Still sympathise, after all they can't rely on themselves, so they blame / thank someone else for life. That's OK, afterall it's a free world - so far
PS Great picture.
It is not a free world. I have to pay for things and this includes making money for all those who make money off of me. A lot of people today are waking up to this fact.
Less. Much less. Combine current events with my love and knowledge of history and my advancing years....I can barely stand it. I do boycott products. I do support local heathens. I am politically active and vocal. Fuck religion, in all it's forms.
Much less tolerant, and I was already pretty intolerant! The pseudoscientific madness which has allowed America to do so poorly with Covid stands in stark contrast with the secular nations in Europe. With the least superstitious doing the best.
Religion holds us back. And you don't see atheists wearing backpack bombs or flying airplanes into buildings. The "A" in Atheist has always meant the Latin meaning to me - as in simply Not Theistic. But the "A" is now becoming ANTI-theist for me, I'm not just non-theistic, I am anti-theistic. Its 2020 and we have people behaving this way still? We'd have solved cancer, and energy issues and lots more by now if Religion hadn't been holding us back.
Fuck those people.
I am just as intolerant of religious claims as I was 6 years ago.
Every day I feel less and less tolerant of religious people, and their institutions. I don't think I can ever vote for a republican again either.
I stopped buying Barilla Pasta, and now Goya anything, and won't shop at Hobby Lobby or Chick Filet, (seriously mine is way better, and no pickle juice).
Since I cook most everything we eat from Scratch I usually am buying ingredients.
Anyone who is not rich and is in anyway New World Spanish and vote republican , wow, that is like being black and a cross burning KKK member, or a Jew and a supporter of Hitler.
I also will never ever enter a Hobby Lobby -they think that an employer has the right to tell a woman what kind of birth control she can use. They support that terrible "museum" of the bible, which is filled with fakes, half-truths, and lies. and didn't they have to pay a fine recently for smuggling illegal aniwuities?
and then there's Gchik F., with their discrimination against LGBYQ persons and their stance on breast feeding.
I also refuse to use paypal/
But I hadn't heard anything about Bari;;a.
@HumanistJohn Barilla leadership(CEO) is anti gay. I am not a gay lover, or lesbian lover or any of those. I just find it hard to support sexual bigots plus proselytizing religious shits.So I do not care if you follow Jesus, or don't wish to be gay, but don't force it on me.
JW's do one interesting thing. They will never do anything that supports any other religion. So many years ago, we visited friends, and many relatives were there. One very pleasant uncle showed up and another uncle wanted us all to go to the Greek Festival....While the JW uncle came he would not buy a thing. When the other relatives bought a bunch of tasty edibles he would not eat a single bite, nor drink the offered beverages (hot sunny day). We walked around and we passed a soda machine, he popped in change and bought a bottle. later our friend explained , the Soda machine is on the country property and the church gets nada, and he refused all our offers to him, because we gave money which raised money for the church and we spent more money to the church for him to eat and drink, and that made it HIS donation, so he would be guilty of supporting a church other than the true church his, The Jehovah's.
I never forgot that, so I try to do the same, to a small degree. What does/did PPal do?
I never had much tolerance for religion or it’s believers to begin with. I’m still sick of all religion and believe it all should be destroyed.
You forgot,,," and have a nice day".....
I've definitely become less tolerant of religion in society. Being in W Michigan, you can't turn around without bumping into a church or church goer who says really disturbing things. This doesn't stop at just politics, but other religions, races, etc. Being an atheist, more often than not, if they found out what I (don't) believe in one of three things will happen: 1) they try to get me to go to church functions to try and convert me, 2) they spout that I'm going to hell, balh blah, or 3) they accept me for who I am and leave it at that. My experience has been overwhelmingly skewed at the first 2 choices.
No change.
I long ago realized the dangers to civilization to accept faith (belief without evidence) over demonstrable facts.
Some of the Missionary Baptist churches in my area are now telling its members that if you’re a Democrat, you’re not a Christian. Western Kentucky and northwest Tennessee. Some members are considering moving their membership to a different denomination.
I like it when they outspokenly show their asses like that. It's counterproductive for them and just alienates more people. A step in the proper direction.
Good. Racism and Religion's connections are being thrust out in the light. And we know what happens when bacteria or Vampires are exposed to light.
It is like being adrift in a leaky boat, bailing like mad to keep it afloat but noticing that while many of us are bailing there are a few just sitting around on their asses waiting for someone of something to save them and worse than that there are a few that are actively drilling more holes in the bottom of the boat.
This is great - mind if I share it elsewhere ?
@evergreen feel free, it's mine so no need for other approvals
It boggles my mind that people can be good models of following the science and public health recommendations about the pandemic and still cling on to some kind of trust and faith in a god. I literally can't wrap my head around how anyone can simultaneously hold those 2 things in their thinking. I would be screaming at the cognitive dissonance. To me it would be like simultaneously thinking the earth is both flat and spherical. How can people do this???
Man, not god, moves in mysterious ways!
What you describe is called "compartmentalised thinking". The idea of having a consistent cognitive approach to everything in the natural world is beyond their mental capacity.
I'm never very tolerant of it even under the best of circumstances.
I grow less tolerant almost daily. It means I find more and more people who do not know what they are talking about and they continue trying to bring me (again) back over to their side. I find it incredible that anyone would believe that dead people "go some place" other than the ground, vault, or oven. Saul of Tarsus made this nonsense all possible.
the way trump is letting them get money and help from our government and their intolerance of women's rights im done..... I could care less what someone believes as long as they don't try and make me believe ....I can even listen to the praise the lord and crap like that....but when they want to force women to have babies that are unwanted and uncared for or abused just to keep women in their places that makes me so mad America is not Christian never really was we are a melting pot of people and faiths no one gets to make the laws and the stain trump has left on our morality is unthinkable and needs to be the first thing corrected
I was never very tolerant of religions but feel even less so now. Their absolute hate and need for power becomes so much more apparent when they are promoted in any way. The hypocrisy of their beliefs just comes to the fore in times like these. Have to say though, I feel like the evangelist type is the worst.
You wrote your comment last year- so I don't even know if you will see this. I am so far past religion; I feel it is so unimportant; it may be worth a few passing laughs, but not more. I am NOT an athiest; I have more important issues to deal with. Agnostic? Yes, I wonder if there was a begining of time. Is there some sort of cognitive organizer? I understand this as not possible----when we have "all the answers", we will be able to take 'nothing' and build our own universe. I am open for discussion.
Less, partly because people need to wear a mask and they don't want to wear it and use "god's perfect respiratory system and immune system" as an excuse.
They're contributing to infection spreading and the excuse pops up continuously and has no value so it just sounds like they're throwing a tantrum and appealing to god in an attempt to sound rational but overall it's just stupid and everywhere