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Answer to Why don’t atheists have the guts to mock Islam? by Alif Ayman []


AravindAjith 6 June 21

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Not me ,I will mock this Archaic homophobic woman and child abusing anti Semitic disgusting religion any time the opportunity arises.,and I have many times on this site

Same here


Islam is just as stupid as any other religion. I-slam the door on Islam. πŸ˜›

That's cool.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰


I'm an atheist and I used to be a Muslim.
Islam is crap

Personally, I accept your authority on the topic! πŸ˜‰


Why mock anyone? I wouldn't mock Christians or Jewish people. My life is about my own existence and my beliefs are my own. I would never deliberately set out to hurt anyone

Amisja Level 8 June 21, 2020

Well typed.

The criticism, including satire and mockery, of ideas should not be conflated with doing the same to those who hold the ideas. I was taught to 'hate the sin, not the sinner.' Now, I despise the belief, not the believer.


I'm to busy mocking Trump.


Islam is a death cult lorded over by a very few old men who are mostly pedophiles, anti feminist, homophobic, narrow minded, greedy, and power hungry!!!

Islam mocks itself like trump does by being β€œthe religion of peace!”!!!

All smoke and mirrors to take those who can not think for themselves and are too cowardly to admit it is all a shame to relieve them of their money and free will!!!

Just a another cult like Christianity who uses threat and the fear of death instead of love to join their followers together!!!

Sounds a lot like the present pandemic we are now captured under!!!


I would assume it is due to the fact that the majority of them are liberals .


What’s to mock about a religion that has a bunch of child marrying brainwashed Imbeciles as it’s followers.

howdy1 Level 5 June 23, 2020

Why? Because I have no interest in Islam or any other religion for that fact.
Why? Do you feel left out?


I don't feel the need to mock islam. What rhe hell has that to do with courage? Any idiot can be mocking and rude.



Mocking isn't nice... Courage isn't needed to mock, ignorance is...

You took the words off of my keyboard.

You are full of shit as usual . You f….hypocritical ass.


I supposed it could have something to do with most of them being Trump bashing liberal democrats.

Of course ,these scum would trash their own mothers if they were Trump supporters.


What's to mock about a religion that allows adult men to marry 9-year-old girls and turns half the population into second-class citizens?


I see no good reason to "mock" anyone's beliefs.

Haven't we got enough division and mistrust already ?


As an atheist since age 13, I believe it is mean to mock religions.

However, a bumper sticker on my car says:

Keep Your Theology
Off My Biology

In my 20s, I wore a NARAL (National Abortion Rights League) button:

Keep Your Rosaries
Off My Ovaries

The fight against religious zealots continues. Vote BLUE.


I will . Islam is an example of controlled stupidity.

lori99 Level 5 July 11, 2020

If you don't want to be "mocked" for being an atheist or agnostic then don't "mock" others who have other believes.


It was quite windy here yesterday and I thought for few moments I saw the Islamic version of the 'Flying Nun' passover my house but after looking twice I realised it was not some poor unfortunate Islamic woman draped in the usual, dull, drab full-length garb but instead it was just a stray black, plastic garbage bag doing a very good impersonation of one.


Any and every thing that is said about ANY religion applies to Islam equally as well.

Exactly - since Islam has few offshoots of other much more ancient religions.

@TimeOutForMe I don't see anyone mocking the faith of the Hindu.

@WonderWartHog99 I suppose because they're not in your face and not violent if you speak bad about it or even if you leave the religion for that matter.

@TimeOutForMe They bug me to feed Ganesh a bag of peanuts.

@WonderWartHog99 That's a first πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Because we have better things to do than run around "mocking" anything, (except maybe drump)....but childish "mocking"? WTH!?

I thought I had heard this before πŸ™‚


Any self respecting non believer doesn't "mock" anybody, we go about our business trying to live our very short existence to the fullest and trying to do good in general. Anybody that wants to proselytize will be strongly rebuked, it so happens that in America most people are christian. In the countries where islam is majority, it is completely rare to be a non believer which in many cases gets you killed and in most cases gets you only animosity. I know the original bangladeshi poster said this jokingly posting memes that prove the contrary. Yet the opening line is insulting to all nonbelievers.


I've spent many hours debating and mocking muslims. I even got removed from a mosque. But thats just me being stupidly brave. In any case debating a muslim is just as futile as debating anyone in any other religion. Even in the face of a logical melt down they still hang on to it.

Nardi Level 7 June 25, 2020

I don’t need to mock Islam because it’s nothing more than the kids who felt left out creating their own club or better yet daddy Abraham didn’t love me so I’ll show him!

Seriously though I believe that the post was meant to satirical but it’s simply sad

Yup, ol' father Abraham banished our ancestor, Ishmael and his mother, Hagar, when his first and favorite wife, Sarah, gave birth to Isaac--so we'll show him, indeed! And so the descendants of half-brothers (the Arabs and Jews) have been at odds with one another ever since, as the story goes.


I see no reason to make fun of anything that's based on willful ignorance. To me they're just being f** stupid. πŸ™„


I do it all the time, or at least every opportunity that arises! There's no diff between their fantasies and those of xtians. I get your point - they'll kill you for it. Some xtians will too. We atheists and agnostics aren't afraid of their stupid belief systems, for the most part. Do I want them to know where I live? Fuck no. I just don't need the hassle. Their systems will collapse under their own weight. Eventually the information age will overcome the nonsense religions try to spread. Hopefully in my lifetime! Science will reign supreme!

I doubt that their systems will ever collapse. There will be always be a certain percentage of humans who will be ignorant fools. We can only hope that it will be relegated to the fringes of society and do as little harm as possible.

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