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I now get opioid addiction.

Last night, around 8:00p I was riding my bike and took a really nasty spill on concrete. Sustained bad abrasions on both elbows and knees, hurt my ribs and hip on the left side along with a gash and a big goose egg on my head. I knew this was all gonna hurt like Hell in a couple of hours and about 3 hours later, the pain hit me and it was agonizing. I dealt with it all night until I went to the clinic this morning where I was given hydrocodone.

The pain was GONE! It was like magic. All that pain gone in a matter of minutes. Nearly instantaneous relief. So I now understand why there's an opioid problem. Those pills make all the bad go away.

I won't be getting hooked myself but just wanted to say I get it.

Sgt_Spanky 8 July 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I know what you mean. Years ago, I was surf fishing and stepped on a catfish someone had thrown away on the beach. The fin went all the way through my shoe and foot and broke off. The trauma and the bacteria, slime from the fish caused a great deal of pain. My buddies took me to the emergency room. There they extracted the fin and gave me a shot of morphine. It didn't really stop the pain, but left me floating a cloud and thinking: "Gee, my foot hurts. Isn't that funny!" The pain simply did not matter.


Had surgery on my spine and was on Oxycodone for three months . As it was nearing time to return to work , I tried getting off the stuff . I had not realized if was an anti-depressant as well as a pain killer . First weekend , I failed . Second weekend I knew what to expect and was able to get off the stuff .


And not only the physical "bad" but the emotional as well. Imagine taking that pill for your physical pain and discovering it makes your emotional pain go away as well. Emotional pain is the long term pain that addicts use drugs for.


I had knee surgery back in 2011. When I woke up, the nurse asked me if I was in pain. I said that I was. She hit me with a shot of morphine. I WALKED to the car. I don't look down on anyone with an addiction to opiates. That shit is good stuff. I doubt that I'll ever feel that good again.


I love it when I go to the dentist and they give me gas. Worth just going for the gas.

The gas is great.

I would try the gas. I hate novacaine. I always ask my dentist how much it would hurt without. If she said not too bad, I deal with the pain. One time I wished I'd have let her numb me, it hurt a lot. I do hate numbness.

I had an uncle who lost his license for a bit because somebody walked in on him sitting back in his chair with the mask on! 🙂

@barjoe I hate the novacaine effect too. It can't wear off fast enough.

@Lightupmylife Yeah I've thought that if you passed out with the mask on it could kill you. But the stuff feels good, so I get it!

@Lightupmylife I've now very overdue for what I fear is a terrible dental experience. I have several big holes starting on the sides of teeth, I've never had cavities except on the tops of teeth. But Covid stopped me from pursuing it a few months ago, and still is. And being American, living in a pre-civilization, my medical care doesn't cover it.

Its scary, I'd never thought about it before. I'm 50 and have been fine tooth-wise, and I'm realizing that if I were to lose any front, visible, teeth? My life is essentially over, socially and professionally it just wouldn't work anymore - in a rural area the association with rednecks and poverty is too high with people, even if subconscious.

So . . . dental stuff is a stress point right now! 😟

@Observer-Effect If you would loose a front tooth you can get an implant, but probably expensive.


I lost a nephew to Opioids.

I’m sorry to hear is a terrible problem,

@K9Kohle789 somebody from work.


Sorry you were injured, hope you mend quickly.

I've been fortunate not to have experienced drug addiction.
I know people who started taking hydrocone, and oxycodone, for legitimate reasons, and soon discovered their effectiveness ceased fairly quickly.

I was given oxycodone after a hernia surgery. I took one and then 6 hours later took another. Wondered if it was really necessary and waited until the pain that I was told would appear did so. I understand how easy it is to get addicted to some drug and won't take anything unless absolutely necessary. It wasn't so no pills. Far too many want to take a pill instead of making lifestyle changes and we should not be surprised at an increase in addiction.

I've heard this about opioids, the longer you're on them, the more you need to take to get the same effect. I can see where that could be come a big problem. I'll take the one bottle I was prescribed then walk away.


Rather than honestly try to manage my daily migraines, my doc threw hydrocodone at it. I started building tolerance immediately! At first, one tablet relieved 100%, then it mostly relieved, then it took two, then two wore off in 2 hours... it took more with each subsequent dose! Scary stuff! Crazy things is all doctors are taught how powerfully addictive opiates are. Yet, they still prescribe them like candy! Claiming the pharmaceutical rep said it was “safer” or “less addictive” is no excuse for lazy medical practice, IMO. I hope your pain winds down and you can kick those drugs to the curb.

Zster Level 8 July 13, 2020

I only have a bottle of 12 pills (11 now) and no refills. I'll take them and then I'm done.

You might try hypnotherapy with a clinical psych to helpwith the migraines. It may not eliminate them but it will definitely reduce the frequency.

@Cyklone I will keep that in mind. We did hit a combination of meds that manage things fairly well, except for the occasional subpotent lot of pills I get from the pharmacy.

@Zster A friend was getting several a week and had to quit work because of them. After seeing a psychologist for hypnotherapy he gets maybe one a month.

@Cyklone Cool! At the rate contaminants are popping up in tablets, I could yet need to try it. Thanks!

Have you tried CBD oil? I rub some on the back of my neck, temples and the webbing between my thumb and fore finger. Now I only a get a migraine around late summer every couple of years and for best results needs to be applied when the visual stuff starts before the actual pain.

@silverotter11 Will add that possibility to the list, thanks!


An opioid addict I dated stole all my jewelry. It's more addictive than heroin. And harder to get so a lot of people that have a car accident (or ?) Get hooked on it then move to heroin coz it's the same buzz but easier to acquire. Careful! Smoke weed!


One can be ensnared in days. Opioids will also relieve mental anguish........temporarily. It makes one care only for the lure of the poppy. Nothing else matters. I do not have an addictive personality but I loved someone who did & lost him to the opioid pandemic. The doctor of 40 years prescribed & prescribed. Opiods alter the brain & there is no recourse offered to those who watch in helplessness.

I'm in no danger but it's interesting to experience it.


Best wishes for your recovery...I’m sure you won’t become addicted and will use your prescription opioids in the manner they are intended...for as short a term as possible to control your severe pain.


The more you take the harder it is to achieve relief at the same dosage level.
I have kidney stones. Before I was able to find a Dr. that addressed my mineral metabolism issues I was generating one a week for 3 years.
Today a 4 10mg Hydrocodone won’t even phase me.
Never got hooked but I see the issue.

I take a prescription potassium supplement called Urocet K and I take Allopurinol. 5 years free of a stone that had to be removed. I still get tiny ones but no more 11mm monsters


I have Polycystic Kidney Disease. Because of it, my kidneys are three times larger than normal and full of cysts. Occasionally I will have severe back pain. The only thing I'm allowed to take over the counter is Tylenol which does not work for the pain. My nephrologist gave me a six day prescription for Tramadol. Six months later he asked how many I had left, and I told him six. He now has no problem giving me a script because he knows I don't abuse it.

I'm ultra vigilant with my prescription and alcohol because I had alcoholic grandparents, my oldest son is a recovered addict, and three out of four siblings were addicts. I refused to be one of the statistics.

I'm not an angel though. When I was young and dumb I tried cocaine. I remember telling myself that I was so glad I wasn't rich because I would have spent every penny on it.

I too tried lots of stuff as a youngster but cocaine did nothing for me. Never did try heroin and as I discovered when I had a kidney stone and they gave me morphine it is a good thing the crowd I hung out with never even thought of trying heroin. 🙂

@silverotter11 I had the attitude of I'll try anything once except injectables. I didn't see it worth the effort to get a high by injecting a substance.

@kiramea EXactly. BTW you can snort it and get pretty addicted. My sister's step son used heroin that way. I think they did 2 rehabs for him. Don't know if it took, she's a bible thumper and gop supporter (tho she is questioning trump's ability to lead) so we don't talk much 🙂.


I had painkillers for three months after an operation. I passionately hated them, but when I came off because I decided the side effects were worse than the pain (I foolishly went cold turkey) I had severe withdrawals. Nasty shit. I can see how people would get addicted to avoid the discomfort of withdrawal.


I smoked some straight opium one time about a million years ago. One time. Loved it. Never saw it again.


kratom fills the opiod receptor quite nicely, but no addiction i guess, or at least none that i notice. Dont mix with pot, according to my sources anyway, havent tried that but i can kind of see why.

I've read about kratom. You can buy it in the quick pics around here.

@freeofgod yeh, that is the expensivest way...used to be cheap, but it has now been like "discovered" so it's unfortunately approaching $5 a dose. Good way to find out out if it is right for you tho i guess 🙂 but seek online sources for the best deal

@freeofgod []

grow your own maybe, or a kilo of kratom for $115 whatever? awesome deal

almost too good to be true, compared to your two doses for $10 at the quiki mart, which is btw basically what i have been doing myself lol


“Perhaps all pleasure is only relief” - William S. Burroughs


I actually lived with someone with an opioid addiction. Still after quiting ( still friends ) but hes still on methadone. withdrawal was horrible to watch. ovoids are wicked


I suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis and have for years. In the search for relief I was referred to a doctor that started with Percocet and, over the years, upped that to a Duragesic patch and 8 40mg Oxycontin per day. (Yes, you read that correctly!) This took 5-6 years to get to that level. Any time I told him I as starting to feel pain, he'd up the dosage. Over the years... You end up watching your life drift away... With no real care about it happening. I mentioned this to the PA one day when I was getting a refill... That they just prescribe this crap with no real worry about how someone is supposed to live their life. I received a registered letter 2 days later saying they would not refill another prescription. REALLY???

I called my GP and asked her for the best rheumatologist she knew. They were booked 3 months out... Until I told the nurse my story. That doctor said he would see me the next day! He saved my life and also my quality of life! It took about a year and a half to get stepped down and totally off pain meds. I now take Inflectra to manage my issues.

I live with pain daily and I hurt like hell sometimes. I joke that it lets me know I am still alive. Do I see the draw? Absolutely! I was lucky... And had a great doctor to help me. The original doctor had his license taken away about a year after I stopped seeing him... He was over prescribing everyone apparently.

Thanks for sharing. 👍

im curious what your major source of omega3 is? ty

@bbyrd009 I eat a lot of salmon and also take supplements.

@RiverRick it seems we are directed into the animal there, fwiw i would suggest vegetable sources, my "hiatal hernia" seems to be slowly healing itself! and best of luck to you. You taking glucosamine/chondroitin/msm too? But pArthritis is just a bitch, ya, my gma had it, and she did everything right seems like


I had to have many knee operations I was given pethidine, did not really get rid of the pain (dulled it some) and then I had to have medication to prevent me vomiting everywhere as I felt so nauseous. Had to have wisdom teeth removed under a general. Told them what pethidine was like for me and so they prescribed morphine. Was like the first sip of a good scotch, this warm feeling went through my body, I disconnected from everything, seriously they asked me to roll over to my side and all I could do was move my shoulders, I giggled at everything. I am allergic to pethidine but boy does my brain like morphine. I have had to have it since and am always very careful about how much I use (self administered drip) I would rather tolerate some pain than deal with an addiction.

Budgie Level 8 July 14, 2020

Similar experience but with morphine. Short version I went from not feeling well at 6p to going into shock from the pain at the ER by 2a. Reason - kidney stone and they gave me morphine. My first thought as it took hold was "now, I know why this stuff is illegal". I too 'get' it.
What makes some people become addicted and others not? Is it an emotional/mental make up or a brain receptor difference? Or a combination.
Hope you're back on your bike soon enjoying the outdoors.

Sounds very similar.

Perhaps one fear we should all harbor is fear of addiction. Taking any drug can and often does bring addiction.

Those damned kidney stones are worse than childbirth. I laid in a hospital bed for 72 hours trying to pass three of them before. Just wished I would die.


Now you get it? So until you tried it yourself you didn't "get it"? Really?

I think that's a fair comment. There are some things the human body experiences that unless you've been through it yourself you really have no idea.

If a woman said that about childbirth would you feel as incredulous? Would you forgive anyone who's never taken psychedelics for not getting what the fuss is about?

But I don't think he was saying he didn't believe it was a problem, or that anything could be so seductively addictive, just that he gets it on a personally level.

@prometheus all I know is that I don't have to kiss Trump's ass to understand that republitards are spineless eunuchs.

Yes, until I actually tried it and experienced it myself, my understanding was only academic. I understood the issue but now I see the attraction.

@Mofo1953 No, I wouldn't let you fuck me in the ass because I'm not gay BUT if I were and I understood that getting fucked in the ass was a thing I might like, I would actually have to try it to see if I truly liked it or if I decided it wasn't for me. Academic knowledge of a thing isn't genuine experience of a thing.

Understanding isn't experience. Don't know how much more clear I can be.

@Sgt_Spanky clear as mud.

@Mofo1953 the way they slither around is a dead give away


You understand part of it, the attraction. Yes it feels very good, and so you can see why people would want it a lot. But thats just a whisper of what addiction to those things is. You can only know the desperation if you've experienced it. Stopping cold from a drug like that can kill you. You don't have it for a day, you don't just miss it . . . you can simply die, and painfully.


Sorry about the spill. Hope your heal up quickly. I don't like Vicodin. I deal with pain. I'd have to be dying to take that.

barjoe Level 9 July 13, 2020

I agree, came out of my operation with a plate and 7 pins in my collarbone and took just one of those. Never felt that good in my life. Never took another.

BTW, it was a bike accident too.


I was given morphine once for an infection that almost cost me a leg. I didn't try to get them to give me more during my stay... but I really wanted them to.

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