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What if you are wrong and there IS a god

Im atheist . And I get asked this often . Was curious to know other non believers answer to this . Without getting into to much detail my answer is simple. If I am wrong and im hell doomed for not believing then thats fine with me . Maybe hell is where I belong . Because there is just to many things in the bible itself I can't justify . Too many evilness . God murdered o don't know how many people including kids . He tortures gay people . Ect. I will not bow down before such an evil being . I also have questions for him as well. One being why has remain hidden ? Why did he leave behind no evidance of his existance? And even more confusing leave more evidence of him NOT existing and then throw us in flames for eternal torment for not believeing him ? If he does exist we have a mad man on charge and we should all be fearful of this lunitic . So send me to hell god because I would never follow you anyways

DavidDeLa89 6 Jan 9

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184 comments (76 - 100)

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Then when I meet Him I'll say "Oh shit, sorry mate. Come down the pub and I'll buy you a couple of beers and we're even, yeah?"

Jnei Level 8 Jan 13, 2018

Which god? The god that watches as children die of cancer? The god that watches as a gunman shoots up its believers in a church, and does nothing to stop it? Why would I not only want to spend an eternity with a disgusting entity like that, but worship it as well?

Sethy Level 4 Jan 15, 2018

It seems more reasonable to believe a just & fair god would not bother to give me the illusion of the freedom to choose if there was only one right answer to the question.

Or to look at it another way, if said god has any self-esteem at all, he does not require my belief nor my worship and should be ashamed of himself for ordering me (a la 10 commandments) to do so. This smug, capricious, fickle, selfish, narcissistic, jealous monster of a god isn't worth the thought.


IVE BEEN DEAD FOR 6.4 BILLION YEARS and alive for 66 years, that's a lot of time for a sadistic bastard god to ferment in his own self righteous importance


If there is a God, he/she has a cosmic sense of humor.


Well if it came to that . I would say to him you created everything including the horrible childhood you let me live though and the aftermath of being brainwashed.
You destroyed my freewill when it came to believing in you.
But you the all powerful, merciful god allowed this to happen. I was an innocent child and you did nothing.
In there are millions of innocent children you allow to suffer from sick demented minds to traumatize us . Sorry god you created the damage in my mind that is not reversible , it’s your doing and you should be held responsible for me and the millions that still suffer as we speak.


If there is a God and when I die I go in front of her... whatever it is.....and it says... you never believed in me so off to Hell you go... I would say... well you created me so you knew me before I was born and you also knew how my life would end up.. but yet you let me go thru this circus to just let me stand here and you get your jollies sending me to Hell....what kind of joker would do this????? This is not LOVE it’s a very sick minded GOD!!!!!!


Then hopefully it will kinder than the gods in the imagination of humans.


Well said I agree


According to the church rules, I grew up with it wouldn't matter. I was baptized, so I'm getting in. If they're wrong, I'm going to hell. I can live with that.


This is the ultimate oxymoron. ...what if non-existence existed? What if gibberish were real words ? What if an alleged vaginal virgin gave birth to an alleged baby god in a dirty donkey stable midnight Dec 25 year ONE on the fake calendar back dated wrong 800 years later


I guess that I would fall into your catagory! If there is a God and 'it' has allowed all your aboved mentioned things to take place or perpetuated them 'it's much worse could it be? So easy to control humans, if you threaten them with, unimaginable suffering!! Wonder when that started? I don't believe that is in my DNA!


He/she would forgive us for not believing, because he/she blessed us with logical minds. It would be god's fault that we don't believe.


If there is a god, she will have a lot of explaining to do.


The UU answer to Pascal’s Wager (paraphrased by me):

If there is a God either he is a compassionate loving god who will forgive us or he is a giant dick.

Lauxa Level 5 Feb 10, 2018

If there is a God, particularly the omnipotent and omnipresent kind, and I meet him when I die, I intend to have some very strong words with his or her management style. I think Stephen Fry said it best when asked what the first thing he would say to God was: "Bone cancer in kids, what's up with that?"


The entire concept of Christianity sets you up for failure to start with. It's a guide to obedience. You might call the bible The Goat and Sheep Herders Guide to the Universe.


Then we would already be slaves to a single minded god desiring worship all the time. If that were the case he sure is nice with hands off.... But there is no heaven or hell and rule number 1 here is 0 intervention from above. 😉 All you will ever experience in this Universe is everyones momentum bouncing off each other. I call it freewill pinball. This includes what seems to be an equal importance for the life of plants, virus's, bacteria, humans or even rocks in space, the life cycle of suns. etc, etc. No amount of prayer to any god will stop a cancer from killing you or getting hit by a car. Always keep your eyes open, this life is more about whats happening in front of your face. Plenty is understood that we would have little control over some things as the momentum grows & flows.


Ignorant evil believers are so twisted in their minds ANY THREAT OR BRIBE is OK with their genocidal incestuous alleged deity Jehovah with a magic penis raping a married little virgin to give birth to himself so he can survive a crucifixion 33 years later. ....who also orders violent unsafe abortions in 4 separate infallible words of his Amos 1:11 Second Kings 8:12 Hosea 13:16 and 2 Kings 15:16 " rip open the bellies of pregnant women"


I say to him/her/it: "what the hell where you thinking when you gave children bone cancer, you wicked old being.
Then I'll shake my head and hurry home before the LSD wears off.


I figure that if there IS a God or gods, they have a sense of humor and will appreciate my whimsical and positive approach to life and people, along with my humorous irreverence for them, and it will be all good in the afterlife for me.


If there is a god, or many, they will understand my doubts.


Firstly I'll be very surprised then I'll ask the almighty what in God's name (appropriate here) have you been playing at, it's a f***ing meat grinder down there and you just watched?


Then I guess I'm shit outa luck. By the way, there is no proof of his non existence. Unless you're talking about a jar of peanut butter, you can not prove the non existence of something. This goes for God, bigfoot, aliens, fairies, dwarves, and the loch ness monster, all of which some people believe in and others do not. I'm more inclined to believe in bigfoot, (due to the gigantopithecus fossils and footprints), Aliens, (due to the bad photographs and the governments reaction to the subject) fairies and dwarves, (probably just people ignorant of the causes of birth defects) and the loch ness monster (due to fossils of plesiosaurs) than any god. (no evidence whatsoever) This does not disprove god. It's merely a lack of evidence for Him, Her, It, Them.


I will be very surprised.

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