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When I die, as we all must, I hope for peace: maybe even a dreamless sleep as the Buddhist's yearn for. No heaven, no hell, nothing is good enough - except what is nothing? I am sure I have not been too precise in my thoughts for which I apologize.

Azaz8899 5 Apr 26

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I think there may be an afterlife, but why worry about it now?
Fear of hell?
As we have 'proven' over and over again, there's no such thing.
Fear of loss of self?
Not a 'thing' in my book.
The moment of death only hurts for a second.

How do you know it hurts at all? And, I mean the moment of death, not what might lead up to it.

@Joanne Good point; I was talking about bodily breakdown and terminal illness, not the moment of death itself.
It must be very hard watching your once vibrant, youthful body grow ever more frail and helpless, finally to fall apart completely and go through such misery.
Especially living through the realization your life is...YOU are...finished!

Personally, I do not fear death, I do fear dying.

@dalefvictor It's the what might lead up to it that bothers me if I allow myself to think about it.


Death is the end of us, there is no dreams, just nothing. Finis. Who we are ceases to be, the only thing left is rotting remains for worms to feast on.

It is the end of us but not of the energy that gave us form. We become fertilizer; and I'm good with that 🙂.

@Joanne YES, there are urns for your remains that have a tree seed installed in them. I told my kids I'd be happy with that. Whatever it is, I want it simple, and green. I don't need a slab of granite or marble in a cemetery somewhere. I won't be there and it is a horrendous waste of space. My mom's remains are about 150 miles west of where I live now. I haven't visited her grave in years, and I'm sure after I and my siblings are gone no one ever will again.

@HippieChick58 I have told my kids that I want to be buried in a mushroom suit and turned into compost. They can then mix my remains with my cremated pets and then plant a few trees using it.

@Joanne I'm telling my kids that after I die I want to be scattered from a plane over Disneyland. And . . . I don't want to be cremated.

@Observer-Effect I will try not to be there that day 🙂.

@Joanne 🙂 Just chunks . . . raining down from the sky! 🙂


I think death is going to be like what it was before you were borne.


When I die, nothing is exactly what I expect.


If you've ever had surgery, I see death as similar, except permanent. When they put you under, you lose awareness of everything, no sensation, no light, no darkness, nothing.

This is difficult to explain, but it's more nothingness. I've had multiple surgeries where I went under sedation. I've also had a sudden cardiac arrest where all breathing and cardiac functions ceased for about 3 minutes until someone started CPR and mouth to mouth. In my experience, there truly was no sensation, complete nothingness, while with the sedation there was still a minuscule conscienceless, you knew you were at least functioning.


When people wonder what it is like after you die, I ask what it was like before you were born?


I take comfort in knowing that when I die the atoms and energy that gave me form will disperse and continue on, thus allowing other life to exist. I have no desire for a continuation of my consciousness and see no reason to think that will happen.


It's about 4:15 AM EST as I type this, after maybe a three-hour sleep, and I'm up reading this post. I can't remember the last time I had an eight-hour sleep, hell, even a six-hour sleep. The Buddhist dreamless sleep sounds pretty damn good to me....


Nope, no peace. No dreamless sleep. These imply life or awareness of some kind. Just dead, all thought processes stopped. The mind is an emergent phenomena of the brain and if the brain changes so does the mind. Look at anyone with dementia or brain damage. Brain stops, mind stops, ceases, ends, bereft of life, expired, is no more etc. Sorry, been watching monty python while in quarantine 😃😃😃


If one believes in physics, then one must accept that energy can not be destroyed. It can only change into a different form of energy. But then physics can break down quantumly, or event horizonly.......if those are even adjectives. So I wonder where the energy of life goes, or changes into, as death takes that energy. Big compost pile on a tiny blue planet in the midst of a twirling galaxy somewhere in eternity.


Hope for whatever you want after you die, not going to matter one little bit.

1of5 Level 8 Apr 26, 2020

Life after death is the same as before death, except you won't be involved in any of it. Seriously, though, when your consciousness dissipates as its physical support system expires, it is your consciousness that disappears into nothing. Everything else keeps on chugging. Like it did before you were born.


What is nothing? I'm not sure. Try to think on nothing and see where that gets you. As for my death, I only hope that it has no pain.


For me, it's just a wait and see because contemplating what nothing would be like would mean contemplating no more contemplation. Impossible to imagine if there is nothing to imagine.


You're dead. Happens to all of us, it is part of the natural cycle. That means your existence on earth is finished, kaput, gone, ended. But, you still have life, enjoy it to the max and try to leave this earth better than when you received it. Period. What you are "hoping" for is just mental masturbation for nothing.


and peace you will find. no matter what. it is already you. you are already infinite and immortal and of permanent bliss. satcitananda. you need do nothing to get it except enjoy life as your body passes.


I like that the Flying Spaghetti Monster spoke to a physicist! I also have a big like of many of the Buddhist teachings and that both the FSM. because it spoke to a physicist, and Buddha caused me to love learning, laughing and exploring!!!


Your consciousness will cease, the complex chemical patterns that hold your memories will decay, and you will be in the same state as before you were conceived and born.

My go-to meme on dying.

By the famous Agnostic/Atheist/Scientist Richard Dawkins.


'The dead are resting and the living are worried about death'! 😂


The nice thing about being dead is that you won't have to worry about any of that because, you'll be dead.


I just found this and I think it is relevant. Give a look, but watch the whole video.


I don't know about you.... but I got relatives and friends I will like to find again.


“as we all must”



Maybe someday the Scientists will discover an anti-death vaccine.......


No one knows what happens when you die.

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