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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (51 - 75)

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No one would force me to read their posts, so it's fine with me....but I suspect they would have a missionary agenda....

i've been thinking about this attitude - of which i am "guilty" when it comes to politics - of turning away from harm or potential harm, & came to the conclusion that this is probably the reason why organised religion got away & is still getting away with the evil they inflict on humanity.

@walklightly I think you're right. Religion has ALWAYS been given ''a pass,'' because the GODLY scream like smashed cats if you so much as THINK a disrespectful thought...let alone utter one! So, because nobody wants to start World War 3, we just shrug our shoulders and let it go.

@LucyLoohoo, succinctly put ?


I left an Alanon group, which had been actually very helpful, but for all their protestations about accepting me as a non-believer, it was clear that for them the only way to go was to believe in an anthropormophic higher power - and it was also clear that they would keep pushing that idea - should a believer want to join this group it would need to be made very clear that pushing their deity is unacceptable

believers are already here and some are trying to get my account deleted .... making nice with the hell threat and heave bribe crowd is a big mistake ADMINs.....I have not read a single believer posting they are asking for help to rid themselves of fearsome faiths.... being enabled here in faux tolerance is letting the rapist priests and two felony popes run free when every faith victim should be getting our help, not acquiesence with the perpetrators cover story of holiness

I have gone to NA and AA for 3 years now. The groups have helped me a lot. But I had already reached a point in my life where Their belief in a higher power didn't bother me at all. But neither group is push or preaching. I do know that some people left other groups because of pushing the god thing. I think it depends on where someone is at in their life.

I had this problem with adoption support groups for parents. I sought out other parents who had adopted and faith is just eye-ball DEEP in that community. Fortunately, I was more ignored than anything so I just stopped participating.


So many responses to this...where ARE these ''believers?" Do they have a group here? I'd just remind them the name of the place and ask why they're here?

I'm here because I love playing in your playpen with you.

@rock9361 Have you come here to preach? Proselytize? Babble bible bibble? I'd like to think you might actually learn something.


I just blocked a believer as he couldn't take a polite no. My answer has changed from no to HELL NO.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 19, 2019

Yes it's their alleged hell let them worry about knashing of teeth an searing eternal fire that does not kill pain but perpetuates painful punishment for us Atheists as our only religious crime is condemnation of their evil alleged bible gawd Jehobah yhwh Jesua Nasoret ghostholes alleged vaginal virgin Miriam

@GreenAtheist Do all "believers" believe in hell?

@Wildflower some people invent their own religions sort of like a faith buffet eating only certain offerings from the heaven bribes and hell threatening rapist priests


Yesterday i reported the 2nd believer who contacted me. After looking at their comments and posts, I reported them. Both are gone now.

Good riddance to bad boys sexually harassing Atheist Feminist women....and their disgusting rapist priests tell them any crime is "forgiven" by their alleged crucified baby gawd who allegedly died for 33 hours one Palestinian weekend 29 bce

@GreenAtheist Wow, chill! What negativity! How do you know they were both Christian? No one hurt anyone. Just letting folks know that the web admins are doing their job. Now I feel bad for you Larry! I cannot imagine carrying around that kind of anger.



Understated friend Ellida, religion is like a virus and we must strengthen our antibodies to resist infection....our Atheism is the bold compassionate rescue and protection of religious victims BEGINNING WITH OURSELVES shaking loose the hell threats and repudiating the heaven bribes post mortem

@GreenAtheist their venom is innocuous to me, friend Larry...they are just very annoying when they keep trying to find reason in fables and their ignorance is irritating to me, since it’s very hard to be this kind of ignorant on the 21st century, when evidence is everywhere. I love to come here and laugh, have some fun with jokes that are understood and accepted, without the fear of hurting any believer’s feelings. Let’s try to keep the house clean and the virulent people out...that’s my humble opinion.

@GreenAtheist we’re all religious victims in here, no need to remind you that they would hang you in a public place, or shoot you in the face if they could...there’s no compassion in that book, or tribe.


If they are here with an open mind to actually learn something, and have an intelligent discussion, they should be welcomed. If they are here just to be obnoxious, ignorant trolls, they should be banned.



This site is called Agnostic means you believe you can't prove or unproved the existence of god(s). There are agnostic theists. If you built this site for atheists you named it wrong.

and there are three levels of agnosticism: hard, soft and apathetic.

agnostic has nothing to do with belief; it means: not knowing of a god existing. an agnostic theist would thereby be someone who, despite not knowing of an existing god, believes in him - exactly the kind of babble people attempt to escape when joining this site.


When my "faith-full" friends try to give me a hard time about doubting the existence of a Higher Power, I often say, "I don't try to make you NOT believe; why is it so important to you that I do?"

So. If a believer comes in with the intention of trying to "save" us, spare me. If they just want to hang out, fine. ....although I can't imagine why they would. ????

Some of them are emotionally unstable, for sure. But some are sincere and want to help by giving their views. It depends on what those views are as to whether or not they help me get off the fence. -- The one thing that really has a dramatic effect on me is this: Why, on the otherhand, do atheists get so angry, disgusted, and resentful of those who do believe? The believers are not hurting them. Why do they make a case for conversion from Christianity? It appears to me that many atheists are really almost militant in trying to make believers fools or fooled., and obviously as an enemy. What's it to an athiest if another person believes? That is strange. Very strange.


As much as I believe that everybody's view should be respected, I have found over the years that it is useless to try and reason with a believer, because they do not use reason, their mind is full of dogma which no amount of reason can dislodge.

Except not every one of them is like that.

That ain’t necessarily so, I used to be a believer.


I came here to circle up with NONbelievers, specifically. ALL other aspects of my life are overrun with the religious. I just want a place to be myself and not have to worry about them. If this site chooses to go fully open, an understandable preference despite my not sharing it, I would likely drop out. Mixed, heavily religious sites pretty much own the internet, as well as US society in general. To become yet another typical site would be unfortunate. I certainly would not likely make time for that.

An exclusive site, largely social (not the same old religion bashing) for nonbelievers? I am behind THAT 120%! I really hope this site goes that way. It's off to a wonderful start!

Zster Level 8 Oct 8, 2017

Clarification: nonbeliever might have been a poor word choice. Perhaps I should have stated religious or those of a belief that would draw them here to bash or convert those of dissimilar mind.

Don't let the religious win. I agree with your comment about "not the same old religion bashing. Refuting religion will require ALL our critical AND compassionate faculties


I just joined today. I am concerned about the actions of "religious" people more and more.I live in a predominantly Catholic area and in the past have lived in the Deep South. I would like to be able to share my thoughts and get responses without the fear of attempts at conversion.

at this point months later I don't care if they join or not. THere are ways to deal with them if they are offensive

at this point months later I don't care if they join or not. THere are ways to deal with them if they are offensive


Well if they are joining to argue and start shit it just shows they have no life and is very aggravating however I encourage the ones who have questions and are curious as to how we've come to our current conclusions on the lack of a god

I find it interesting that you say "conclusions on the lack of a god". I am agnostic; and by agnostic I mean that I still believe and pray at times but I do not "know" that there is a God or many gods. I do not know there is a god like I know 2+2=4. I'm wondering if you or others would find that the word "atheist" would be more likely fitting to someone who has "concluded" that there is no god and that an "agnostic" would be more likely to not claim to know one way or the other.


I think that as agnostics/atheists we get plenty of believers all throughout the rest of our lives. It's nice to have a place where we can be who we are. What reason would believers have to be on a site called ? They should go talk to people at church or something.

I block them every time xmas or xian lies arise


I’m kind of undecided about it.

They are not all bigots and some of our 'side' ARE bigots.

I think you don’t appreciate my sense of humor


No, no trolls needed ! They have thousands upon thousands of churches filled with like-minded people.

Trolling is bad from either side.

@Mcflewster to be honest I have nothing against trolling. however, I like my trolls to be quiet and we all know that never happens.


It's a free country but my caution is when people live to troll and pick debates all day long negatively when they could be contributing in a positive way-less confrontationally based.

@Stevil I respectfully disagree. I think theists, like the cancer they resemble, need to be addressed.


I've recently noticed some posts by people who don't meet the criteria of agnostic or atheists saying god loves you so much and crap like that. If that is going to be accepted on here I 'm just going to find another group. I just read some posts by rickarto. He must think he's on here to convert people or something. I enjoyed the site for the 2 weeks or so I was here but I'm just going to leave.

Did you report any of these people?

Don't leave. There are other rooms on here besides "Religion and Spirituality", such as news, music, politics. I, for one, never want to go to La la Land- and walk on "streets of purest gold"; the glare would be hard on the eyes, and the metal would be hard on the boots too. I prefer Nature and green grass.


I was startled to come across a "believer" on this site. Are there lots of them? Why are they here? To discuss science? I am suspicious of their motives. I have never met a believer who was truly respectful of my atheism.

You have lived a very sheltered life then. I know lots of 'believers' in something, even if it is energy who could care less what I think and never force it on anyone. There are about 10 degrees of theists, most of which are so relaxed they don't follow what the church demands, then you have the rabid, really scary types... whom you simply side-step as you can generally see them coming. Most Catholics could care less about anything religious and just want answers to everything else. Most people now days are simply 'metaphysical' and do not believe in a 'god' per se', but something they cannot understand fully - they are mostly agnostic, yet may still 'claim' to be a believer. The percentage of red-neck cultish zealots is as small as Trump's following of rag tag believers that he is their new messiah character who will make America great again. Most people in this country will 'claim' to be a Christian, yet nary a 10th of them gives a rats ass about practicing it. Word to the wise.

You have lived a very sheltered life then. I know lots of 'believers' in something, even if it is energy who could care less what I think and never force it on anyone. There are about 10 degrees of theists, most of which are so relaxed they don't follow what the church demands, then you have the rabid, really scary types... whom you simply side-step as you can generally see them coming and they are almost ALWAYS - THE BAPTISTS!!! Most Catholics could care less about anything religious and just want answers to everything else. Most people now days are simply 'metaphysical' and do not believe in a 'god' per se', but something they cannot understand fully - they are mostly agnostic, yet may still 'claim' to be a believer. The percentage of red-neck cultish zealots is as small as Trump's following of rag tag believers that he is their new messiah character who will make America great again. Most people in this country will 'claim' to be a Christian, yet nary a 10th of them gives a rats ass about practicing it. Word to the wise.


A person can have a belief in something(s) without being religious, and without caring what you believe at all. One does not necessarily correlate to the other. There are a lot of theists who do not preach and who do not go to church, yet they 'feel' like 'believers', still - psychologically as more of a 'cultural' expectation. As a counselor, I meet lots of these people - who are sitting on the fence, because they do not know what they believe in and are disillusioned by their churches and cults. This is a very common socially acceptable thing - and they don't preach at people either. I think bigotry is wrong and that if people want to walk the other side of the line and be exposed to different ideas that they should be welcomed here, as long as they are not using this platform to preach at people. I think that your intimation Draco about all people of faith being argumentative and preachy is quite unfair and incorrect, based upon my experience.

Issa Level 5 Feb 2, 2018

"as long as they are not using this platform to preach" being the deciding factor, & so far (3 weeks in this community) i have encountered one xtian (his choice of word, not mine) only, & he is preaching.

It sucks that they are preaching at you, I really hate that.


I personally don't mind as long as they don't try to convert me or talk to me about their faith. I join this site so I could be free to express how I feel without hurting anyone's feelings or arguing with anyone. I am all for live and let live but is nice to have a place where you can meet more people with similar beliefs. I am surrounded with believers in my life elsewhere and enjoy most people in general. If they are here to learn more about us...that we aren't evil or confused/lost then cool beans. I joined some LGBT groups and I am not LGBT. I am simply on I'm there to learn and be more supportive to my son and the LGBT community in general. I learn a lot. I'm respectful and generally quiet on them unless it is to show support.

Good point, this place would have a LOT more "arguing" / heated discussion with theists in the mix, believe me.

I think that's cool Cherish -- that you joined groups to learn and be supportive of your son.


I've known a few liberal theists that would be a great addition, but most theists aren't interested in learning from others or having an open dialogue, since the majority seem convinced that there is no truth outside their closed circle. I'm conflicted. If only the respectful few who aren't out to convert anyone to their set of beliefs and who know how to engage in a discussion without being overbearing were allowed to join, that would be great. We could all learn something. Openness, free exchange of differing viewpoints and all that. Unfortunately it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch, and in my experience, the bad apples vastly outnumber the good.

Wel, if anyone goes off, the Admin can just eject him/her, right?

@GoldenMean In theory, yes. In practice, they'd probably have to add more admins, it becomes a lot more work to police it. I suppose very strict rules of engagement could be promulgated and the ban-hammer wielded liberally, but it soon starts to involve things like detecting / swatting sock puppets when they try to come back under another handle, etc. I think it will make moderator's jobs harder, not just make it unpleasant for us.

City-data has very strict moderation, no cussing (oddly, crap is an okay word, but not shit, go figure) and prohibits proselytization in the atheism & agnosticism forum. TheThinkingAtheist is far more hands off, more user-regulated (sometimes not all that well). They have a very different feel.

One way C-D maintains civility and order is they don't tolerate much scientific debate for example on the atheism & agnosticism OR the religion and spirituality forums. So as soon as you get into some substantive debate involving evolution, you inevitably find the thread shut down as off-topic because you end up explaining / discussing the science. Over on the science forum you get shut down for religion talk. It's kind of stilted that way.


There are plenty of other sites for debating theists (I'm active under this handle on two of them, and (the latter has a pretty active atheism & agnosticism form and a generic religion & spirituality forum, although in my view the moderation is a touch heavy-handed and intrusive).

I rather like the lack of theists (especially theist trolls) here, it's not so much a desire for a "safe space" as for exchanging ideas with like minded folks without having to be girded for battle all the time. Sparring is fun, to a point, but just having a discussion is a breath of fresh air.

It's a little like the now-defunct site my current wife and I met on, (stood for "to be determined" ). It limited membership to people over 40 (and it wasn't a dating site, either). Man, did THAT elevate the discourse, just eliminating all the youthful angst. This site feels a little bit like that to me -- it's like unbelievers are way more intellectually honest and mature and centered.

Personally I would not want believers on here, it's one of the distinctives of this site that set it apart. There are relatively few knuckle-draggers among us. I'd like to keep it that way.

Another thing I'm discovering about this site is that I feel somewhat more open about discussing my life and thinking on certain topics when I know it's not going to be seized on and distorted by someone who is looking to have them some confirmation bias about some atheist stereotype. If believers think atheists are depressed, nihilistic and miserable, you don't feel like be honest about your personal pain points. Just a thought.

Just take a look at as a guest, look through the threads and you'll see lots of really brainless theists get on there, thinking they have an original argument that is going to slay us, getting shot down in flames and just not quitting. Some of them aren't even coherent, or are outright mentally ill. It's fun, in a shooting-fish-in-a-barrel sort of way, to nuke them, but it quickly wears thin. Life is about way more than anti-theism.

thank you, this is such a perfectly succinct perspective; where do i sign it? i certainly couldn't have said it better; it resonates with me 100%. just for once not having to feel tense & prepared to be chopped down by the cerebrectomised ones... what an enlivening experience!


Sadly, I've run into a few "knuckle daggers" here.


If the believer is belittling Atheism, and just being toxic I'm sure the individual would be flagged and maybe admin would step-in. It is pretty easy to ignore posts/comments that do not add value to a discussion, therefore I'm not worried about it becoming a problem.

However if the individual is asking rational questions and wants an atheistic point of view then I'd be more than happy to share my thoughts.

so far i only encountered one condescending believer.

I have run into a couple of theists that are much less then pleasant including a condescending, atheist mocking, science ridiculing level 7 member of this site.


No one has any idea why they believe, nor the ability to discern what they believe from reality. Agnostics may believe but have doubt, humanists a general belief in the nature and goodness of man, etc. We all believe in something, so your question is null and deserves no answer. But if you're using the term believer in a highly prejudicial way, I.e. placing all religionists in the same basket(the way most non religionists are called atheist) then my answer is; why not?? Are you afraid that you might hear something useful from a believer, that your assumed ideas at infallible, afraid you might "drink the kool-aid". Pretty closed minded from where I stand

your comment contains at least 7 (seven) assumptions, so it's gonna be a tad difficult to disentangle your "message" from the mess, but i'll try my damnedest.

  1. "no one has any idea why they believe" = false, many believers will tell you that it gives them comfort & a sense of belonging.
  2. "..nor the ability to discern what they believe from reality" = how would YOU know?
  3. "agnostics...have doubt" = false, i have no knowledge AND no doubt.
  4. "humanists a general belief..." = false, humanism is not attached to any "general belief".
  5. "we all believe in something" = absolutely false. i believe in nothing.
  6. "most non-religionists [never heard that term before] are called atheists" = statistics, please.
  7. "afraid that...your assumed ideas..." = how would YOU know?

& there goes your "MESSage".

this website is designed to serve the agnostic community.
if i come across a website that caters to christians (as in: believers in a christian god) i will, as a heathen, be able to muster the selfcontrol & tolerance to steer clear of it.
if, on the other hand, you prefer to engage in lively discussions about the pros & cons of belief or not, i am sure you will find a website on the worldwide web that will accommodate this desire. is NOT it.

@walklightly Thank you for saving me a great deal of time, I felt obligated to point out a similar list. I would have included for your #2 response that many atheists (like myself) use the scientific method (testable repeatable verifiable based on real world facts i.e. reality) and although not infallible, has provided the best methodology . . . "to discern what they believe from reality"

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