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How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?

We don't have a word for non-believers of Santa Claus or non-believers of The Tooth Fairy, yet we live in a world where those who don't believe in God(s) or supernatural religious philosophies are labelled Atheists. I think that the state of non-believing is the normal state of things as it doesn't need to be taught, unlike religions. I am consequently uncomfortable with using the word and I feel that I concede grounds to their insanity when I use it. What are your thoughts?

Chris90045 5 Sep 29

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I agree Atheism is the default position, but I wear it proudly if for no other reason that believers in Santa Claus don't try to dictate political & social issues as theists do. FFR is an important issue & I'll stand behind it any way I can!


I'm happy with Atheist. Prefer Anti-theist though


very comfortable


I don't have a problem with it at all. Of course, I'm retired and don't have to worry about a boss or a job, my kids seem to understand, and I'm well-prepared for anyone who would question this choice or start to proselytize.


I'm comfortable with it. but in some company it can be threatening. As in people will threaten you for being an atheist. I count my blessings for being free to say it. I know it isn't true for everyone and indeed, may not always be true for me.

jmott Level 3 Dec 23, 2017

I identify as an agnostic, though I am perfectly comfortable with others identifying as an atheist. I have had to explain myself a hell of a lot more as an agnostic than as a pagan or an atheist.


I use the word atheist slightly differently than most people I've seen. Most people tend to use it as a noun, "I am an Atheist", whereas I use it as an adjective, "I am atheist". This gets away from some of the labeling issues, at least for me.
Here in Australia, and I assume globally, the majority of people claim to hold some form of religious belief. Saying I am atheist is a fairly quick way of saying that I do not hold any such beliefs. If we ever reach a point were humanity is rid of beliefs in deities, the word atheist will have much less relevance.


Being an Atheist was an interesting phase. But the time came to move on. I reserve that word for the occasion where my religious perspective is asked for, but no longer do I label myself as atheist. Human, that serves much better.


I'm fine with "Atheist." But I consider myself "Anti-Theist."


Completely comfortable with it. I do occasionally have to explain that I am atheist and not anti-theist as some people struggle to accept that not believing a claim is true is not the same as believing it is false.


I was having a great debate on line last month with a Muslim ,to the eyebrows chap in the U.K..
It was interesting how he immediately branded me a Christian or Jew, How dear I , a kafir , debate their holy diatribe. Once noticeably triggered and angry he blasphemed Jesus Mary the slut!! Praise Mohammad. Last word of God etc. I broke it that I'm atheist. Honestly it's a concept to horrible in his mind to believe. To conceive of a man with no God was to foreign. He would of been more accepting if I was gay, as long as I was Christian. Atheist monster. Allah won't allow a peaceful afterlife. Not to Atheist scum. I just thought Wow. Then learned he and his extended family made life for non Muslims in their suburb or borough as unpleasant as possible. Those of you left of centre , pro immigration. Legal or not need to pay more attention to Pommy ( not a slur) visitors like Douglas Murray. Katie Hopkins, And bless him Milo. Are accused of racism against a religion. ( embarrassingly stupid) History will ( books ) not media. Show that the much despised " Muslim ban. " although plenty not from the counties Obama first outed as hostile and now on the ban. They don't want to be American # not all .. of course 2 nd 3 rd generation citizens are the exception. But the rest truly won't rest until Islam is as dominant as Christians , if not more. Europes eulogies are being written this century for Sweden and France Germany even London. Don't let America
Be next. Atheists are a oppressed minority . If identity politics ruled our victim points would be high. ????


It's accurate?


Doubt is normal in humans; we can have doubts about a relationship with another person. So, it is normal, healthy behavior to doubt that there is some being/entity behind the creation of our universe. Perhaps, the issue is a need for those who "believe" to condemn those who don't because those who say they believe are "whistling in the dark."


Agnostic, Athiest, Abortion... all ring with a similar sound. Seems many/most people, society find the word, the idea aberrant... (intended)... other than that, I’m wearing a pin on my collar.
Abortion was sold by most religions, politicos as the worst possible choice a person (couple) could make... murder, etc.
Atheism, denying the existence of the creator of life.. you’re “murdering” an innocent child/baby. Agnostic, thought of as the same... word association is there... “religion/politics” tell you how evil of all three choices are... (the guilt) haunt you the rest of your life.
... but, of course all these religions and their god love you...

Tomas Level 7 Dec 18, 2017

... I should add, I’m taking old school thinking, the judgemental, the guilt... tough to get past the tag of “atheist”...


Secular, agnostic, atheist, non-religious. What do these words really mean? Are we not simply describing the default position that everyone is born into? Why can't we just be who we are? Labels are just burdens and groups are just walls that divide us. Embrace our similarities, but celebrate our differences and the world will be a better place.


More than I am with xtians where as atheist question things rather than throw a shut up or goto hell fit. They are much better company and honestly I prefer quality over quantity.


I like nontheist.


I am "sweatpants"-comfortable with the word "atheist". 🙂


Very comfortable. It is accurate.


Atheism is a word. If 'you' are hung up on a word then where is the conviction of 'your' beliefs? Thinking 'you' need a 'badge' to identify 'yourself' as Atheist is no different than Jesus Jumpers walking around with crosses.

Ruadh Level 3 Dec 17, 2017

Not the point... many of us are coming from an era when a community would shun anyone claiming to be an atheist, was worse than being a “dirty commie”... noticed a post where it was asked if you are “out of the closet”, so the fear, concern is there. Imagine any politician coming out as atheist... stick a fork in him/her.


I look at the word "atheist" the same way I look at the words "Christian," "Muslim," "Jewish," etc. The two sides claim certainty in an area where it is impossible to produce empirical evidence to prove one way or the other given our current understanding of nature, and our current level of technology. You can accept, or reject, the existence of some deity, but it is impossible to say with any degree of certainty whether there are deities, or no.


I am pretty fine with it, even though I agree that it should be the natural state of thinking compared to being actively religious. Living in a pretty conservative place, I usually keep it to myself unless asked directly.


What can anybody actually do to me for being an atheist? Fire me? The answer unfortunately is yes. They can and do. In this internet driven environment be careful where you post. This site and other revealing sites are pits of information the religious fundies mine for 'miscreants'. That said, I'm retired and now safe from them. So, take your god and shove it fundies. You ain't welcome here at all.


My opinion is pretty close to what's written in the post. I have no real problems with the word atheist itself but the connotation it often has.


It don't bother me none. I personallydon't think or take in a derogatory way

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