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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (476 - 500)

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This is only place without Christianity slipping through the cracks. Would like to keep it that way. It would create drama, and I don't do drama.


I think its stupid, theres apps for believers. They're just muckin up the works

SuziQ Level 4 July 13, 2018

I would hope they were hear to gain knowledge. If they start preaching or condemning us I would have a problem but I’d just move on and continue with my life.

antman Level 7 July 17, 2018

I think that would defeat the purpose of this group. I don't need to be confronted by bible-thumpers whenever I express an opinion and I already weeded my other social media of them, for the same reason.


I don't mind as long as they don't try to preach or convert. The moment they start proselytizing, admins should kick them out. If they can keep their religion in their pockets, let them enjoy some civil conversation and lively debates. I see no harm in inclusivity, provided they respect us and our disinterest in religion.


I don't mind. They are likely curious, so I'm happy to stimulate that curiosity. If they are here to preach, then they'll have better luck getting the earth to rotate the opposite direction.

dokala Level 7 July 20, 2018

Maybe some are joining because they have doubts and would like to see how non-believers are... I don't have any problems with them joining as long as they are respectful.


If they come here to convert, proselytize, or push religious agenda upon the community then no. That's exactly what this community was designed to escape. The whole purpose, as I understand it, was to give the non-religious a place to discuss things, free of the imposed social pressure of a bunch of religious people clogging intellectual discourse and evidence-based reasoning with their religious anecdotes and unverifiable but irrefutable (to them) rhetoric as an attempt to use the intimidating and aggressive pressure of numbers and fervor to overwhelm the 'unbelievers.'

If they're here to learn, have intellectual discussions, and can keep their religious views to themselves or at least represent them respectfully then sure.

But on it's face, it's the first step on the slippery slope to becoming another Facebook, where every attempt at discourse is derailed by belligerent religious people in droves.


They can’t convert me even they tried. That said I have no problem with them being on here as most of the religous people I know are better people than most of the flaming left wing liberal idiots on this website with the exception of the conservative atheist group.


My feeling is that the religious minded person would not linger is not geared toward the way their thinking has developed! On the other hand, there are among the religious people those that are skeptical and are ‘exploring!’ And the last, would be those hard core, almost mentally unstable people, that are bound to ‘infiltrate’ to show ‘those devil worshipers’ that they are going straight to ’hell!’ So if there is an individual plan in place to ‘traverse this landscape’ with these will be fine!


I don’t have issues with people having faith. In my opinion, religion is just a way to feel good about death and the afterlife.

Now, with that being said, I do have an issue with people that are too religious to the point of joining this site and trying to convert. But, I think the best way to handle them is to keep our emotions in check and report them without engaging them. Which is why I believe there was a “level” system that was placed. So that a new member can’t spam new accounts and keep on harassing members that don’t agree with their point of view.

In summary, don’t engage people that are obviously trying to push religion on you. Report their accounts and posts and let the admins handle it.

Leo716 Level 6 July 24, 2018

No. I would leave. They've brought enough violence into my RL, I don't want to encounter it here and I don't want to have to tiptoe around their precious feelings as I have to do at work.


I'm in favor of letting anyone join, but I also favor booting out anyone who proselytizes.


I agree. I didn't join this site to argue with people of different beliefs. I don't believe in excluding people but if theists join they need to understand that this is not a forum for them to promote their beliefs.


It's ok with me, but I am here to avoid religious dogma and it's pushers.


Don't mean shit to me. I take joy in tearing them and their absurd beliefs to spreads. I am doubtful anyone other than the most mentally ill would venture into a platform where reason rules the day. (SHREADS NOT SPREADS)


We'd only be leaving ourselves open to propaganda, rhetoric and all the b.s. that goes with that. Think double agent and see where your head goes... probably not the greatest idea to let them in here and make order out of our lovely chaos.


I don't see why they should be here. They have enough places to go. Now that they have been given protection to discriminate. I want them gone. I went from being atheist to antitheist. I am so tired of their ignorance and circular reasoning. Like their kind like to say"you can't fix stupid".


I don't care, but I won't get out of my to make their life's easy. It depends on attitude.
I don't know of a real way to prevent them from joining except to have this site unfriendly to them. Admin has been swift to remove theist offenders in the past. If more join, their plate gets fuller.


I don't like the idea of excluding anyone, especially on the basis of religion. However, this is the place we came to to get away from religious delusion, and it's nice to not have to deal with their shit here. I'd really rather not share this space with people who think the Noah's Ark story is real.


everyone has a block button use it accordingly


I welcome the ones who are here because they have actually read their book and are questioning what they've been taught. Many of us were there once.


Open to all. Just no proselytizing. Block 'em if 'ya don't like 'em.


Welcome to the dark side


When I was discussing this concept on a different thread, I was pretty addament that they shouldn't be here, but after stumbling onto lewellyn3's bio I've been rethinking it, and I have a new perspective that I'd like to share.
Some of us (the nons) I'll refer to them as "the lucky ones" have always been in the revered position of never having to waste even one moment on any religious bull shit.
The rest of us got here through various amounts of tough sledding, we've all got our stories. The point being someone/s and/or something/s happened that either started to loosen they're grasp on the dogma and let in a little bit of the light of reality, or helped us to get rid of it epiphany style. Without whatever that was, where would we be without it?
For some people coming on here and politely observing the comings and goings might be what works for them.
I got my epiphany on my own, but then I didn't know what to do with it. Lucky for me I found some atheist 2.0s (Hitchens Dawkins Harris etc.) and some marvelous atheist comics to help nurture my just sprouting atheist seed. And the rest, thank the universe, is history.
So, if they're respectful, and here to learn, and not to teach, then I say let em in. And if they have some other agenda, then kick em the hell off, and let them go with god wherever they what, as long as it's not here.

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