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Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?

This is likely contentious, but it needs to be asked. As this is a site "...promoting universal truths and peaceful life without religion" how do you feel about people of faith joining here?

I'm no shrinking violet and I don't need the sort of safe space that so many people believe they do now, but I also don't want to have to engage with people who have been inculcated into some form of unscientific, simple-minded view of the natural world.

I joined in the belief (cough) that this was an exclusive club where I could escape from these folk - but now I find they are joining - with a view to what, I don't know although my hackles are raised.

Not only is this sort of thing wasteful of resources, but if they are here to try to convert or preach at us, that's likely to result in a dissemination to all-out flame wars in a post or two.

I didn't think this was a site to convert people from one way of thinking to another (that sort of thing is nigh-on impossible by the time we're in our 20s anyway.)

I ask because I'm interested what my fellow angostic/athiests think.

I've noted that "theists" tend to butt in to these conversations with their ignorance and that's what I came here to avoid.

I'm getting too old to argue.

Draco 6 Sep 25

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583 comments (151 - 175)

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Is there a test you have to pass before you are allowed on here? I seem to have missed it somehow.....

The first question we are all asked is a poor leading query: how certain are you there are zero alleged gawds ? My answer is 100% but many eqivocate brainwashed by the false xian Webster definition of the non-word gibberish gods UNdeserving of capitalization YHWH Jeehobah Jeebush Ghostholes are fictional names god is an irrational title


I agree with you, Draco! I'm weary of theists and their babble. Keep them out, please.


Liberal, respectful religious people are okay with me. I have some friends who attend church or synagogue or mosque. They know that I do not practice religion and they are okay with that. It is the arrogant, aggressive, judgmental kind who should not be here, and if they come here to argue or preach, then, I hope the admins will kick them off. But the respectful religious - I have no problem with them.

SKH78 Level 8 May 21, 2018

live and let live im sure some of you would drive them away they would not wanna stay long

Believers are the ocean supporting the violent criminal theocrat sharks swimming most everywhere depths of patriarchy. ....if any beach here let's cybershoot 'em. ...44 magnum through the virtual eyes of delusion. ...maybe a Quaker for Peace might want to date a Veteran for Peace here but face facts the alleged hell threat nor heaven bribes perpetrators are not seeking forgiveness from Atheists nor condemning their bibles calling us "fools" "reprobates"


We might be able to change there minds about there brain washing. If they persist spewing there illogical bs, they should be banned from this web site.


If they're going to come into a place like this and try to accost me, they'd best be prepared to get a double-earload of blasphemy. That, and I think if they honestly try to debate the topic with me, there's a much better chance that I'll de-convert them than them coming up with the necessary proof to convert me.

It wouldn't be very difficult for them to convert me to their religion - I have a couple amputees already picked out that they can make whole before my eyes, without knowing ahead of time who they are or what parts they are missing.

A faith healer tried to "cure" my tinnitus today, calling it: " demons of sound in his head lard..." no change in 46 years since US Navy FITRON 126 NAS MIRAMAR TopGUN noisiest place on earth 2000 touch&goes per day training pilots to qualify for carrier duty....jet blasts hit your skull worse than playing football helmet to helmet


I'll be honest. No.

Who wants to prEy over coffee ? Them idiots do...xians xmas ishtar. ..what a waste of brain cells


It depends what they believe in. If they believe in the nutritional value of chocolate cake I'm all for it, especially the practical application of ingesting said product. If they believe in some bloke on a stick who croaks it and then gets up and walks on the water, now that is just plain silly.

I vote for chocolate.


They don't stay long just be glad of that .

Simon1 Level 7 July 13, 2018

haven't encountered one for a while 😀


If they are here to see how the other half lives, and to challenge their own believe to see if they hold up, then more power to them. But if they are here to proselytize in any manner, shape, or form, then rhey can get the f**k out of here and back to christian mingle or whatever ignorant rock they crawled out from under and leave us heathens to or unholy ways.

A men! Or several women.


Here's the thing: If a "Theist" or even more importantly an "Evangelical" bring beliefs into this forum, here's my message to that person:

Put on your big girl or big boy pants when you come here. Don't cry, whine, bleed or worse - prosthelytize - on this forum. Put up or shut up. Make an intellectual case or keep your mouth shut. If you fee a need to claim victim status, you'll get the mental heat you deserve.

Frankly, I doubt that any believer would have the guts to enter a conversation where the playing field isn't tilted in their direction. As a whole, especially evangelicals are gutless wonders who stay in their sheep pens.

So, bottom line - there's not much chance anyone who has been skating along with a loose grip on rigorous intellectual discourse will even be interested in being here.

The delusional believers (redundant) do obsess over us Atheists and I DEMAND THEY CONDEMN their bibles which brands all of us Atheists as "fools" and "reprobates" on the pages of their genocidal misogynistic pro-violent abortion manuals....2nd Kings 15:16 Amos 1:13 Hosea 13:16 and 2nd Kings 8:12 ....: " RIP open the bellies of pregnant women...." ALL SAMARIAN women so violently aborted and their "virgin" sisters "kept alive for yourselves." Jehovah rewards his holy warriours with rape trophies


I really don't want them here! This is the only place that we are free from all that garbage! My opinion!

totally with you!


Had someone bitching me out over the circumsision topic on another post and kind of felt like I was being religiously attacked even tho she was against it because it's a religious thing. My choices have nothing to do with religion, her beliefs or anyone else's and I didn't like that she was in my face about it. I don't have a problem with people who believe, but if you try to force your opinion down my throat, for any reason or belief or whatever, theres gonna be problems.

circumcision of girls and baby boys is reprehensible criminal and equal to cannibalism as a "religious thing"... that is how I have stood on the health policy for 30 years.... I'm not into shaming people for having a different view....I've never rushed into a hospital and took away a scalpel&clamp or disarmed a Mohel in a synogogue....I'd defend someone who did...and I forgive parents who stupidly allowed their children to be sexually mutiliated....I encourage everyone to read Ayaan Hirsi Ali report on her mother and grandmother sexually abusing her and calling her a whore for menstruating at an earlier age than them....millions of girls on this planet are sexually mutilated by muslims with dirty knives and cleaner but just as painful sexual mutilation of baby boys should be prohibited by global law just as cannibalism is banned.... it's all a matter of education, over coming the propaganda and censorship of this issue not SHAMING PEOPLE WE KNOW HERE


I just joined this site a few days ago but as a long time atheist, I'm fine with theists joining as long as they understand their expressions of faith will not be treated respectfully. If they can handle having their fantasies challenged then I'm fine with their inclusion.

But it's doubtful I'll be polite about it.

I like how Dawkins puts it. People always have merit, but religion does not get a free pass. If ideas are weak and unsupportable they will be dismissed. Insistence on the ridiculous will get you banned.


It's very simple if they become annoying block them if everyone blocks them they're gone

That's the best bet


No, no, no. It's bad enough I have them knocking on my door.

yes, i'm the same - it's like soiling our nest, i feel.


Hell no. They have so much of the world. They should keep out.

I totally agree ! what the hell! have they run out of fresh places to annoy people?


I don't mind if they join b/c they (1) have questions about their faith - perhaps they are almost about to get a clue or (2) they come here to have discussions in a respectful manner. If they come here to flame the boards, kick them - they would do the same to us if we went to a religious site and started spewing hateful things to them.

I think that there are a lot of religious people who use this site because they have real doubts about their beliefs. This site gives them a place to be able to question their beliefs in a respectful manner. It has helped me a lot. I have found that there are very few people trying to convert us to their religion.I wouldn't want to exclude them.


I think this is a good site for believers to read and understand where we non believers are coming from. And it helps many believers by letting them know it is ok to question their beliefs. I keep an open mind on these things.

If that is why they are here, yes.


As a believer who just joined your group: “Boo.”


My being molested by a pastor notwithstanding, I simply do not trust ardent believers. The bottom line of their belief system is proselytizing...the ultimate agenda.

You bet they are 100% UNtrustworthy ....the only xian you can trust is a toddler on his 1st day in Sunday School ask him what lies he learned an hour later and we can undo the damage one nightmare later it may be too late for life


NO, I came to this site to get away from all the religious stuff. I don't care to listen to their reasons for believing as they do. They have plenty of places to go and share their "good news" we don't, so I vote NO.

Thank you for preserving community. ...the only believer I would let in here is one who tells the truth about the bibles quorans gitas and jw tracts. ...if they competently admit religion is wrong and like Thomas Paine only confess DEISM they have a well deserved place in the founding gawdless US CONSTITUTION. ...Paine did not worship nor tell lies for magical thinking ......speaking of our duty to use our watchmaker minds DEISTS reason for heaven on earth not after life unethical rewards nor hell threats


Why would they join such a site? Could only be one reason and that's to try and save souls which would be like giving telemarketers your phone number. I joined here because I am surrounded by them taunting me in this Bible belt and I'm tired of humouring their crazy thoughts. I have been on other sites to meet singles and it takes so much time tinfoil through profiles to make sure that forgone thing I don't bother to talk to any religious women on any level of faith in god's. So this site would be pointless. I feel comfortable that I have at least one of the most important in common things with each other and that is That we think with logic and not just what the Bible says.

perfectly phrased. thank you.


How do I feel? I feel tired of Trolls who come here pretending that they are religious/not religious, or something in between. Trolls that sealion our Users into wasting time with bogus questions and arguments...that is how I feel.


What if, sometimes, the religious who come to boards like this one are not true believers but individuals who are uncertain themselves as to the iron-clad verity of their chosen superstition? Keep in mind too that most people don't choose their religion, but that it is imposed on them by family and the simple accident of geography. Some believers are simply not so sure as they’d like to pretend.
Years ago I frequented various religion chat rooms and message boards, and yes the places were rotten with my-way-or-the-highway types, full to bursting with their own unshakable confidence, but also there was a reasonable number of ostensible believers who found themselves on the fence and were struggling with the nagging notion that the pap they had been force-fed as toddlers might not be the last word. In anything.
People like that may frequent places non-believers hang out to listen and learn why other rational and intelligent people don’t believe in their mythology. I’ve seen it happen, believers throwing off the yoke of superstition and embracing freethought and rationalism. Certainly not a daily event, but it happens,

Another point, Christians respect nobody’s religion but their own, so whenever they whine about how they ‘need’ us to respect their religion, I find it helpful to remind them that they don’t respect anyone else’ that jackass who was killed by the tribe in the Indian Ocean... the only thing he deserves for his trouble is a Darwin award for exiting this world as an imitation-gold plated chump. Respecting other people’s beliefs is simply not in most Christian’s DNA.

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