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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (226 - 250)

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What is the point of them joining? I really hope this doesn't turn into a debate group. I'll have to exit.


The problem with many posts from the religiously minded is they will end up quoting something from a religious text as though we should accept that as absolute proof and also cannot believe that we might be without faith.
Somebody of the calibre of Archbishop Desmond Tutu would add interesting debate, but most religious posts on the internet are utter drivel and would add nothing to this forum.


they always spout useless fantasy junk.


I agree with TheresaReid.
On other sites I have seen the people who are religious come in and try to "Save" all those non-believers.
Once hit with some dispassionate facts and logic they go away.


I suppose it's like anything. Everyone is welcome unless some aren't. I say let them in. Even though it's not the purpose of the site.


You can be a theist and an agnostic so why shouldn't they?


I joined this site to avoid the debates and to be among like-minded people in this regard. It is most likely that although we agree on this one aspect of life, we will have enough disagreement in other areas that it will never be boring. It seems against the stated purpose of the group to let believers join. It is perfectly alright to be exclusive!

LoriS Level 3 Oct 23, 2017

I was in the second grade and my Mom was taking me to my ccd class and I informed her that I was not going to attend,when we got to the class I wrapped my arms around the rope on the back of our early 60's front seat and wouldn't let go....that was the beginning..


Why would I care?


Don't want 'em unless they're looking to be turned; not the other way around. We're here to have a space where we're not infiltrated by religious nuts.


I have to wonder what the motives are of religious people joining a site that is for freethinkers. Are they trolling? Do they want to try to suppress us because they fear that our ideas will gradually spread? Those who brainwash people with their BS always fear the truth coming out.


Great thread. My first thought was no way but when I thought more about it I realized, I'd like to be inclusive even though the cons outweigh the pros. As Silvereyes and others already implied, how else would they be exposed to the incredibly valuable discussions in this community? Also, there might be someone who is struggling with a relationship he/she is working on and wants to learn or understand things. That said, I'm still conflicted about this issue and uncertain how I would vote.

Coda Level 4 Oct 28, 2017

Great question!

Like you I was hoping for a place to get away from believers for a while. But when I noticed that believers can join I thought that maybe this site could help some believers come to terms with their doubts. I agree that there is a risk of conversations getting out of control, but I think that's an acceptable risk.

As long as a majority of our member's are non-believers and everyone tries to stay respectful, I have no problem with it.


I just joined, but I joined so I could socialize with other Atheists, Agnostics, et. al. in a somewhat restricted forum. Most of my friends and associates are either Christian or Pagan, and I really want to kick it with people with whom I share a common non-religious view and shed some of the irritability that accumulates from dealing with religious people wherever I turn.


I don't care, as long as they are respectful I will be in return


I just joined the site today so I'll have to see how it plays out, but I'll probably just ignore those trolling for a fight. Most of the people in my life are theists or believers, everything from fundamentalist Christian to nebulous spiritualists. I can get along with pretty much anyone who maintains a respectful tone.


I would think most are here for trolling versus enlightenment. Hopefully it won’t be too much of a problem.


If a believer wanted to join I would want to know why? If they want to join because they are searching for how non-believers think on various topics, I would have no problem; however, if the person is wanting to join so that he/she can try to convert via argument, biblical/Koran or other religious reference, or was not just wanting to learn how we think, then I would hope that the person would discouraged to not join.


I have met many people that were religious that have legitimate questions and need to feel that there is a supporting community of people that have made the same journey before them. I support and welcome those people, no matter where their journey eventually ends. Hopefully anyone coming here to troll will quickly get kicked to the curb.


I haven't found any believers trolling this site. Its a nice relief and testament to the admins who obviously do a great job of keeping them out. Personally I don't mind the trolls as I have Facebooked for long enough to have a thick skin about anything that happens on the internet. Especially after living through the last election, fake news, et al,. a bit of trolling actually seems pretty amusing most of the time. Religious people who actually have real questions or want to express real doubts are always more than welcome in my opinion.


I love debate but I will tend to be rude to those who will try to convert me. I am smart enough to know my own mind.


I think this site is a cool idea and a nice respite for me personally from the ideology bullies on FB. Old school message board. I miss those 🙂


Conceptually, I'm in favour of permitting people of Faith into a place like this, if for no other reason than because I've found very little galvanises beliefs like respectful confrontation. While I do believe that at it core, skepticism, etc. is the way to live my life, I also recognise that many of the statements commonly touted by non-believers are poorly thought-out, poorly structured, or outright irrelevant. Respectful discourse can be one of the best tools for weeding out weak or ill-conceived arguments and beliefs, and as such, I welcome it wherever it might be.

I am also concerned by the common trend I've seen online for any area that is created for a collective who are joined by one common belief (or is co-opted by such a group) to become an echo-chamber where disagreement is met with open hostility or outright banning. I do not want this to become such a place, as, while I personally am of the belief that Faith is broadly counter-productive or even outright harmful to society, I am far more strongly opposed to divisive tribalism.


I feel that they should be able to join (maybe seeing reason in great quantities will change their outlook?). However, like an Atheist taking the pulpit in a church, they should be respectful and shouldn't try to incite a riot. Just let them be. If they start proselytizing or causing issues, toss the bastards out.


I think it would attract trolls...

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