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Felt as salt in my wounds as this inauguration , of this President-Elect saw it commence on Dr. King's birthday.
Seems the god's are laughing at us again.

Mooolah 8 Jan 20

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Not gods just Trump

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public" H. L. Mencken
"Americans, as a group, are not especially intelligent and can be readily entertained or fooled to produce a financial benefit for someone. " PT Barnum (allegedly)

Based on the results of the last election, I'd say you're being generous.


I don't know about any gods laughing, but the oligarchs at the top sure are. I live in a state where "white" is a minority, and native Hawaiians do get benefits regarding housing and education that others do not. There is fear in the Hawaiian community that some programs might have been swept away by the recent executive orders. Yet 38% of our population, including some native Hawaiians, voted for this regime.


How about reflecting on how our failures brought us to this point?

Good luck in having any one admitting to this ,that’s why he got elected in the first place


Somebody’s gotta tell ya, so might as well be me. MLK Day is always the 3rd Monday in January.
His birthday, which isn’t a national holiday is on January 15th. 🙃


I’m somewhat surprised there has been no mention of abolishing MLK day……🤔
Change it to “National America” Day….🤠


Just more proof there is no God, and that we’re monkeys….


I laugh at gods.


The electorate handed over the country to a malignant narcissist and convicted felon, and his rogue's gallery of tech oligarchs and sycophants. Judging from the shocking lack of qualifications and low character of the clowns so far nominated to fill the highest and most sensitive positions in our government, and from Don Cheato's own public statements, I predict that we can look forward to seeing our air, land, and water fouled and despoiled by big corporations; the Justice Department used to unjustly persecute virtually anyone who Trumpty Dumpty doesn't like; a brain drain across all agencies in the federal bureaucracy as knowledgeable and non-partisan experts are chased out and incompetent political hacks installed in their places; the might of the greatest military the world has ever seen directed against its own people; and a pay-to-play system of graft and corruption, which will make Buchanan's Teapot Dome, Nixon's Watergate, Reagan's Arms-for-Hostages, and Bush II's illegal and bloody Iraq War look like they were perpetrated by school children. Oh yeah, we're in for quite a ride, on an express train straight to hell.

Trump is no prize but Kamala was even wrse.

@Alienbeing So you choose the convicted felon over the prosecutor. Fine. Don't come crying to me when it all turns to shit. And it will turn to shit, because character matters and Trumpty Dumpty doesn't have it.

@Flyingsaucesir The "convicted felon" nonsense will shortly disappear. The NYC trial has so many reversable errors that it is nothing except a bad joke.

Trump is no prize but Kamala is MUCH worse.

@Flyingsaucesir You wastrels have a new go to for disparaging the orange man don’t you . The majority of the public don’t give a shit about that.bullshit conviction That’s why they voted for him

@richiegtt The majority of the public did not vote for His Felonious Malignancy. He only got 49.8% of the vote.

The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump.

And it's not a "bullshit conviction." It's a conviction that was handed down by a jury of his peers, after a lengthy trial, close scrutiny of the evidence, and sober deliberation.

Trump was afforded a very capable defense, and took advantage of every opportunity to delay and derail the trial. He was even held in contempt of court for his blatant attempts to intimidate witnesses and officers of the court. None if it worked. Trump was convicted fair and square. Just like he lost the 2020 election fair and square. He lied, and continues to lie, about these two events and lots of other things.

@richiegtt The Jury was FAR from his peers and the Judge made so many reverseable errors it is amazing he is allowed to be on the Bench.

@Alienbeing Exactly !

@Alienbeing @richiegtt Wow, you really have drunk the Kool aid. The followers of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini ain't got nothing on you guys. Is this your first cult of personality, or were you also Moonies back in the day? 😂

@Flyingsaucesir, @richiegtt I am very sure that considering the fact that I practiced law to over 40 years I am MUCH more qualified to analyze legal proceedings than you are. Additionally many, many well known lawyers have said the same thing about that sham trail.

@Alienbeing And yet the fact remains that Trump was convicted by a jury of his peers, and the conviction stands. And it's not like this is something out of left field. The Trump Organization has been found to be a fraud mill; its CFO went to prison (twice) for fraud and perjury. Trump's "charity" was shut down and fined because it was found to be fraudulent. Trump University was shut down and forced to pay millions because it was found to be nothing but a scam. The number of people from Trump's inner circle who have been convicted of felonies is staggering. In addition to being a fraud, Trump himself is and adjudicated rapist. And now he has his own cryptocurrency, to better facilitate the flow of graft to the grifter. Trump's becoming the POTUS is the greatest scam of all; his flying monkeys (most of them corrupt LAWYERS) can commit crimes with impunity, now that Trump can simply pardon them. The list of Trump minions who have already received pardons is too long to recite here. So you're another slimy lawyer yourself? How wonderful for you. What was it the Bard said about lawyers? Something to the effect that they should be shot, if memory serves.

@Flyingsaucesir What a stupid reply. The conviction only stands because Trump has not appealed yet. Perhaps you should tell him that he is not operating on your time table.

@Alienbeing He had better hope that his appeal doesn't go before any judge who isn't a MAGA toadie. Lucky for the people he doesn't get to appoint flying monkeys (e.g. Eileen Cannon) to state courts.

@Flyingsaucesir Any Judge, other than the corrupt trail Judge, will rule in Trumps favor in this case.

Your comments prove you know nothing about law or even the trail itself.

@Alienbeing I listened to reporting on the trial almost evey day, and all the legal analysts praised the judge for his temperance and judicial acumen.

I especially enjoyed the part when Trump's own lawyer repeatedly used the term "orange turd" while cross examining Stormy Daniels. 😂😂😂

@Flyingsaucesir You must have been listning to MSNBC, because I found the exact opposite.

Save your "legal analysis" for someone not familiar with law.

@Alienbeing There are supposed news outlets that cover for Trump, flatter him, and lie for him. Some even have the word "news" in their names, e.g. One America News; Fox News; Newsmax. But these are not really news outlets so much as propaganda organs. One of them, Fox "News," has already been ordered by a court to pay 780 million dollars for repeating Trump's big lie that the 2020 election was rigged. Fox did not cover that news, therefore many in their loyal audience are still unaware of the fact that NO votes for Trump were transformed into votes for Biden by Dominion voting machines containing a chip designed for Venezuela's late strong man, Hugo Chavez. So, while a sad and pathetic commentary on your grasp on current events, it is not at all surprising that you are so woefully out of the loop.

These same so-called "news" outlets promulgate the false notion that Trump's many legal troubles are the result of unfair persecution. Many people are under the false impression that Trump's 34 felony convictions are based on a nothing more than he-said-she-said, and they are willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt that he is being truthful when he says he never had a sexual encounter with Stormy Daniels, and that the evil porn star made up the whole thing just to bleed money from a virtuous rich guy. What these people fail to realize is that it really doesn't matter if there was a sexual encounter or not. The press called it a "hush money" trial, and focussed mainly on the lurid sex/adultery/blackmail narrative. But that obscures the fact that Trump covered up the very real payments he made to Daniels by cooking his company's books. It's no crime to have an adulterous tryst, but it IS a crime to pay money to keep it quiet while you are a candidate for public office and NOT report those payments to the local election authorities. News about an adulterous affair right before an election can sink a candidacy. It has happened before (see the case of John Edwards). So the hush money was not JUST hush money; it was campaign finance. And as such, Trump was legally obligated to make public precisely what the payments were for. But that would have defeated the whole purpose of the hush money payments, i.e. keep the public in the dark about what the candidate was up to in his spare time, while his 3rd wife was carrying his baby. It would have looked bad. It might have cost him the election. So Trump didn't report the campaign expenditure as a campaign expenditure. Instead, he tried to make it look like a normal, workaday payment to his lawyer for boring legal work, and NOT a campaign expenditure. Trump himself caused his company's books to reflect this false narrative. He signed the checks. He conspired with his lawyer to do this. Then his lawyer spilled the beans. Attorney-client privilege cannot be used to cover up a crime. The lawyer's testimony was admissible. And it was backed up by other people, including David Pecker, Stormy Daniels, and Trump Org employees who testified that Trump is a micro-manager who knows where every nickel in his business goes. A jury of Trump's peers heard all this and more. Trump had the best legal representation money can buy. He was afforded much latitude in his defense. Trump's main tactic was delay, just as it was in his 4 other criminal indictments. That in itself says a lot about Trump. An innocent man would be eager to have his day in court. But a full hearing of the facts was the last thing Trump wanted, as the jury's verdict illustrates. He's a convicted felon 34 times over. Too bad his delay tactics worked in the other cases. The people had a right to a speedy trial, just as the defendant did.

This country has always had a patriarchal, puritanical, and misogynistic streak running through it. So a lot of people, under the impression that the Manhattan trial was about hush money to a female porn star, are giving Trump a pass. These people live in a fog of ignorance because they are fed a steady diet of disinformation, propaganda, and bullshit. Trump is, in fact, a very dangerous liar, an adroit con man, and would-be dictator. It's scary, because we already know that everything Trump touches turns to shit (witness the hundreds of thousands of excess deaths due to Trump's bungling of the COVID-19 pandemic). Now he's got his hands on the United States government itself. Look at the people he has nominated for the highest and most sensitive positions in that government. Matt Gaetz for Attorney General, for Christ's sake? Blondie Pam Bondi isn't much better. And that incompetent drunkard-slash-rapist Pete "kegsbreath" Hegseth? He had never run anything bigger than a 30-man platoon, and he mismanaged the funds of two small non-profits before being forced out of each in turn. He's the best person to run the largest bureaucratic organization in the world? Give me a break! Or how about "Putin's girlfriend," Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence? She spouts Kremlin disinformation like a true patriot -- of Russia. How long are our allies going to continue to share sensitive information with us if our DNI has Vlad the Invader on speed dial? And then there's that crooked lawyer Cash Patel, the guy with the enemies list, nominated for Director of the FBI. He says he wants to gut the organization he would lead, and turn FBI headquarters into a "museum of the deep state." How will firing our most experienced and knowledgeable agents and investigators help prevent the next terror attack? And when Trump orders illegal persecutions of his personal or political rivals, do you think Patel will say, "Boss, we can't do that!"? No way! He'll do as he's told, like a good little minion. Or take this jackass Russ Vought, prime mover of Project 2025. Well, to his credit, he's doing exactly what he said he would do. Right out of the gate, he's facilitating Trump's violation of the Impoundment Control Act and the US Constitution, helping the dictator usurp Congress's authority over how federal money is spent.

Everything Trump touches turns to shit. It's happening right now, right in front of us. 💩💩💩💩💩

@Flyingsaucesir Yes the news sources you mentioned do lean or even are Right Wing news outlets, just as MSNBC and CNN are only Democrat shills.

Tell me something I don't know.


I'm not sure of any gods laughing at us but the situation is bizarre. Trump's wife came dressed as the Hambuglar maybe coz it made things harder for the two of them to kiss. Trump himself could not put his hand on the bible for the oath, and Dubya had some comedic rolling eyes. Hillary was laughing herself silly at one point. This could be because Trump repeatedly said January 6th was a day of no troops called to the White House because that decisson was up to Nancy Pelosi. Now it is a day later and Trump is signing to forgive all the insurrectionists because "January 6th was a day of love."

We have jumped the shark and are firmly locked into watching the theater of the absurd, for the indefinite future...

@TomMcGiverin The term "jumped the shark' originated on the Howard Stern Show. I believe John Hine copywrited the term & has made some $$.

Hi, Deno. The mental health science folks have not yet diagnosed Trump’s condition as a form of insanity. They will.

@Mooolah Interesting, I had thought that phrase was rooted in Evil Knievels’ famous jump?! 😂

@Aaron70 He had so many.

@Mooolah Not where he jumped a pool with a shark in it….🤣


Martin Luther King Would Still Fuck Trump's Shit Up (Into the American Twilight Edition)
I don't have the bandwidth to go deeply into the complete fucking over of everything Martin Luther King, Jr. lived and died for with today's presidential inauguration of a man who is the opposite of King in every way possible. So rather than go with a whole history lesson about how King would have had hundreds of thousands of us in the streets today to show we won't go gentle into that Trump night, I'm just gonna give you a couple of quotes from King's 1959 sermon, "Unfulfilled Hopes." It's about how people deal with dreams that are shattered (in fact, he would title a later version "Shattered Dreams" ), and he makes reference to how, in the Bible, the apostle Paul wanted "to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to Spain" but never gets to Spain and ends up in a prison in Rome.

In describing how we react to disappointment, King talks about various kinds of people, including this:

"Have you ever seen mean people? Now, sometimes you take a good psychological analysis of that person. You look back, and you discover that that person had a distant Spain in mind that he wanted to go to, and he had a great hope and a great desire and because of the forces of circumstance something happened and he never got to that Spain. And he ended up confined in a little cell of life that had been brought up and built up around him by the very forces of circumstance. And now he lives in his cell, bitter and angry with life, and he has a sort of demonical grudge against life. This is his response. And he seeks to solve his frustration by taking all of this out on other people. And so maybe sometimes he’s mean to his children, or he’s mean to his wife, or she’s mean to her husband, or mean to people round and about because he can’t find life itself. Life is intangible in a sense; it’s invisible. We, we, we don’t see life; we see the manifestations of life. And you can never take life and hit life and beat up on life. And so he discovers that he can’t get life itself to beat on and pay back for what the universe has done to him, so he finds people that are tangible, and he finds things that are tangible, and he takes this bitterness and this hate out on these things. And this is the solution to his problem, he thinks. The bitterness within, and the anger, he becomes angry with the universe. And he fights the universe through people and things. This is one way that people deal with this problem of unfulfilled hopes. They react with bitterness and mercilessness and meanness."

No matter how much he cruises through the world, Trump believes he's owed more and more: more money, more power, more love, more worship. And because he can never be satiated, he's put himself in that "little cell of life." King would fuck Trump's shit up because he understood exactly who someone like Trump is, how vain and small and awful he is.

And since teaching the truth about the history of this country is about to become banned in many places, here's what King, in the same sermon, had to say for anyone who tries to cover for the sadists and racists in the American past:

"I look back over the dark days of slavery. Let nobody fool you about it. We can romanticize all we want to about the beauty of slavery. There are those who would still try to romanticize about the beauty of slavery, and they, they have their minds back to those good old days. Slavery was a tragic thing. All that the Negro had to look forward to was rows of cotton, sizzling sun, the whip of the boss, and the barking of bloodhounds. This is what he faced. It is tragic to be cut off from some things, but there is nothing more tragic than to be cut off from your language, cut off from your family, cut off from your roots. This is what the Negro faced—going over in ships out of Africa, huddled up in ships, not able even to talk to each other, thrown up and brought over to distant countries to work, nothing in their past to hold on to."

His point was that Black people faced horror upon horror and still found the strength to keep going, keep fighting, and keep the faith. It's a lesson I truly hope I can live up to in the next four years.

(15 years ago, I wrote about how King would tell Democrats to sack up. Sadly, it's still relevant.)


You may get some comfort from H. G. Wells on Napoleon.

"There lacked nothing to this great occasion but a noble imagination. And failing that, Napoleon could do no more than strut upon the crest of this great mountain of opportunity like a cockerel on a dunghill. The figure he makes in history is one of almost incredible self-conceit, of vanity, greed, and cunning, of callous contempt and disregard of all who trusted him, and of a grandiose aping of Cæsar, Alexander, and Charlemagne which would be purely comic if it were not caked over with human blood. Until, as Victor Hugo said in his tremendous way, “God was bored by him,”

It was open to Napoleon to work out and consolidate the new order of things, to make a modern state that should become a beacon and inspiration to Europe and all the world.

He attempted nothing of the sort. He did not realize that there were such things as modern states in the scheme of possibility. His little imitative imagination was full of a deep cunning dream of being Cæsar over again—as if this universe would ever tolerate anything of that sort over again!"


McDonald's announced a new McFelon Meal with a flat orange soda, limp fries, and a small pickle.

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