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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (126 - 150)

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Oh hell No..

yes, agreed!


As far as I am concerned - No theists! I am of the position that we are here to be united around the fact that we have already decided its bullshit. No time for foolishness anymore. If you come here to proselytize, expect to reap the whirlwind.



I don't see the point of believers coming here, except to proselytize.

Curiosity is born into all of us. Even some religious want to learn and explore.


Not a problem, I will either ignore them or ridicule them depending how they come at me like I do on all the other social sites, anymore it is easy to pummel them with quotes from their own holy book.

i feel that ignoring them allows them to settle in comfortably with their vile & stupid drivel, much like a cuckoo with her eggs. so i am left with one option only, & for at least two reasons that just doesn't appeal to me. firstly, because it IS only one option, no choice left, & secondly, i did not come to this site for low-level intelligent discussions about imaginary friends & their manipulative powers. this is refuge to me, refuge from babble bashers.


I understand why some would want to allow the religious to join, maybe they can be tipped our way and all that. I also know that this is a place of community and refuge away from the "religious majority". They have plenty of places, christian mingle, thousands of churches, tons of air time (television and radio). I say leave us our little slice of "heaven"... : )

It FLOORS me how many religious stations are on DirecTV. I would seriously like to opt out of all of them -- as in not even see them. It's ridiculous.


Like Dillahunty said about their debates. I don't want just you fellow atheists to attend. I want Christians, other religious. The point is to share and bounce ideas, educate. You can't educate if they are not listening.

Problem is, many of them don't come to listen, they come to talk. And talk. And talk.


It would kinda be like if I were to walk into Church on Sunday. Pointless ? Unless they're just truly interested or thinking maybe they're more like us and want to check it out ?

Sometimes methinks they doth protest too much on other unbeliever forums where they're welcome. I think some of them ARE curious. Others want to sharpen their apologetics / debate form, although they are generally awful at it and never seem to improve.

It wouldn't necessarily be pointless to walk into some kinds of Churches, the ones that hold beliefs very loosely or iconoclastically. One can find much common cause with liberal theism, if you can ignore the god talk. My wife volunteers at a food kitchen run by Episcopalians for example. So in a way I could see more open / intellectually honest believers coming by for a chat, but sadly, mostly what you get are the fundamentalist nutjobs and some unaffiliated types who make it up as they go.


I vote we welcome any and all and not try to be an exclusive club. Consider, that believers that come to this site may be on the fence and need some logical, scientific dialogue instead of the constant preachy bromide that they are stuck with in their lives.

it should be easy to figure out which believer is sitting on the fence; it's what the initial profile questions are for.
the one experience i have with a believer here is rather grating, as the person keeps fading in the background once he runs out of arguments, only to crop up somewhere else & start his condescending dispute for a god again.
apart from all that i can't really be bothered with what believers need, not on this site. i came here to get away from the constant bigotry, not to have this, my refuge, poisoned by it as well.


I joined this group to get away from religious people.

welcome! me too.


Could be a good thing if we can convert them to reason instead of superstition

except that i didn't come here for the purposes of converting anyone 😀


I think it is a bad idea

horrible idea,makes no sense.


As a new member, I'd say no. Most believers are not interested in honest discussion about their claims, and simply run away when they find they have nothing to support their beliefs. They get upset when no one is willing to blindly agree to their claims, demand respect when they have not earned it.

Since I do enjoy debating theists, if we could limit them to a very small area, I'd have no problem with that. But if they are goingto be seagulls and try and poo on everything, no.

velk Level 4 Mar 5, 2018

yes, exactly my sentiment, but better worded 🙂


What you said in your original post mirrors my opinion. Spot on.

yes, mine too. welcome!


Im not here to dabate my non belief in the BS that is religion, if that happens I will leave.

we mostly just keep blocking & reporting the deluded ones, & eventually admin kicks them out 🙂


Why would they even want to?

my experience? mainly for trolling.


Ying and Yang without both being presented its an uneven conversation ?

i don't understand: what has the yin yang to do with believers (mainly) trolling an agnostics website? i am not here to stumble across folks trying to convert me to their imaginary friend on the basis of same-old, same-old (yawn) arguments, on the contrary: i am here for intelligent conversation.


Personally I joined this because I wanted to be as much of that angry atheist as possible without friends and family calling me out on it outside of Facebook. I mean, do whatever you want, but it is called Agnostic for a reason

Adam7 Level 4 Mar 26, 2018

In Atheist Nexus we report them and they get booted out pretty quickly. They start slowly and then want to preach to us there.


Why would they want to even ?

Mostly because they think "you are angry with god" and they want to save you.


no thanks this suits me just fine there is enough engagemennt with difference here to last a lifetime i don't want intolerance in the mix.

brilliant! i love your reasoning 🙂



yep, exactly my sentiment 😀


Keep them away, we have enough from them in everyday life, don't need them here. Ban them if necessary.

yep, that happens 🙂


I agree to some extent. Everything seems saturated by religious overtones these days and it is nice to find a place where one can escape from it for awhile. On the other hand, it may be that there are those who come here with doubts of their own. I give them credit for seeking opinions/information that is not just another validation of their own belief system. I’m trying to be generous here. Other times, I get annoyed by it.


I have several personallites . I'll only let my agnostic one come here.

accentuate the positive....medicate the negative


Well it all depends on what direction you want the site to go in. Allowing believer will start heated debates. Some members may be turn off by that. Me personailty I'll just burn them...


There is a capacity to block people but I have only used it twice I find on the whole that this is a respectful site and there are places where people can talk about semantics of atheism and agnosticism that you don't have to visit if you don't want to '

So if we are a NAZI or a KKK. but an atheist, and if we run around with ar15s we are acceptable because we are atheists.

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