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55% of adults think Jesus will return to Earth (this includes 1% of atheists.

jackjr 7 Jan 31

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JC won't be "coming back". He was never here in the first place.

Atheists who maintain their own unproven statements which get them nowhere, on the next Oprah.

@rainmanjr My statement is factual. What is STILL unproven is the existence of ANY god at any point in human history.
There is no there there.
If anyone contends that their god is real, it is on them to prove it. They cannot.

@KKGator You claim that Jesus did not exist. He did not have to be a God to have existed, as a first point, but nobody has ever proved that Jesus (as a human being) did not exist. Jesus was a fairly common name, I gather, and he is mentioned in Quran. It may be, as we all have talked about repeatedly, that a traveling philosopher (or Gypsy), saw opportunity in the area but the effort went South for 300 years. Then he was resurrected. That's a possibility so stating his non-existence as a factual thing automatically removes your authority for the subject and those listening roll their eyes.

@rainmanjr Okay. Enjoy your day.

@rainmanjr That's a disingenuous argument. The question "Did Jesus exist" specifically means "did God incarnate walk the Earth". To claim that there was probably some dude named Jesus is answering a different question. That's like me saying, "Of course God exists. My friend named his Great Dane 'God'. I was petting him yesterday, so he definitely exists."

@ChestRockfield No it's not. In fact, this is a common supposition. A philosopher who was later given divine nature by humans (John, Peter, and Constantine specifically) is extremely possible and has been theorized many times before me. Your argument automatically equates him with god just like Christians do. I admit that IDK if he existed or not but, in a discussion to change a mind, it is of greater value to offer that he did but, obviously, as a non-divine human. That starts the conversation on an agreeable note from which other concessions may be granted during the debate. If not done the debate tends to be about what The Bible says vs intellectual reasoning. His human existence is a minor point, actually, so once that's dispensed with the real bullet points against his divinity can begin. Maybe you save a Christian. But to make any statement of fact concerning the story is to lose the argument since it rides on faith, not reasoning.

"His human existence is a minor point, actually, so once that's dispensed with the real bullet points against his divinity can begin."
I don't know how this is different from my premise, that the existence of some dude named Jesus is irrelevant and the actual question is his divinity??

Either way, any argument against divinity would still be valid whether or not you admitted there was a philosopher named Jesus.

Furthermore, the central focus of this entire post is on Jesus' return to Earth, which is literally only possible with some metaphysical explanation, thus, the existence of some dude named Jesus who wasn't divine is completely irrelevant.

@ChestRockfield KKGator made the statement that he didn't exist. That's what I was replying to and the poll (which held this central focus you refer to), being in the OP, was not a target of my reply to KKGator. IDK what your premise was because I barely pay attention to you but you're the one arguing with me about Jesus. I mean, literally, Jeeeeesssssus! You folks have my permission to say stupid things that, therefore, weaken the effort of your arguments if it pleases you. Humans are all about pleasing themselves.

@rainmanjr Nothing we said was stupid. @KKGator even referenced "coming back" in her comment, so not sure how you didn't know what she/we were talking about. Also not sure how you're just scrolling through the comments and responding to people if you don't know what the OP is about...

@ChestRockfield I'm not going to get agreement from you so let's stop. I don't really care what you think anyway. I appreciate your belief that coming to KKGator's aid was gallant, and being male I understand wanting to be gallant, but my points stand without further reenforcement. Peace.

@rainmanjr Don't put your chauvinist shit on me. I actually had to go to her profile to check before using "her" in the 3rd comment in this exchange. I would have said the exact same thing regardless of the member, gender, race, political affiliation, etc. I take your points (sort of, you never addressed the fact that "any argument against divinity would still be valid whether or not you admitted there was a philosopher named Jesus" ) but they were misplaced in a thread about the return of Jesus. You've been super rude and dismissive of me ever since that argument about abortion [I think] a while back. For years we used to see eye to eye on almost everything, but now you're just kind of an asshole to me, so I stopped giving a fuck what you think, too. But that's not going to stop me from pointing out when you're wrong.

@ChestRockfield I have lost patience with bullshit and that is what you are handing me with this professed ignorance over how Jesus might have just been a man whom other men, and women, turned into a Deity. Some religions call them martyrs but the first one is a God. I suspect you know that but pick and choose what I wrote to make it more dodgy and then say I haven't answered you. I did. Wrong and right are much like good and bad. One creates the other (which is the supposed point of The Bible) so neither should be pursued. I merely pointed out a logical fallacy; that saying Jesus didn't exist is an unproven, therefore factual, error. As such it has a negative effect on credibility right off the bat. The Oxford Debate Club would probably call weakening your authority a stupid thing to do.


Dead motherfuckers don't ever come back.
The dead are notorious for missing appointments.
Especially the imaginary ones.


I'm thinking about starting a rapture pet care business .... if they are raptured, they pay me to take care of their pets. Payment in advance, naturally.

Good luck. I hope you make millions.

Bart Centre 'The Atheist Camel' did that ten years ago.

Why not? No matter how kooky an idea might sound, there's always a chance that it grows legs.


I 100% hope all of our great astronaut explorers always return to earth safely, fictional gods and a rapture is unnecessary, ground control to major Tom lock your hatch and put your helmet on, I love that song..


My next door neighbour was Christened Jesus. He went shopping late this morning. I am sure he will return some time this afternoon.


You omitted "American" from your headline. We are not nearly so gullible in the UK

Most Americans are more gullible, and it shows in our politics.

No, but we do lie to surveys for fun.


Believing in "the end times" is simply a way for some people to say fuck everyone else and fuck the Earth and future generations.

I say fuck all those things all the time without believing in god. 😝


As George Carlin said joking about bumper sticker, I have found Jesus, he is in my trunk. I also see a friendly young man named Jesus at my gym. So he is here, hahaha

@Gwendolyn2018 Jesus comes back every day and he is real!

@Gwendolyn2018 He is too intelligent for that.

@Gwendolyn2018 I don't know about the gym, but there will be trouble if he misses his shift in the kitchen at El Matador!

I prefer this Jesus. He exists, not the fictional clown of the Xians

@Gwendolyn2018 Being kitchen help is real, so it's a step up in that regard.


If he existed at all, he can't return to a place he never left. He is just dust on somebody's windowsill somewhere in Isreal.


That 1% Atheists .... I hope those are the ones that are "mad at god".


Who? Hard to return if you were never here to start with........


One of these days, it is going to happen for real.

BDair Level 8 Jan 31, 2023

Let's try the true Scotsman argument. We will include true atheists.


I can't trust a survey or respondents who don't understand the definitions of the words in the questions...


Jesus will retun, he just went to Mexico to visit his family. He'll be back on Monday back to work at the office. I gave him a ride to the airport when he was leaving. 😁

My late partner had 2 Jesus' in her classroom. Whenever the other kids called them Jesus they would cry and say my name is hesus.


The article doesn't mention atheists so you pulled that from somewhere else. The fact that 55% of Americans believe that crap is not news the ignorance has been growing here in leaps and bounds as a certain demographic gets older and more vocal.

Actually, it does...

@ChestRockfield Good catch. I did a search for the word atheist and it came up with no results. Apparently the search can't find it in an image so my methodology was flawed and I'll have to make adjustments for the future. 🤨 But even then I challenge the number as how could someone who doesn't believe in a god believe that one is coming "back"? The logic is incredibly flawed and given the margin of error of most polls I think it would be fair to ignore a 1% metric.

@redbai 100% agree with you. I'm shocked that this was PEW. I joked about it in another comment, but if they had a poll for bachelors, and some of them responded about their wives, shouldn't those respondents' answers get tossed? Who can have confidence in the results when there's no integrity in the methodology?


In what sort of country, do only one percent of people lie to surveys, just for fun and to screw the figures. What is happening to the world, what sort of a twit gives a truthful answer when approached by someone with a clip board ?

Maybe the 1% are not atheists but from religious who can't believe atheists exist.


One thing I agree with Jewish people on: Jesus is not the Messiah, and is not coming back.


After now waiting 2300 years it seems a lot of Christians have died off without any resurrection!!!

Jesus, hundreds if not thousands of them are alive and living in Latin American!!!

None have arisen after even after two or even three days after their death so far!!!

I find that when only about 28% of the US population actually attends church, that Atheists only number 1% worldwide!!!



Only 55%? I guess their numbers are shrinking.


Maybe "he" will, but I won't be here. The "Rapture" happens first, doesn't it? I'm be floatin' around in the clouds!

I do that daily.


1% atheist will say HOLLY FUCK , I was just kidding.
The agnostic will be spent to purgatory, it's like we never left home. The Christian get to go to the Funny farm. Makes sense to me, 😃🤣


I'm an Agnostic, not an Atheist, and I don't believe in Jesus, but do think if he did exist as a supernatural being and returned to earth, I have a feeling he would be very pissed off, esp. at his supposed followers...

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