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A pastor told me today that he is sorry that I have not felt the love of god. Pastor, I am the one who is sorry.
I'm sorry you believe a god who does not seem interested in loving everyone.
I'm sorry you feel the need to apologize for this "all loving" creator.
I'm sorry your religion would have you believe people are incapable of loving each other without this watch-dog divinity.
I'm sorry your happiness in this life relies on hope of the next.
I'm sorry you can't see that we don't need a god to be good, or loved.
I'm sorry for all the wonder your faith would have you ignore in favor of fairy tales.
For all the confusion in doctrine.
For lies of zealouts.
For the guilt brought on by your own humanity.
For all the delusions your mind has been forced through fear to accept, you have my deepest sympathies.

Foxonaut 5 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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162 comments (76 - 100)

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You could always show him this video:

The REAL Truth About Religion And Its Origins

Is this a new TV drama fiticius


I really believe a high percentage of pastors really don't believe in the Bible or in what they are teaching.
You might google a story about a woman pastor in a church out west that finally admitted she is an atheist. However, the members like her so much they want her to stay anyway but the national Baptist (or whatever religion) said she has to go. funny

Why should they, there is nothing to believe except the tax free job they have.

If you haven’t seen the movie Marjoe I would recommend it.




That is some 'read'...thank you!


Ok so the pastor is sorry/feels sorrow. do you have to? do you have to respond in the pastor's terms? I'll bet you're good. You have an authentic life and belief system (feel free to specify). YOU ARE GOOD!!. go forward


What great insight!! Thanks for your post.


This should be billboarded. Seriously.

AmyLF Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

The bad thing is that he probably doesn’t know the history of his religion. It’s very sad when they have blind faith.


When someone says that I just say how much I loved Santa Claus at age four, But then I grew up and became educated, Dear Pastor, I am sorry you feel so selfish that your beliefs must be for all.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 8, 2018

Don’t be sorry! It was his choice.


Awesome post! Thoughts and prayers to the pastor.


Don't blame people for believing in God - some were raised to believe. Some can't comprehend of a Godless Universe.

You don't blame a child for believing in Santa Claus do you?

gater Level 7 Feb 6, 2018

Well said.


Great Job!


How can someone who claims to be a jealous and wrathful god be anything other than a stalking psychotic with a sick understanding of the word 'love'.

Thats a great question.

@AnTwanSr Thank you for the correction. I note that the "?" is missing along with the edit facility!


Well said, and obviously, heartfelt.


I am sorry for you pastor you don't know to think for yourself.


What did he say? lol Nicely put!...

Awake Level 3 Jan 3, 2018

Oh, he did not reply...


And God said, “there is only one true God. I’m not gonna tell you which one it is but why do you kill each other over trying to figure it out.“?


you got that right...


I keep getting random people at stores talking about how I can only be successful through god...

@K9Kohle789 I AGREE


I’m with you and I would just add; a loving god that destroyed his own creation and creates his own enemies....


I had a person tell me that I needed the holy ghost to make my religious experience real. He lays hands on me and tells me to speak in tongues. I'm like, I got nothing. And he actually says to start speaking gibberish and then the holy ghost will take over. Wow. I was so sad. I wanted to believe I could have a personal relationship with god. But no, just bullshit. Just me doing tongue exercises. So sad. It was like finding Oz behind the curtain. Finding out Santa wasn't real. I don't get why religious people have to carry their god. It's a deity but it has no power. Just the power idiots willingly cede to it.

Ya know speaking in tongues dates back to the priests of Apollo where followers would go into a trance and utter nonsense syllables, called glossolalia. Here's the rub: only those with deep faith could understand the words.


See, this is the problem that I had with religion. They say if you worship him, your life will turn around. Not for me. I prayed and prayed and yet nothing changed. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

As I've said for a few years now, "nothing fails like prayer"......


Or an all seeing all powerful being, that allows so much evil and pain, to come to the innocent an defensless of all mankind

And the fact that many believers credit bad things happening to good people as a test of their own faith. How arrogant can a person get?


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