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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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My Feelings, easy answer:
"Open To Believers by Non-Believers" means
"Open & Mutual Respectful Open Minds"


I don’t really want them because I come here to get away from them. I do know there are wonderful religious people. I have to deal with them all day. I need a break from them when I am on my own time. You are called the dating site for agnostics. Be what you call yourself, or what’s the point of this? They have their dating site already. They don’t need to be here too.


Don't mind. Good debate with a hapless theiest is enjoyable sometimes.

Echo7 Level 3 Oct 13, 2018

There are plenty of churches and places of worship for them to congregate. For us there are almost none. I vote NO.

MizJ Level 8 Oct 16, 2018

It depends. I'd always chat with seekers. But not with those who wish to proselytize or covert.


Most are very adamant about their beliefs and get very heated and argumentative, I have seen this time and time again in facebook and other areas, while am open to it, I also firmly advise caution.


Are you telling me that Ozzy wasted his time writing and singing god is dead for no reason then.... wtf break my non existent heart.


I have to say let them come. I always respond to anything religious that I come across. I am a bastard of a man who will knock them down and kick their stupidity and their dogma while they are down! Bring it on. The only things I won't do is burn them at the stake,(for christians) or chop off their heads (for mo slums)! (Please shy wizard nutters, bring your buybull or other wholly (bullshit) books!)


I am trying to get away from them. it’s like being spyed upon. sucks. They keep trying to force women to serve.


Believe? Are you saying agnostics don't believe?
I joke... hahaha... the admittance of atheism is always funny.


treat each other in the way that peace stays,no need fight over what or what we don't believe


I wouldn't like religious people here. You can always block someone. I just ignore, but I haven't seen religious people only conservatives who I ignore.


I’m mystified as to why they even would join. To understand us better? To subvert? Still, as you mention “unscientific, simple-minded” views of the world, have you noted some of the rampant supernaturalism in our community in the guise of “spirituality?” The lines are not so clearly drawn ...

ps — Never too old to argue!


Well, I would not talk to them, but they may have cool music in their library and maybe good recipes. If they can stand to be ignored completely, let them join.


As long as they are respectful of our lack of belief I’m fine with them


I feel nothing


I feel the same. Personally, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Butttt unlike the seemingly infinite amount of religion people judge my beliefs and push me away I accept it because ya know, freedom and what not?. I will say though, it does take away from the excitement of an only non religious site.

My whole idea was to get away from having to see anything religious. Good luck with that on a planet where most people believe some type of cooky religion.


Just out of curiosity , how would a religious group feel , about an atheist going into their places of worship and trying to convert them to non-believers . This site is a sanctuary , where we don't have to deal with Jehova's Wittnesses , or Hari Krichners or other religious folks intruding where they are not wanted . We are intelligent adults , who have already given a lot of thought to our beliefs , and are not interested in having your arguments on this topic . Please leave us in peace .


I generally tend to make an effort to be civil to others, especially on an equal playing field, but as far as I'm concerned, any theist who intrudes upon agnostic/atheist turf is fair game.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 29, 2018

Time to remove liar @TheTruthIsTrue goading us Atheists with his xian shit


if they obey the rules of course they should be allowed ... otherwise we are cut from the same cloth


It’s called, not

I’m so fucking tired of this conversation (this is not the first time in the last year and a half).
We have kicked rude nonbelievers out, and we have polite believers as members.

How about we quit being so prejudice?


I think there is common ground. MY own reading of existentialist philosophy well as The Bible has lead me to want to throw in with the Gnostics. The Gnostics hold to a an Early Christian amalgamation Juadic, Christian, Buddhist and Zoroastrian philosophies that were products of the first era of multiculturalism in ancient times. The existentialists share many views with these precept, most particularly Karl Jung who held that we have to align our beliefs (Freud's "id" with our rational minds to maintain our integrity. As a retired scientist I agree that the scientific method of using evidence and reason is the only way to communicate and connect with others. All I cn do is capitulate to someone else's beliefs. We have to accept that we all have beliefs even though we cannot compel others to hold the same beliefs. My reading of history is that organized religions have disconnected from their original beliefs by way of the IMperial Model (Catholicism) o the the BUsines Model(Protestants). I have come to the conlclusion that my own disconnection form organized religion is sourced in these disconnections. There are movement afoot, mostly in Catholicism, to reconnect with the original teachings. Reform Judaism seeks to do the same by reconnecting to the original Old Testament. The Gnostics seem to cruise in this spiritual borderland.
I have happend upin the Nag Hammadi scriptures, that were banned as heretical in ancient imes. These are the translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls. As these translations wer e published, scholars in Africa, Germany and France recognized the ideas. As irturns out, rather than being destroyed, they were squirreld awya in multiple locations to preserve them. Theie views are iconoclastic and tightly focussed on personal enlightment. They are antitheticl to organizing a powerful church, and so were condemnd as heresy. It is notable that the research and preservation oft this material has fallen mostly on thr Jung INstitute and some theological programs such as Princeton University. As this group's name includes Agnostics, there is room here. Personally, based on my own experiences, it is impossible for me to throw into Atheism, though I am interested in Atheistic constructs.


Come on......they're worth a laugh surely


I'm a sensitive guy. I know that about myself. I can't take being berated for my beliefs for very long unless there's logic involved, and I too came here to avoid the usual mindless blather. I need a place where I can talk about this kind of thing without being surrounded by hateful people who convince themselves they're superior through faith.

I was 'followed' on this site by a woman who, hey, "100% believes there's a god" etc. etc. Now if I just stumble across someone like that, I'm not going to block them, but if they're going to follow me out of the blue, I'm going to go with my experience and say she's a troll. Immediately blocked.

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