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How many of you curse like a sailor?
When I do my religious mother gets
offended. So Iā€™m using new cursing words
out of the handmaids tale.
Blessed be the fruit or blessed be.
Any new curse word suggestions?

Wildgreens 8 Nov 1

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I am using the 4 letter F word more and its, a word everyone wants to hear but their mind goes another direction ,,Do not know any one who doesn,t " FREE"


After six years in the Navy, working construction to put myself through college, (G.I. Bill is inadequate), then after riding around on a Harley a few years, yes I fucking cuss.
The new curse word is "Trump".


Fuck what anyone else thinks. They can fuck all the way off....and I tell my own mother that. My dad used to make a big deal out of women that did, I would just point out that he's where I learned them from. He'd turn away with a half smile but still be pissed off about it.

What fries my cookies is when a man says he doesn't like to hear women swear.

@TheoryNumber3 I like women who know their mind and can tell what they want and need.

@TheoryNumber3 , that crawls my frame every time šŸ˜‰

@TheoryNumber3 That's what my dad was doing...

@Larimar Yeah it's ok for men to swear like marines in front of women, but god forbid women should swear


What the fuck is wrong with the old friggin curse word?

@Gwendolyn2018 fucking gawddamned right there ain't..Jesus,Mary and fucking Joseph, who the fuck has fucking time to come up with fuckng new gawddamn curse words? Shit, I barely having fucking time to think, nevermind fucking thinking about some shitassed new friggin fangled curse word. Thanks for the support, fuckin love it!šŸ˜³šŸ’—

@Gwendolyn2018 would you two fucking stop. Godammit! Can't leave you for one goddamn minute goddamn kids always into fucking shit some goddamn place. Goddammit. I give the fuck up!
Words of my goddamn father šŸ™‚

@freeofgod what the actual fuck are you fucking blathering on about you old fuckwad? Whom by the sweet ass of Jesus invited you and your half assed opinions into our fucking convo in any fucking case?

@freeofgod My Dad was not much of a user of profanity/swearing BUT when either his kids were doing something a bit wrong/incorrect or something he was doing went hay-wire we'd hear him say things like, "Moses on a Moped, " " Judas Priest," " Mary on the Modess," "Jesus on Pushbike," BUT if you heard the words " Christ and Cornflakes" uttered you knew it was time to either cover your ears or duck for cover....LOL.

@Triphid my mom was 70 before she ever said

@Charlene My 'mother' the ever present 'Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth' occasional when it suited her 'Christian' was the perfect (LOL) example of a NON-profanity user WHEN she thought no-one could hear her and I'd say I learnt every single swear word in my vast vocabulary of profanities from her.
Dad, on the other hands, was the old School Gentleman type, a full-on Atheist who, IF he caught any of his kids swearing would simply give them a very black look, shrug his shoulders and shake his head.
Though he did use the 'Feck' a few times and I still remember clearly him saying " If u c Kate" when he accidently sat on barbed fish hook once.

@Triphid My dad would use the word goddamn 36 times in one rant. šŸ˜‰
Fuck was poetic license šŸ™‚

@freeofgod LOL, I used to get away with saying 'Fork' instead of 'f**k' until Dad sussed it out.

@freeofgod my moms fav was either Jesus H. CHRIST or JESUS,Mary and Joseph..


Basically, I don't trust people who don't cuss.

Yanno, I feel the same way!!


The worst thing I ever heard my cousin's wife say was "Oh Gosh". One day she asked me a question and I slipped and said "Fuck NO". And she looked like she was struck by lightning. I apologized and said "I'm sorry. I know you don't like cursing". And she said "I just think it sounds a little trashy". Well excuuuuuse me!

And I'd lay odds on bets that alone and behind closed doors she swears like a trooper anyway.
You can be fairly certain that those "Butter wouldn't melt in their mouths " types are more often than not the biggest users of profanity, etc, of all.

@Triphid Normally I'd agree with you, but I think in this case, her response would always be "Oh gosh". I think she grew up in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood


Swear story. I went in a store for one item. They didn't have it, I said well fuck, woman in front of me stiffened her back, she turned, It was my fucking sister šŸ˜€


I had some friends from the UK back in the 90ā€™s and they were always telling people to ā€œbugger offā€. Apparently bugger off means fuck off!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

And the Vee (peace) sign turned around means 'up yours'

And there's an awful lot of use of "wanker" there too. A great expletive for describing plonkers, nobheads, and tossers


In "polite society" I will utter expressions like "Fornicating Fuffules', "Amputated Prepuce" etc.
It's expected of me now.

Oh how Tres European...fucker..


You could say 'fart', since that is a synonym for 'Trump' in England, or the other way round. But maybe that is a bit strong in the US right now.

Is it really???

@TheoryNumber3 Yes my mother always used to say. "I just trumped." Maybe its only in the north east.

@Fernapple I love it!!!!!!!!!!! I never knew that!

I have always loved the British. Now even more so!


Sometimes I Spoonerize the words, as in: "Fut the shuck up!" šŸ™‚

I like that!!

That spoonerism sounds as funny as fuffalo barts.


My daughter in law finally felt comfortable enough to say fuck in front of me, it felt great, now she is def one of the family


Swear words? It's punctuation dammit.


I've always had a foul mouth. My mother used to stick a bar if soap in my mouth as punishment. But I need new swear words 'cause the old ones are passƩ. Fuck is worn out. Cocksucker should be a term of endearment. I rely more and more on expressions, like "I wouldn't touch a trump voter with a rabid dog's dick".



I could go on but maybe not what you were looking for.

Leelu Level 7 Nov 1, 2020

@Leelu My favorite is Twat waffle!

Iā€™m loving the suggestions. šŸ˜‚

@MichelleGar1 I don't use any gendered slurs. Gave them up several years ago when I found out there were a couple of hundred slurs for males and more than 2000 slurs for females. Our language works against us so I changed my language.

@Wildgreens "diaper it mom"


I am an ex sailor, I swear in multiple languages. Your religious mother just needs to be de-sensitized. I remember this guy who used the word "fuck", around this girl and she got up in his face about it, so he just kept on repeating the word over and over again, that is exactly what he was up to, and by the way, the way I look at it, words are not much more than phonetic combinations, and if people are offended by them, it is because of what is going on in their head, not yours.


How many of you curse like a sailor?
:::::Raising my hand:::::

LOL, BOTH hands and BOTH feet raised very high here.
One I use often when in public places is " Oh, Sheep shit" or "Frog Farts Stink."


Nope, I am who I am, I just let it flow out of my mouth!


I've been binge watching "Mr. Mercedes" on the Peacock network, and the Scottish investigator's favorite expression is "Fook me in the arse"


"If something surprised me I use to say "fuckin' hell !", until someone pointed out that "They don't. It's one of the punishments"

Thank you for my first laugh of the day!!


Nothing wrong with cussing to emphasize a point. Adds to the conversation ....but it becomes a fucking bore when used too frequently...


Use another language. Plenty of fodder & she won't dare ask you what it means. Yiddish is a good place to start. The wit is free,


When Trumpies attack me on FB, I tell them to "go stand on your head, and stuff your thumbs up your butt!". Or, I ask them "Do you Trumpies pick your noses with the same toe you pick your butts with?".


Oh, sweet mother of pearl.

I have to think about that one. šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘


I swear whenever I fucking feel like it.
What anyone else thinks about that is of no concern to me.



I can curse but not sure about the sailor bit. Never met a cursing sailor. Only nice ones.

You must not have dated any. šŸ˜€

@Leelu Or they were scared of me to curse.

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