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QUESTION What would you say to God if when you died you were faced with him?

This question was asked to Stephen Fry and I love his answer. So I ask you what would you say?

  • Click description above to see Stephen Fry's answer*

To answer my own question I suppose I would be more logical and tell God it was his fault I did not believe in him because if he created me then he knows I would not blindly follow anything that reads like a fairytale or where there was no proof of existence.

DiablitaRoja 4 Apr 24

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213 comments (126 - 150)

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Oops! Just kidding!?


Can’t. Doesn’t exist.


I would tell him he did a bad job at revealing himself to me and the world. But since there is no such thing as the supernatural I am sure I won't be having that conversation.


Stephen Fry is a brilliant man. I would have to agree with what he said but I stop laughing so hard I was crying.


Well, I'll be damned. Fry's answer is the theme of Twain's The Mysterious Stranger.


Tag, you’re it.


Who are you?


Not going to happen


Hahaaa I think I'd say "So where have you been all my life?" And then if he still wanted to talk with me I would have to question him on why he did things the way he know, what was the point. And then I'd ask him if I could speak directly to Sartre.


I don't think I'd talk to such a being. Either it's too big for it's britches, or it's too big for the conversation to matter.


Not pleased to meet you


I would just have an honest talk about why I don't believe in God. Which if God truly knows all them I'd just be expressing it aloud and directly. Which if this day ever comes were my intentions anyway. If the conversation continues and I can get answers from God. I would ask about a lot more. Mostly about why must there be so much suffering. To a lot of those who believe in you. Not here in America but overseas where there are way worse conditions than here. And is God's power as strong and extensive as the good book leads you to believe?


I've said it before. I'll say it again. If I saw said deity, I'd immediately tell it "you're fired."


I'd ask it what the plan was for raising children, and why it didn't help teach people about having children in a way that would not result in child abuse or starbation.


Nice to finally meet you , too


How could one entity be so narcissistic? Childhood cancer? Wtf is that about.


"you gave some really shitty evidence for your existence" followed by " you really kind of screwed this whole thing up, didn't you?"


I met him on mesacline !! When you meet "god" you don't talk you sit there in awe completely mindblown..

I know it was the mescal... but I also KNOW I met god (or what people think of as that). You don't have to talk to god he already knows lol ;😉 I can't possibly explain myself and probably this sounds pretty much like gibberish lmfao. Which is normal for me.

When he opened his mouth it was everyone who had ever lived and died.. plus the others not yet born all whispering, "everything is going to be okay", in a loving way ... I mean what do you do with that LMAO!!

So if you can talk you will be doing really well 🙂 top question.. suppose if I could talk I would have asked him,

  1. Where do all the odd socks go ? 3. 2. IF you ever make another Trump can he have a bigger penis?

  2. Why do cats knock things over!?


So...Where is the Bar and what time is Happy Hour???


Define God

It's just a hypothetical. Use your imagination. What would you say?

@BlueWave Stephen is using the Christian God as the God Model, in particular the Christian God as dictated by the Church of England in which he was raised.
That does not match other Christian God Models, that is why there are so many sects, they disagree about either the nature of God, the definition of God, or the acts God would undertake.

I do not believe in any God, and frankly I spent long enough learning about these Models for God, while thinking one of them MUST be true, that when it dawned on me they all lacked real evidence, all relied on emotional and mental states of mind, and all shared the common trait of originating from human societies who could not make sesne of the reality they found themselves in, that I came to understand no one believes in the same God.

It's a Personal "Imagned" God.
Your own personal Jesus

Since then, thirty years or so ago, I do not "use my imagination", because then I am imagining with all my bias intact, and that won't agree with all the bias and ideas YOU have intact.
Your model of God and Mine will not match UNLESS we first agree upon WHAT that is, otherwise your just playing in the wake of a deepity.


I will saying nothing to God. And I believe God will also say nothing to me.


Meeting "God!?" I won't hold my breath. Or for that other mythological fantasy, "Satan."

But, let's say you're playing "make believe." Could you come up with something for pretend?


WTF is wrong with you? You have got to be the Shittiest Deity every. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!


I couldnt do better that Stephen Fry and i am not sure that I would want to speak to god - what for?


I'd ask em if he(or she) would like to grab a drink and discuss the issues.

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