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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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If they're looking to learn about different perspectives, then more power to them. But, I find in most secular-based communities when the devoted religious join it's to start arguments that they're certain they're going to win. It drums up a lot of temporary drama and just ends up reducing the thoughtfulness of arguments from both sides until everybody looks like an ass.


I've been in and out of atheist/agnostic groups since the mid 90s. Letting in religious peeps always leads to problems and eventually dissolves the group.


Let them in. The trouble makers can be banned and the rest can be educated. The best tactic I've found is to boil it straight down to logic and getting them to acknowledge what a logical fallacy it, explain it, give an example of it, and then either confirm that what they said was fallacious or explain why it doesn't qualify as that and is instead a false flag.


I think it holds the opportunity to opening up great conversations in an encouraging environment surely enough... however you have to watch for the trolls and the overly religious fanatics who cannot comprehend normal human conversation on differing beliefs... but it is ideal to allow those who are different from us agnostics and atheists to have a say... as long as it isn't too intrusive.


As long as they're respectful of the beliefs of others, we should allow them their say. I think being agnostic (for me, anyway) it is being open minded enough to allow for people of other beliefs to join and have mature and respectful conversations.
The problem I run into is that they are seldom mature and respectful. You can't argue faith.


I agree to an extent with Draco's post above. But I do not resent believers joining, for two reasons:

  1. I need to explore both sides of this issue and if I am not willing to listen to the side of believers I will likely miss a clue, a piece of the puzzle, or at least some resolution that they might offer. I am not gullible, however, and I do not just take anyone's word for anything. That's one reason I am agnostic. I will not be swayed by the type of religious fantasy that is rampant, the extreme and traumatic statements that I am just wrong, or it is all so simple, or that I am evil. I would like to get some clues or even borderline evidence - either way. And in order to do that, I feel I must listen to the logic both sides definitely have. I'm stuck in the middle. I want to be un-stuck. I am not going to fall for elementary and fanatical arguments either for or against this issue. I am looking for resolution.

I wouldn't shut up anyone


I don't think they should be allowed to join. I joined because this was advertised as a dating site for non-believers. They've got Christian Mingle, let us have this. But of course, I am sure some nut jobs will come in trying to convert people and preach their nonsense. I get enough of their nonsense on Facebook, due to politics always being posted and me being the opinionated person I am, feeling the need to comment, especially when religion is mixed up in politics. And then I get attacked. This is my space to voice my opinion about not being religious and not being attacked for not believing in an imaginary sky daddy.


Not everything is for everybody. Come back when you cast off those beliefs.


There those who are borderline agnostic. Most of us do not aggressively recruit but we can be open to sharing our thoughts with those riding the fence. We might help them drop superstition from their lives.


If they don't mind being laughed at, this is our forum and they know it.


They should be allowed to join, just not not to rant or preach. Those should be reported and banned. But it IS a site for agnostics. So take that as you will


If a deeply religious person wished to join, then there would likely be no way to actually prevent them, but I think it unlikely that they would expose themselves to potential persuasion or to the threat of their faith being undermined.


I know religious people and they are very deceptive about there feelings if they can find something to use against us. Also I know that many people want out of the religious community but are afraid of what could happen to their jobs,friends, social status.


the problem I am not sure if religious ppl joined but it;s also an invitation to troll's and not the good kind either out fairy tale books they have gotten good athiest site closed closed wel pages but using mutliple accounts If it wasnt for the troo;s i i would personalywelcome the open disccussion


I think, personally, that people who spout religion should be tactfully blocked from the site. I have enough religion jumping up in my face on social media, on the street, in the newspaper etc. I came here today to NOT have religious people on here.

Teresa Level 6 Oct 16, 2017

Open-minded people listen to their critics. Inteligent disagreement should be welcomed, but how are trolls to be excluded?


I'm brand new and the reason I joined is to avoid having to talk to theists! So I say, no, they should not be allowed to join.


I have no problem with this, hopefully it may help them see how wrong their views are


OK with me if they can fade the heat. Most believers don't realize that many atheists were raised in the church and have heard all their arguments and apologia and find them full of holes.


So long as they don't come here to troll or preach their religion to us, then I've no problem with it.

Brock Level 3 Oct 18, 2017

As long as "believers" don't push their beliefs, they don't really bother me. If they come to this site, they shoudl keep their opinions to themselves. After all we (nonbelievers) don't go into their place of worship to speak our views.


After careful consideration, I would lean more towards "no". I have already resoluted the question of existence of god/godheads long time ago. I would rather not spend my precious time on any futile discussions on that question.


Please, just don't. They already have a lot place to go. I just found this website and I never saw so many polite and coherent comments together. I'm so tired of people trying to validate their point of view with no sense explanations.


I would hope NOT, finally a place for free thinkers. This does not NEED to become a forum for debate .

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