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Here is a statement I hate. It has done so much harm and slowed down humankind's growth:

If god wanted.....

Man to fly
Go to the moon
Be free
Respect women
Love your neighbor
Use contraception

Beowulfsfriend 9 Aug 1

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When I was a teenager in NYC, I took the subway downtown....spent all my money....and when it was time to go home I didn't have enough money to buy a subway token. I planned on jumping the turnstile but AMAZINGLY......I found a token on the steps down to the subway. I told this story to friends and they said God was looking out for me. I think someone was in a hurry to get home....heard the train coming....fumbled in their pocket to get a token and accidentally dropped a token on the steps. So which explanation is more logical?????


I've about had it with things people think a god wanted.


If god wanted me to believe in him he would either present himself to me or give me some sort of proof of his existence!

Drops mic!

@Unpretentious My favorite god joke....

St. Peter was walking down the hall and passed god's office. God looked upset and St. Peter asked what was wrong. God said that he was in love with an Atheist and she didn't even know he existed!

(Obviously you can substitute he for she here.)


If 'god' wanted that...what?
What's your point?


I have to say yes I agree with you, the same can be applied to ANYTHING they don't wish to accept. 🤔


I wonder how the people who speak about the "word of God" will talk about his designs, that no human can understand, not even them and they still claim to know about his word don't see how ridiculous they are.


It's all part of the 'god made everything and has a divine plan' concept.

If you believe that god is 'in control' and 'knows what the fuck he's doing' then you have no motivation whatever to do anything. God has it all in hand, and anything you do is perverting god's will.


I get you point, I think, and agree it is aggravating. Some are shrugging and saying in effect to ignore it. Sometimes, though, we need to confront shit like that. The headache comes in trying to discern when and how we might possibly be constructive about it. I lean toward calling the speaker out on their (likely unintentional) hypocrisy. ....such as pointing out the automobiles they routinely ride around in weren't part of "God's" creation. ...basically, that the reasoning behind the statement is hollow and meaningless.


Have you considered not perpetuating the statement?


Well everything that’s novel or unusual is suspect to frightened primitives. So what do you expect? Best to just dismiss anyone that thinks like this else we all face problems. This can be extrapolated to national political parties. There’s always one that scares primitives because it expects progress, and one that’s dishonest and regressive.


If god didn't want genocide, he wouldn't have ordered the Israelites to slaughter children.

If god didn't want slavery, he wouldn't have laid out guidelines on keeping slaves.

If god wanted humans to use electricity, he would have made us eels...

LOL, betcha I could type for another 30 minutes without pause. 🙂


It has slowed the growth of frightened people; the rest of us have moved on.

The rest of us? 70%+ people in this country believe in angels...

@JeffMurray and demons.


No shit, Sherlock.

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