as voting for Bernie, think of it as not voting for Trump.

@Sgt_Spanky You don't think Hillary let you down and Bernie will do it 5 fold? Why are you on a suicide mission brother?


@st-sinner is full of shit. He has admitted to me twice now that he will indeed vote for Trump.

And yet, he calls himself a progressive.

I will not be deterred from my path of telling and spreading the truth despite of attacks. I must carry on the mission to enlighten voters and save our democracy.


It's not an attack if you did say that you are going to vote Trump, which you did, twice.

Are you going to deny it?

I was so so distraught that I may have said it in a deep despair. I am so worried these days that I have now started drinking. Don't pay attention if I ever said I would vote for Trump. I do not like Trump but.. now I think I dislike Bernie more. See what you did?


I got you to admit that you are overwhelmed and drinking too much and therefor we shouldn't pay attention to the things you say. Case closed. You just gave everyone permission to ignore your rubbish opinions because you can't even trust yourself to make clear decisions.

@RoboGraham He's a progressive like I'm an underwear model. At this point I don't think he's even a harrdline centrist Dem, I think he's just a GOP troll.


I think he is an empty headed cable news parrot.

Do you know that people can be lonely? I am very lonely. On top that Bernie is consuming too much of my time and energy.

@Aurora62, @RoboGraham

I am running this awareness campaign for the truth that is self funded. Nobody is paying me. But the nation is more important than me, our democracy is too valuable and yet so vulnerable to people who are not a member of the party and try to hijack it just to satisfy Bernie's personal selfish ambitions to become president of the most powerful nation in the world at the fledgeling age of 78 when his heart may give up any time. I am worried about many things.


Bernie isn't consuming your time, your weird anti-bernie mission is depriving you of time and energy. That is your choice. Lots of people put time and energy into Bernie, for those who advocate for him, it's time well spent, for those who try to put the breaks on the movement, well I can see how that would be overwhelming.

Your tactics of alienating everyone with your know it all "truth" attitude, and your constant attacks on a beloved political figure are most definitely adding to your loneliness.

Are you denying that Bernie is turning off many core Democrats who do not want him the race?

How can I find time to find a "nice Lady"? Who has the time? Bernie is just worrying me so much that I am devoting my time to tell voters to not fall for Bernie's $50 Trillion gimmick that will prove to be the
invitation to Trump to screw us for 4 years more. I cannot dream of a lady and even a Friday bitch.

On one hand Bernie is talking $50 Trillion cost socialism and on the other... you are mentioning amazing, wild sex. How can I find a balance in life that you are talking about?


Any candidate will turn off some voters. The progressives are the Democratic base and they are with Bernie 100%


Bernie is a Democratic Socialist like they have in Denmark , Sweden and other European countries and not like the socialists in Venezuela. You have to realize that those people invested in the status quo are trying to sink Bernie's candidacy because it will upset their financial stranglehold on the USA. Think...Fossil fuel industry, Big Pharma, wallstreet banks and financial companies, and of course the health care companies like Aetna, Humana, Blue cross blue shield, Cigna, United Health Care.

  1. Bernie said since 2016 that he is a socialist. This cannot be undone
  2. The damage of that saying is already done. That cannot be undone
  3. Trump, Republicans and Conservatives have already capitalized on this stupidity and branded Bernie as a socialist. That cannot be undone
  4. Voters have now a perception of who Bernie is with enough information out there of his communist and socialist misadventures. Perceptions matter for the masses. That damage cannot be undone
  5. You can continue the academic discussion of the difference between the two but the voter is not a student of political science, politics or a professor like some are here. It is does not matter what the difference is to voters." The damage has been done and it cannot be undone.

@St-Sinner Right.... So let's get rid of all forms of socialism in the US? Social Security? Medicare? Roads? Public schools? And my favorite, corporate socialism subsidies?

Ranting against Millionaires ad Billionaires, blaming them for our miseries day in and day out and taxing them to death is not the same as what FDR did.

@St-Sinner I don't know about that. But what does that have to do with the thrust of my questions? Or are you just dodging? Is this the DNC playbook tactics?

@bingst Noble goals are admirable, social equality and justice are important and we all want it but you cannot send a past communist, a socialist 78 year old candidate who has had a recent heart attack to go against Trump in a debate. That is writing your obituary. That is what I fear. Tearing down of Bernie has not even started. He is still singing with his choir. Wait until Trump and his operatives dig out his skeletons and make him evaporate. You will think Dukakis was better.

How Can I explain to you? Just scroll up a little to understand why the difference does not matter any more. The damage cannot be undone.

@desertastronomer The assumption seems to be that the average American voter is too stupid to even know that there is a difference. It also doesn't help that even reporters in left-leaning media fail to say "democratic socialist" and say just "socialist," like Chuck Todd.

The USA has several socialist programs already in place and people seem to like them. SOCIAL SECURITY.....MEDICARE.....MEDICADE....UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE......FLOOD INSURANCE......FOOD STAMPS....... @St-Sinner

The working class have to pay a higher tax rate on their wages than the rich pay taxes on their capital gains. Tell me this isn't rigged for the rich...@St-Sinner

The people like Bernie's college....$15.00 per hour minimum wage....universal heath care as a RIGHT not a privilege @St-Sinner

But our society is not Denmark, Sweden, or Finland. One shoe does not fit all. Social Policy 101.

That is a dumb comment. @St-Sinner

@nicknotes Why? What is not true about the comparison with Denmark which is election plaque of Bernie? I have explained more here []


Amazingly, I agree with St. Sinner. As a center-left democrat, I stand with sanity. Obviously, I will vote for Bernie over Trump in a heartbeat. Bernie is not even a true democrat. He's really an independent or democratic socialist with no real plan to support his ideology. We'll need a little more than tax the 1%. The good news is he recently admitted he'd have to go with Biden's healthcare plan instead of getting rid of all the private insurance companies.

Thank you. Will you be my friend? 🙂

@St-Sinner Yeah, you are obviously crazy, but I can work with you as a friend-without-benefits. Had to study you for awhile- you're a piece of work. 🙂

He never said that about Biden's plan, I see that you are exposed to Russian disinformation being posted by comrades like St. Sinner. Bad mistake. Also, he is an independent but running as a democrat following the rules set up by the DNC, most of the country voters are registered independents like me, and no one can win without the support of independentt voters. Now, would you rather vote for a republican turned independent turned democrat like Bloomberg, which would be similar to voting for a libertarian, turned democrat, turned republican like Trump? Bernie has the support of the majority in ALL POLLS that show him defeating Trump. Especially in the states that Hillary lost, like Michigan, Wisonsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Don't fall for labels, Bernie has aleays caucused with democrats and IS running as a democrat following the rules set up by the DNC. He will beat Trump in a landslide.


@Mofo1953 That's actually a great question that made me think for a sec. If Biden does not make the primary, would I vote for Bloomburg or Sanders? Rock meet hard place. I might actually prefer Sanders to Bloomburg.

@St-Sinner Also, I think we should update the meme to your 9 points instead of what they have on it. Let me know if you need photoshop help to do that. I agree that the sickle and Republican-scare propaganda has to go.

@Aurora62 what is Ring of Fire? Seriously.

@Mofo1953 Amazingly, to add more fuel to St. Sinner's fire, we need to assess the British/Brexit situaation. We knew several years ago, when Boris Johnson - a British version of Trump won the election - then we had Brexit. I immediately hit the panic button along with a close friend who is a political campaign manager with experience on Obama's campaign. She lost it when James Corbyn had his ass kicked by Johnson. The devil is in the details and I will leave you with this summary. Trends tend to hit us - the same way they hit our Bristish friends. []

@Aurora62 oh, i see. I just did a search. Don't watch a lot of channels from You Tube.

@UrsiMajor not at all comparable, because Corbyn went into the campaign with the lowest net satisfaction ratings of any opposition leader since the late 1970s (Ipsos Mori). That's not the case with Bernie, in fact he wins vs Trump in integrity, likeability and honesty.


All these above statements about Bernie Sanders are statements. Not actual items with proof that they are true. It is post bs and not offer all the supporting documents to those statements. Bernie Sanders has a solid senate voting record, is way more an independent than what these types want to paint. They use the communism word without actual knowledge. It is just a worrisome word they use to try spread discord amongst the opposition. Fuck off with that. Bring actual data.
Here is his data. Much more impressive than Trumps...
See your problem...
Duh. Then i forget the link...


don't lecture me about national politics when you texas idiots can't control your own school board from white-washing history.

But I am a progressive caught up among Southern Conservatives here. I live here just to make a living. I do not agree with them. But don't talk about our long time Governor Rick Perry who we are proud of just for his hair. He disagrees with Trump sometimes. Isn't that worth anything? Also Texas women are wild and our real ribs BBQ is delicious. Come on down to enjoy.

@St-Sinner 1. obviously not progressive enough
2. rick perry declared a day of prayer for rain - that alone is enough to condemn all texans.
3. whorns suck
4. Kansas City BBQ is better
5. the ONLY positive features of Texas I found were the elderly mexican ladies of Odessa in the early 70's who cooked the most amazing food at Austin elementary, John Ireland elementary, and Crockett Jr. High. They taught my mom to cook it and she imparted that knowledge to me. Them and horny toads, christmas tumbleweeds, and dirt biking on the monohans sand springs.

@JeffMesser LOL. That is true. That's how Perry kicked off his 2016 presidential campaign I think. Surprisingly you have good things to say about the most boring flat land of Texas.


You calling yourself a progressive just fraud. You are directly opposed to progressive ideology.

@RoboGraham How?

  1. I gave you the source of the truth
  2. I gave you the quotes from the interview
  3. I did not quote from Fox News or CNN. It is NPR, an independent news source

What truth will you accept, other than just a make believe lullaby that Bernie will be elected?


How? Because you are putting out daily attacks on the progressive candidate. That makes you a reactionary.

Progressives don't praise Trump's wall. Progressives don't cite right wing propaganda to attack the democratic front runner. Progressives don't call progressive policies "pie in the sky." Progressives don't openly talk about voting for Trump. Progressives understand the difference between socialism and social democracy.

If you think you are a progressive, you are suffering from delusions.

@RoboGraham it's an Austin thing. all the professionals in Austin think they're progressive because they can sit in a room with gay people and not string them up or call them "fag".


It must be a whole nother world down there. Where I'm from, being progressive means you almost definitely support Sanders or maybe Warren if you are progressive lite.

@RoboGraham their idea of diversity is having men with red, brown, AND blonde hair as deacons of their baptist church.


This is making sense now about Mr. Sinner. He is all about the identity politics which makes him believe that he is a progressive but economically, he is a conservative.

@RoboGraham I have been misunderstood before. 😟

true story. One of my Indiana relatives asked me recently:
"you used to live there ... what's the best way to see Texas?"
"In your rear-view mirror" I replied. "They are why I am a Hindu today."


Good for you man.

I've never been, never plan to go. The only thing I like about Texas is Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill.

@desertastronomer Anybody who calls out the truth about Bernie is not good? What type of truth will you accept?


Unfortunately, NPR has really gone downhill. I can't tell the difference between them and the corporate news network these days.


Hey Tovarich, stop spreading your disinformation. We are all unto you, comrade. Go tell Putin to suck my dick!


Reformatted (original in bold):

Please keep in mind that I have not decided who to vote for. This is about dynamics within the Democratic party. I could go for Liz or Pete..

Point by point:

1.Rep Jim Clayburn said South Carolinians are weary of socialists

I'm assuming you are referring to Rep. Jim Clyburn. It's an interesting notion, but I can't imagine democratic socialists have been darkening too many South Carolina doors. Maybe in Cambridge, Mass they might have a post -socialist fatigue. As black voters, and voters in general hear Sanders, they form their own opinions of him, and those opinions are improving. Biden supporters are flocking to Bernie, not Bloomberg for some VERY obvious reasons.

2.Bernie seems very uncertain of the Democratic Party (but he wants its platform to run on).

The Democratic Party platform has been heavily influenced by Bernie and his supporters, who are a huge portion of the grassroots. Yes, he is co-opting the party, just like Trump did to the Republicans, with a crucial difference. He isn't a con artist, and he really cares about the long term.

3.Barack Obama was also an insurgent candidate like Bernie but Obama united democrats, moderates, independents.

Bernie Sanders is threatening Democrats and has been very polarizing Exactly which Democrats has he been "threatening"? Are you calling the Russian bots that are trying to ruin his campaign a proxy for him? Really? Trump showed that by energizing a base, it is possible to win without convincing most of the electorate that you are good or even decent. There is no question that Bernie is both of those, and he certainly has the potential, like Trump, to pull in the non-voters who agree with him. Who exactly would Biden or Bloomberg inspire?

4.Is Bernie campaign interested in defeating the Democratic establishment or in defeating Trump. We are not sure if he can do both.

The relationship Bernie develops with the Democratic establishment is mostly up to them. They are supposed to support the nominee. If they don't then that's on them. Trump basically won without the Republican Party establishment, and without much money. I would expect that they would work cooperatively with his campaign, after they get over their sorrow about Biden and Bloomberg and his money. If not, maybe they'll throw in behind Bloomberg, a racist Republican, in a third party effort and ignore their own candidate? I didn't think so!

5.Bernie is capitalizing on the anger against the failures of the economy and he is directing the anger directed towards the leadership class and the rich.

Its not just the economy. Its the failure of the leadership to deal with other major issues. What kind of support has AOC and Bernie gotten for the Green New Deal from the establishment? When Americans learn that there is actually a way to revitalize our economy by transforming it into a sustainable one, they will jump at the chance. Its not just about resentment, its about solutions.

6.Bernie's war on one class of the society will not work. Pitting one class against another will not work. He must take everybody along.

He has wealthy supporters. They campaign for him. The problem is the ultra wealthy who are not willing to share. And many of them actually are. Bill Gates et al. The issue is them controlling society and the economy by retaining their money to such a huge degree. Bloomberg et al.

7.Winning the primaries is like winning a college vote. It will be different in the general in November 2020

So perhaps the loser in the primaries, the one who polls worse against Trump, should get the nod in a brokered convention? Really? Great way to generate enthusiasm! The kind of thinking that gave us superdelegates and a lame Hilary Clinton campaign! Brilliant strategic thinking! Bernie can actually generate interest on the part of people who don't normally vote. No way a moderate will do that.

8.Bernie if nominated will not get many Democrats, moderates and independents that Obama was able to get.

Bernie's positions are supported, in polls by an average of 70% of the public. Mostly they know him through what they have been told about him. Dems keep running scared from their own voters because of conventional wisdom. I know it feels scary to experiment in the middle of a crisis. But face it, we are McGuyver and the plane is going down. More fuel is not the answer.

9.If you are a Bernie supporter, you are not a Practical Voter. You are just an ideology supporter.

Is it ideology and a lack of practicality that the rest of the industrialized world, with way less natural resources than we have, lives way better than we do? Longer, more security, more free time, family leave, vacation, retirement into pensions rather than poverty, health care for everybody, no matter what?

Or is it impractical that Bernie does consistently the best in the polls vs. Trump? Every time in recent history the Democrats offer up a "safe" candidate, they get clobbered. I suggest that the pundits who put together these nine points have been engaging in group think so hard that they believe their own tripe even when it is clearly a failure.

Came out sweeter the second time; thanks for the tip.

A good format but an unconvincing response. You are denying all assessments by a Democratic Strategist. He cannot be wrong on all. We will try again sometime

@St-Sinner I got zero for nine? I lose! Hah, next time I'll understand the rules a little better. Experts are always right! Whoulda thunk it?

Why couldn't he be wrong on all? They were totally wrong on Hillary twice.

Well written and I appreciate your (considerable!) effort!

@St-Sinner Bernie is not your ‘cup of tea’...put your vote where your heart is...that is what we all do!

@Freedompath Do you know how many millions of core Democrats are out there like me? What is going to happen in November 2020 to Bernie without us?

@St-Sinner We all take our are you any different? How can you speak for ‘millions of core Democrats,’ anyway? I can’t even speak for one of my own children!

All I can say is... Don't Do It.

@St-Sinner Where would I be today, if I followed the admonitions of others! Surely you jest? I will make up my own mind and so should you and all others, who expect to be authentic! Ck your fear factor to make sure your position is not based on it...good decision never come out of fear!

@Freedompath You are right about that. At least you are thinking independently. Can't say the same about many others.

@St-Sinner that we be an example, and not rob anyone of their freedom to choose!

@St-Sinner Glad to hear you identify as a core democrat. I thought you would be a Romney moderate. I had to take back a lot of my harsh posts against Romney after he voted for the Obstruction impeachment vote. Who knew we had it so good when the biggest problem with a Republican nominee was that he strapped a dog on top of a moving vehicle with binders full of women?

I don't deny at all that everybody and anybody can reform and come to his senses. Romney did... but here Bernie is just on his mindless personal ambition trip to become president.

Bernie has been soaked in politics over 50 years. That's all he has done in his life. But there is hardly any signature legislation a voter can remember with Bernie's name. What people remember is that he voted against a gun legislation that would have held gun manufacturers accountable after shooting. He protected the gun lobby. That is what all are talking about. Does it sound like a Democrat or a progressive.

People are not fools. American voters across the country are not going to fall for the tiny state politician with a communist past and just propped up by Occupy Wall Street enthusiasts.

Bernie cannot be and will not be president. But as they say... it is to be very bad before it can get better. Maybe Bernie can give that bad to Democrats and progressives with a dark cloud hanging over heads for decades after Trump's second term that the American voters will never never ever go for a phony shit like his ever again.

I hope for the common sense to prevail but we Democrats are very good about doing crazy shit so maybe this is Take II or say... Dukakis II.

@St-Sinner Maybe it is a ruse. If Bernie can hold the frontrunner position, maybe Trump will be too busy attacking him to hurt Biden. Maybe the democrats are all in on it. It was a nightmare when Trump attacked Biden's son for whatever bs went on in the Ukraine. Let him beat on Bernie for a bit.

No matter how you see it, with Bernie's candidacy, the anger against socialism, Pelosi's mean vendetta for 3 years with unsuccessful impeachment and low employment + strong economy..... Trump is going to win the re-election in 2020.

I have a glimmer of hope with Warren | Castro ticket. Bernie will have a second heart attack or Biden may spit out his dentures in the first debate with Trump. I don't mind Biden's injected Collagen but he also gets too much foam in his mouth in the debates. But our Pocahontas will destroy Trump.

@St-Sinner You do get my sarcasm about the experts? Hilary's strategists are having a field day dissing Bernie. And they were all so brilliant then, and have learned so much from their errors. NOT! The conventional wisdom is what lost the election in 2016. She lost to the biggest moron in US political history, and it wasn't all because of the Russians. Her candidacy was so lackluster that she got no heartfelt support, other than a few women who were behind her because she is a woman. The rest were all hacks following the formula.

And that is exactly, exactly, exactly what a Bloomberg or Biden would engender. Bloomberg is paying for his support, and though he is rich, he can't buy us all. Biden's support is eroding like a beach in a hurricane. What Trump revealed is the power of a "base" election. He somehow (his charm totally escapes me) inspired enough people who had been sitting out on voting to jump in and vote for him, in states by state that he needed. The base that all the moderate Republicans are afraid of, that's what drives the bus. Well, we have a base too. And its not racist, sexist, homophobic, or fear based. It is experimental, yes, about change towards SOCIAL democracy. That's not socialism, state owning everything. Not communism, where "worker's councils of snitches inform on thought criminals. Its what most of the rest of the industrialized world does every day they eat their breakfast!

I don't know if I'll vote for Bernie, Pete, or Liz. They each have their strengths. No early voting. I'm saving myself, like a virgin, for that special moment on Super Tuesday, where I hold my nose, walk into my local church, and vote!

I kinda understand your point but when you say you are saving yourself like a virgin... I only remember Trump is always horny.

@St-Sinner he’s not gonna pop my cherry!


Sorry, but no go about the bias part ( [] ). Also opinion about Bernie is like everything else.... everyone has one. If you don't like him then don't vote for him in the primary. It's as simple as that.

I'm sick and tired of all the bashing of candidates. I get enough of that with Republicans. We all need to vote blue to get rid of the stench of Republicans.

I am Democratic Party activist, a voter and want to do everything to save our democracy. Just imagine if all activists kept quiet throughout the history. We would be ruled by crazy people and our lives could be different.... worse I mean.

I must fight Bernie Sanders' crazy misadventure of talking socialism, running for president in a fully capitalist country. It not just will not work but it will make things worse for all.

@St-Sinner was this from your ‘crystal ball?’ It seems your ideas are not flexible but hard as ‘rocks,’ ...politics never are as hard as rocks!

Ears to the ground. Reading between lines. From lessons learned. Experience and just the gut feelings. That is worth more that a few books and online articles.

@St-Sinner Well, thank you! I ascribe to that way of gaining information.


Okay this is an opinion and not facts but here goes in order;

1, - South Carolinians are wary of any word that had "social" in it unless preceded by "Church"
2, - The Democratic party conspired to rob him of the nomination 4 years ago. (How DID that work out for them?)
3, - Nobody is uniting the party atm Polarization by definition is 2-sided. Let's see if he can keep up the momentum?
4,- See 2 (BTW does the poster know that a? goes at the end of real questions?)
5,- That`s his job
6,- Like trump did against the "Elite"?
7.- First you have to win the primaries. Let's see how he does with full party support if and when
8,- I doubt many would. Certainly not any of the other candidates
9,- Maybe you just want universal health-care like everyone else in the 1st world and are tired of seeing people die or go bankrupt due to the present system?


Bernie is not my first choice or top 4, but with that said if he's the final Dem candidate he's got my vote. Far better than the evil fascist(IMO) squatting in the white house currently.
BTW, I never watch the awful CNN and wouldnt be caught dead watching Faux news but NPR has become kind of a joke, its letters should stand for 'Nice Polite Republicans'
My 2cts...

The solution to defeat Trump is find a good, strong candidate. Not shoot ourselves in foot with anger.

@St-Sinner What anger? Step away from NPR & CNN for a while. Bernie's not my fav candidate and I won't vote for him in the run-up, but If he's the Dem candidate in November I'm voting for him. Anger has nothing to do with it.

@ronnie40356 So what is that yelling about Billionaires and Millionaires? What is going on about... make the rich pay for all free giveaways? Is it love?

@St-Sinner I don't yell about billionaires and millionaires, I tend to agree with Warren regarding them. Tax the hell outta them, and corporations to. That's my take on that.

I was talking about the yelling by the Bernie campaign.

  1. But why punish one class of society to pay for another class?
  2. If Billionaires and Millionaires have broken the law, prosecute them. Why generalize?
  3. I agree with with fairness in taxes but taxing hell out of them is fairness?
  4. Everybody is free to become a millionaire and billionaire. Most of them in America have risen from very modest lower middle class background. Bernie is one of them.
  5. Do you think capitalizing on people's angst, agony, poverty, struggles, failures and pitting one class on another is a sign of a sound mind that we should handover the keys to the castle to?


  1. I don't consider it "punishment" to expect the wealthy and corporations to pay their share.
  2. No one said anything about them breaking the law. So I'll give you this one.
  3. Tax the hell out of them may have been a bit strong. Let's take their tax rates back to what it was in the 60s or even 50s I can live with that.
  4. This is not pertinent to the conversation, but I'd like a link backing up your comment that most millionaires & billionaires in the US began as lower middle class.
  5. You yourself are capitalizing on the agony, poverty, etc except you're arguing for it from the wealthy 1%ers position.

PS. We'll agree to disagree. Have a great day

@St-Sinner the rich make all their money off the ‘backs’ of the ‘little man’ with some affluent tossed in for good measure! You surely are not for the common good as an activist? So you must fall on the side for the rich and famous! But, I would wonder who pays you?

@Freedompath My paycheck after 40 hours of hard work per week.

@St-Sinner ...something is ‘off’ here...but then you know what is happening behind the scenes!

@St-Sinner You may want to look at the tax structure here in Canada before trying to move here. You will NOT like our tax system if you are against taxing people that make more money more than the working class.


What's wrong with supporting a candidate based on ideals? This rush to the center because "it's the only way to beat Trump" just pushes the Democratics further to the right. The beat Trump at all cost mentality hurts the left, it certainly doesn't help it.

Tabor Level 4 Feb 24, 2020


We tried running a moderate last time. Look what happened. In fact every moderate we ran this century failed. Gore- lost, Kerry- lost, Clinton- lost, Obama- won, but only because he ran on a hope and change progressive message.

We win by turning out large numbers. We turn out large numbers by giving people a reason to believe that voting will be worth while, that actual positive change will come. You don't get that large turn out with a boring moderate promising status quo and a return to normalcy.

@RoboGraham Hillary lost in 2016 because she was a bad candidate. Bernie will lose in 2020 because he is a bad candidate. It is not about moderates, extremists, independents, programs, policies, good hearts, compassion or Mr. Nice Guy.

@St-Sinner If it's not about "moderates, extremists, independents, programs, policies, good hearts, compassion or Mr. Nice Guy." What makes a good candidate good or a bad candidate bad?

Pragmatism. Knowing your place. Understanding how high you can jump and not have any illusions about yourself. Bernie has big illusions about himself.


Bernie just became the first candidate in either party to win all three of the first states. Bernie is at the top of all the polls. Bernie has a massive devoted following that will smack down all nonsense coming from haters. Bernie has an unlimited supply of funds because his individual donor numbers keep climbing to new heights.

The delusions here are your insistence that Bernie is a bad communist candidate who will wreck the party and ruin the country. You really are drinking too much aren't you.

It is only a few months to November 2020. Enjoy while you can. Donny is coming soon.... You will think I was a saint when Donny gets started on Bernie.


You are a saint.

Just as Bloomberg is a terrific candidate for Sanders to run against, so will be Trump. A billionaire with a history of racist policies, sexual assault allegations, and self enrichment on the public dime.

Bernie will carve him up like a thanksgiving turkey.

You have nice but very inflated ideas about Bernie. I worry about Bernie's heart in the first Debate against Trump.


So Bernie and Donny will be debating then ah?

You've accepted that Bernie probably will be the nominee?

Yes, we Democrats are stupid and suicidal. I am not going to deny it.


The Bernie Bombing is ramping up now that he is forging ahead.
I like most of the candidates and would be more than happy to vote for them. However, in my opinion, they are more centrist in their positions which may have worked in the past but the system is chronically, sick and broken. That's probably the only thing we can thank the GOP for; shining a light on the cracks! If a centrist is voted in, I fear that there will just be more of the same. I don't want more sick and broken. Yes, voting for Bernie may mean dismantling the current system and that could be and probably will be traumatic, however that revision will benefit more Americans than are currently represented. BUT I would prefer that option to another term (however long that would end up being) of a GOP government. The GOP is already quietly and not so quietly destroying the system TO BENEFIT the GOP and its backers; billionaires and corporations.


Cementing the nominee status? That is the fear among democrats. Talk about helping Trump win.

MSNBC is shitting themselves over Bernie's standing in the #1 spot. It's comical watching them panic, especially their biggest asshole, Chris Matthews who just wishes Bernie would die already.


It is great entertainment. I'm also enjoying observing the panic of the moderates on this site.

@St-Sinner just because you keep changing your avatar to "truth" doesn't make your bullshit any more true than continuously repeating it. Or, perhaps, you are trying to promote the recitation of mantras? If so then I am happy to discuss (again) the psychological aspects of Indian logic. But please learn the 3 pillars of truth IAW Indian logic systems and epistemology.

@JeffMesser Do you know my birth name in Sanskrit means "The Truth? How can be wrong?

@St-Sinner names and forms. if you're "so intelligent" then you'll realize how ignorant that is.

@JeffMesser I gave up on trying to have a discussion. It always ends up him saying something like "I know I am right because I am right." He isn't interested in discussions. He is interested in making pronouncements, which are not his own. He is a human megaphone.

@AtheistReader not surprising. this happens often when they figure out that they are missing something.


That's a good ass point. I've come to the same conclusion. He gets weirder and more frustrating the more you talk to him.


I've heard it said that "Democrates fall in love, Republicans fall in line". You may vote your heart but we'll end up with four more years of trump, and if you thought the first four years were bad the next four will be out of control disastrous! The Dems represent one third of the general, Repubs one third and Independence one third. Even if all Dems vote for whoever wins the Dem primary the Independences won't vote for a Socialist. A recent Gallop pole showed that only 47% of all voters would even consider voting for a Socialist. 60% would consider an Atheist. We have to be real.

Thank you. Please spread the good word and save our democracy,

@St-Sinner I've been in the renewable energy industry since 1980, specifically the solar and storage area. I commend Sander's priority given to climate change however he has an idealist concept on how to approach this goal that simply is doomed to failure. I'm very worried about this. If we lose this opportunity to deal with climate change in an intelligent rational way now, we will be too late five years from now. We need to vote intelligently and pragmatically.

They say stay with the evil you know instead of the one you don't.

@seenoevil9620 I would rather go with Bernie then trump any day however he plans to eliminate all carbon fuel generation and rely on renewables entirely. He plans on eliminating all nuclear generation by 2030. Sounds great until you look at the reality of this. Small fission and thorium reactors will be required to have a carbon-free generation economy. Natural gas will be required as a bridge until we can replace it with nuclear and renewables.

@seenoevil9620 If Bernie wins we will end up with trump. He will never win the Independents.

@seenoevil9620 I hope you prove me wrong!


Couldn't agree with you more, if nominated Trump will have a fun time with him.

Thank you. Please spread the good word and save our democracy.


To your point about news coverage. I am a big fan of PBS News. Generally liberal but does cover dissenting persepctives with maturity. I The Brook sand Shields segment is the best tn minutes of televison every week. Outside of PBS, the New comes across more as a sporting event. the Networks started this in the 1970s, but Cable News commentary has the look and feel of sportscasting. The networks such as NBC or CBS seem to be veering more toward journalism, trend that I hope accelerates.

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