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Was sex more fun when you still believed in original sin?

To all former believers: was sex more fun when you still feared an all seeing, all knowing, wrathful God? For me, agnostic sex is still awesome, but without the fear of eternal damnation, it's not as risky or exciting. I also got a kinky thrill thinking the old guy in the sky was floating on a cloud, judging me. Thoughts?

EricTrommater 9 Jan 26

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103 comments (26 - 50)

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I wouldn't know I never believed that crazy bullshit...


Never even given this a thought - the possibility of a god being interested in watching me and whoever making love seems remote to say the lest ..... of course I have never thad sex with anyone called mary magdelene

She was awesome.


Always just loved it not because of sin feels awesome

bobwjr Level 10 June 21, 2019

It was more fun when I had it.


As an atheist since age 13, I am free of guilt and inhibitions.

Sex is wonderful without mental roadblocks.


No it was a wifely chore to a dreary Christian husband, to whom I am no longer married to.

He thought if having orgasm without intercourse was a big sin, wasting sperm. That was fine with me if you get my drift. Lol

I do remember during premarital counseling our priest (catholic) told us the the church considers simultaneous orgasm as HOLY. True story.

I was 17 when I married and had no idea what orgasm meant. It was in 1967.


The best sex i ever had when i was single was with Catholic girls, they told me they would go to church and ask for forgiveness, lol and then back they were the next week


I don't know, I didn't have sex as a 10 year old


The first time I did it I was still a Christian and I didn’t feel the worthless feeling that church talked about but it was definitely something I felt bad I enjoyed. I still knew I had value as a person but I felt wrong for enjoying it. I learned to separate myself from my sexuality and my relationship with god at the time.
It got better once I started to lose my faith, in a way it was a middle finger to the indoctrination and system.
Don’t get me wrong some church ideas are fun for roll play 😉 but at the time I was religious I felt bad that I enjoyed it.


I never was a believer and never thought of sex as bad.


Never thought of it that way. Love sex anyway. I do remember growing up Catholic and refraining from self pleasuring before a test as kind of a bargaining w god.

Did it work? Lol, asking for a friend. 😛

@EricTrommater eh... I was an A student anyway, so. I couldn't tell ya.😉

I do remember as a teen and young adult I made a deal with God that I would quit self pleasuring if I had a girlfriend. No girl, well, gotta do what I gotta do... lol


I've never given it much thought.


By the time l started having sex I was past all of the religious stuff.


Not at all.

Sounds to me like you may have a kink or 3 you should explore.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 17, 2019



Never once felt there was any sin involved. I quit the church before puberty set in so I did not hear the admonishments. No guilt, no kink either 😉 um, wonder what that means. 🙂


I had a girlfriend in high school, who liked to 'do it' in unusual locales. One day, she took me into a Catholic Shrine her family attended. She led me up a winding staircase, that led to the bell tower. Then, she seduced me on a landing, right under a picture of Jesus. All the while, I couldn't help but feel it was inappropriate to be doin that in a Catholic Shrine, beneath a picture of Jesus. I felt downright sacrilegious!

I once had sex on the grass behind the church of my childhood. I knew the pastor had his own home so the place would be deserted. Great location, for outdoor summer loving!


I enjoyed sex because I never thought I was being judged for it...I was married so it was ‘okay ‘ so I just enjoyed myself!


I don't understand what original sin is


Nope. At age 13, I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men. I was too young for sex.

As an atheist, sex is thrilling and euphoric. The mind is the best sex organ.


I became an atheist long before I gave my virginity away


I never ever thought about sin or religion , as far as sex went. And I was still a believer back in those days , till I was mid 40s. I did, however, feel I needed to marry another make everything easier and make the parents happy. How'd that work out for me???? Divorced 20 years ago--lol. Damned religion.


It was fun...i never felt bad at all


i wasn't a believer from around 10. but i almost had a come to jesus moment when i woke up in a bed, with a lady, to shouting & my eyes focused on a little man pointing a big gun at me from about 5 ft away.
that was many decades ago & i haven't touched tequila since.


at 9yrs old,that went by
the wayside morally

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