What's your favorite charity? I'm a regular contributor to Kiva.org They do micro loans to the developing world. You get to chose who to lend to, they pay you back and then you relend the money. Pretty cool. Right now, Team Athiest is in second place to Team Christian. We need to change that!
I contribute to the Southern Proverty Law Center. Sometimes, to an Native American School in South DeKota.
Kiva is a nice site. My wife has reinvested the same $100 like 50 times already over the past 10 years
Right on!
I'm a Kiva donator as well. Have been for several years.
If I donate it's to a local women's shelter here in town.
The humanist project is a good one. Others I know of are Habitat for Humanity, Adopt a river, HridoyaBangladesh.
When I have something to give I give it to Unwed Mothers ... to help them get their start,
Great. I tend to donate to people in my local community - there is a special needs couple in particular that I have assisted.
The Elton John AIDS Foundation. Well, I do not live with AIDS/HIV, I have people in my life that do. Second to that would be The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Heifer International is a good one. Instead of just food or money, donations go toward gifts that can help a family or individual become self-sufficient.
Yep! I support them as well.
City Harvest. They collect surplus but otherwise good food from grocery stores and restaurants that would be otherwise thrown out and bring it to soup kitchens for the homeless.
So cool!
I am in the UK favourite charity is Age N.I - (Northern !realnd) I do small jobs for people washing ironing and mending they give me money and when I get to a hundred ounds I send them a cheque I don't think htey get much support, but do good work for the elderly.
keeping it local and personal. nice.
That's lovely.
I give every month for the last decade to Plan USA. I did volunteer work translating letters from "adopt a village" type charity but it was religious, so I looked for some kind of nonreligious charity that helped with sustainable projects. I have been happy with the work that Plan International does
Had to google it. Looks like a good one!
Overall: [kiva.org]
The A+ Team specifically: [kiva.org]
Right on!
The local animal shelter, the health clinic where I used to work, Planned Parenthood, and myself, ( or maybe I should say the heating oil company, electric company, the grocery store, etc. )
I am my own favorite charity. I have limited money although I have more than most people I know. If I was to donate to anything I think St. Jude would be as good as any. I love the work they are doing and I was never nowhere close to being Catholic. I so sorry for those poor children.
Also Kiva and over the years a number of similar projects. I prefer the grass roots approach such as these.
Excellent! Me too.