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It is unrealistic for a woman to expect a man to know how to pleasure her sexually. A man does not experience what a woman does. How does a woman approach having her needs and wants met?

SunshineEast 5 Aug 25
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If that is true, then why isnt it unrealistic for a man to expect a woman to know how to please him?


Unfortunately women don't necessary say what they want and men do not listen either when they do.

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 12, 2022

I recently recognized the following: Given the complexity of a woman's body with its ability to conceive, develop and nurture new life, it is more probable that woman evolved first as an asexual being and, in time, man evolved from hermaphrodites. How does this change cultural thinking?

A woman's body is designed to enjoy sexual pleasures more than a man's.

Is not a cultural change necessary?


Am unwilling to believe that we cannot learn, and enjoy the effort along the way. We are all different, and can enjoy intimacy in many ways.

Yes, we can learn and do the best that one can do but we never experience what a woman experiences. A woman's body is a much more complex "mechanism" than a man's. Intuitively, I feel that a woman must be in complete control at all times to optimize her physical sexual pleasuring. A man must submit to her totally.

It suggests that there is something inherently wrong with a religion in which a woman is positioned to be subordinate to a man.


In my experience you ask them what they like.

You have to care about their pleasure. You have to want them to enjoy it. You need to listen and observe their responses.



I loved the book, "Joy of Sex." Here is a review:

The Joy of Sex revolutionized how we experience our sexuality. An international bestseller since it was first published in 1972, Dr. Alex Comfort’s classic work dared to celebrate the joy of human physical intimacy with such authority and candor that a whole generation felt empowered to enjoy sex. Now fully updated, revised, and reillustrated, The Joy of Sex once again sets the standard as the world’s most trusted sex manual.

Substantial revisions from sex expert and relationship psychologist Susan Quilliam include new information on:

• Key scientific discoveries in the fields of psychology, physiology, and sexology
• The Internet and couple-friendly pornography
• The importance of sex to our growth as people and partners
• Maintaining a fulfilling sex life as we get older

Above all, The Joy of Sex emphasizes the importance of happy and healthy sexuality in our lives.

Thanks. I'll add it to my reading list. I wag my head in disbelievement that I should be reading it now, at my age. Oh, well. It is better than watching the news.


First off communicate. Back in1970 ,in my first marriage my wife and I researched things (a lot), we read a lot of books-Joy of Sex, Our Bodies Ourselves etc, etc. Then we tried stuff out, a lot.Good results, really good sex life. I always made sure she was looked after and she likewise. I knew I could come anytime and I am patient and I like to see my lover have pleasure. Over our 29 years of being together my technique really improved, she commented on this before she passed away. She as a born again Baptist was told horrible stories about married sex by her mom-nice eh?. She decided to not listen to her mother. On aside about the born again shit. There a few times where she really went wild, and afterwards was worried that her activities would revoke her "Born Again-ness". Shitty religious guilt stuff. This really pissed me off. Dated a woman briefly between my first and second wives, she commented once in bed "Where the Fuck Did You Come From"? Aware of only clitoral orgasms, and could only orgasm from cunnilingus, so I showed her some things. Second wife, good good vanilla sex,often, until she became ill. She passed also. So I hit the online dating scene last summer. I met a few ladies and I was intimate with 4 of them , 2 older than myself, one the same age and one a bit younger. I was the second lover for 2 of the ladies, both widowed. I was the 3rd partner of one-she was separated. These 3 ladies were aware of their clitoris and nothing else. No idea about all the other places that could result in orgasm. One lady had many partners and was quite experienced.So for 3 of the ladies I was the teacher. That was fun. I am now living with one of them, and we both think we are having the best sex of our lives.


After trial and error for over sixty years, my experience always depended on feedback.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 26, 2022

I didn't become aware of the posted subject until a couple of years ago. I've lived 4 score plus 6. I looked at "She Comes First". I'm going to read it. Are you aware of it?

Oh, read the comment by LiterateHiker below. Women learn through life experiences what men have to be taught. Some men try harder and some learn more than others but we don't acquire the intuition of it all.

@SunshineEast . After 79 my years of wanting to please others, I've turned around to just wanting to be left alone to simplify my life and enjoy things I've missed and can do alone. I love solitude.


I don't understand your focus on men not understanding how women feel physically as a basis for not being able to pleasure a woman. Although the stimulation tends to be less complex, women do not "know" how a man feels with regard to his penis either.

Sexuality is not so cut and dried as one's sex organs: it's a wide and diverse spectrum. Sensuality, which is based on an individual's physical and mental aspects, expands those variables exponentially. I would not presume to know how to satisfy a woman simply because I am a woman, but I would proceed the same way I do with a man ... communicate verbally and physically, enjoy reveling in the sensations of the moment, give as well as I get, and be ever alert to their responsiveness.

Lauren Level 8 Aug 26, 2022

I watch considerable porn not to seek arousal but to seek beauty. I find the human body beautiful. Before skin cancer became a concern, I sought out cloth optional beaches. To see a person comfortable with their body displayed for all to see was awesome. I enjoyed the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" because I perceived it as a story about a young woman who explored her sexuality. She was in control. I enjoy the female body, everything about it. As I've aged, there are things that I am no longer able to do. I have found that I'm still able to bring pleasure to my partner. So much so, that I am awed by it. Why? What changed? Basically, I gave more of myself to my partner for her pleasure. The more she was honest with herself and shared the honesty with me, the greater the pleasure she experienced. I able to bring her to an orgasmic state and extend its duration. I'm awed by it. I do not understand why it is so. I suspect, though, that another woman knows. Not often but often enough, I watch a girl-girl video in which there is an obvious connection between the women. The intimacy is not mechanical, i.e., "You do me then I'll do you." It is beautiful. It "blows my mind". What is the magic?

We innately seek out pleasure. As a species we find sexual intimacy a source of pleasure. We pursue it for its own pleasure. As a society we have been conditioned to wrap it in the folds of romance and the responsibility to procreate. To perceive it in a "higher plane" than pleasure. That conditioning of our innate behavior has led to the creation and growth of the pornography industry. Instead of educating our young to explore responsibly and respectfully, we continue to attempt to condition them.

The WWW gives access to knowledge and information. Knowledge and information combats conditioning. Social change occurs over 3-4 generations, about a century.


The Rhythm of Love- 40 Beats Per Minute

From “Women- An Intimate Geography” by Natalie Angier

Oxytocin has been called the love hormone and the bonding hormone. It’s a dopy, wishful phrase, and a bit reductionist. Still, Oxytocin may be a player in the sensation of love.

“Think of a breastfeeding woman,” Kirsten Uvnas-Moberg of the- Karolinska Institute in Sweden said. She studies nursing mothers, in whom oxytocin is high. “Oxytocin is stimulating her milk letdown- that much is familiar. But milk ejection is only part of the story. Oxytocin, in concert with other peptides, expands blood flow to the breast. The engorgement turns the breast warm, warmer than it’s ever been. Heat radiates from the nursing woman. She feeds the baby fluids and bathes the baby in warmth.

You know the right way to stroke someone.

“A mother does more than nurse and warm the baby. As she holds the baby, she strokes the infant to soothe it. ‘You know the right way to stroke somebody,” Uvnas-Moberg says. ‘You know what works and what doesn’t. If you do it like this, too fast, that doesn’t work either. But now, if you do this, if you stroke steadily and calmly, you know this is right, this is good and true.’ She strokes her arm rhythmically and as I watch, I feel vicariously stroked and soothed. ‘This rate is about forty strokes per minute. It is the same rate at which we stroke our pets.’ Oxytocin again enters the picture.

“A steady caress inveigles oxytocin secretion. The gentle rhythmic stroke is like the pulsing of a milk duct, like the rate at which the infant reflexively, rhythmically suckles at the breast. This is the rhythm of love: forty beats a minute.”

Orgasm is another rhythmic sensation.

“The rhythm of love. Orgasm is another rhythmic sensation, and it too clocks in at about forty to fifty throbs a minute, and the uterus contracts during orgasm as it does in giving birth. Oxytocin’s frequency; oxytocin’s handiwork.

“In one study, women were asked to masturbate to climax; and their blood levels of oxytocin were measured before and after orgasm. The concentration of oxytocin climbed slightly but measurably with climax, and the greater the increase, the more pleasurable the women reported their climax to be. While breastfeeding, some women say they feel almost orgasmic, their uterus pulsing along with their milk ducts, with the baby’s suckling mouth.”

The rhythm of love: 40 beats per minute. When giving a massage, my hands are slow and rhythmic, 40 strokes per minute. People groan with pleasure. When Terry and I divorced, I wanted one piece of furniture: the rocking chair in which I nursed Claire. The rhythm of love.

WOW! Beautiful. Just another example of how a woman gains experience in pleasuring another, in this case, a child. It seems to support my feelings that a woman brings to sexual intimacy something that a man does not. I am aware that a nursing woman receives much satisfaction in the intimacy of nursing. Thanks.


In my experience, musicians and doctors make the best lovers. Musicians have rhythmic hands and bodies. Yum.

Doctors have extensive knowledge of anatomy and are intelligent. The mind is the best sex organ. I have dated seven doctors and married one. Love highly intelligent people.

As a musician, I have rhythmic hands and body. I can make people melt and groan with sensual, rhythmic massage.



Your questions in this post show you are approaching sex as an engineering problem to be solved.

Get out of your head and tune into your body. Each person is different.

People are either sensual or not. Can't teach sensuality.

Yes, sex is sensual but it is also mechanical, knowing what do do when and how. We all go through the motions. Those who are sensual do the "right" things at the "right" time in the "right" way. We are intuitively sensual with our same sex. One "knows" what the other if feeling when they do what and they do when and how. A member of the opposite sex has to be taught. Some learn better than others.


There are two excellent books men and women can read that will give them 95% of what they need to know. The titles are “She Comes First” and “He Comes Next”, by Ian Kerner. Both books should be read IN THEIR ENTIRETY by both men and women. These books address first the physiology of each sex, the emotional and intellectual needs of each, and end with technique. The other 5% is communication, letting the partner know what one likes and wants in the moment. I advocate giving these books to teenagers during health/sex education class in school. There would be a lot more happy people in the world if everyone read these books.

KateOahu Level 8 Aug 26, 2022

Thanks, I look forward to reading them.


I ask them what they desire, and what they need to please them. It ain't that complicated.

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 26, 2022

To what level of detail do they respond? How do they guide you? How proactive are they during the doing? One responder stated that she maintained an ongoing comments. Some women will guide you physically.


It would be unrealistic to expect someone to be a mind reader but a little feedback, questions, and effort is going to help. Of course an individual women might not know exactly what they want from their partner either or how to communicate it well.

I don't think it has much to do with gender as different people like different things. The same person could even want different things depending on their mood or whatever.

Maybe there could be an argument that on average most women are harder to please than most dudes. Or maybe an argument that too many dudes don't try hard enough.

johnfrum Level 4 Aug 26, 2022

My experience suggests that a man does not know the nuances of a woman's erogenous areas. He cannot be expected to know. He has no means of gaining first hand experience. What a woman's needs depends upon many factors, e.g., her state of mind, the attitude of her partner, whatever. Somehow, the woman has to take control of the moment. her partner is there to give her pleasure. It is her responsibility to get what she needs. It's her partner's responsibility to do what she asked of them. In sexual matters, a man is subordinate to the woman. That represents a major change in mind set for both.

What you are saying is that most people do not have the information they need to be good sexual partners. I agree.

@MsKathleen Eh, I don't think it's all that difficult.

I suspect the problem for most couples is just a lack of communication or someone not really caring if their partner has a good time. The idea that isn't impossible for a dude sounds more like an excuse to either give up trying or to avoid getting creative. Maybe a way to deal with the frustration if things don't seem to be working for the couple.

There can be hang ups for people like ED or something but that seems different than the idea that dudes are just bad at it.

@johnfrum ED is a non-issue for most women. The penis is not the source of our enjoyment. You are right about communication being the main problem. But lack of practical information is the bigger problem. See both of my earlier posts on this thread.

@MsKathleen Sure, more than one way to skin a cat and that would be part of the creative idea. It's my understanding that the particular thing a women likes is going to very although what you said isn't uncommon.

I'd expect practical information is more available today than a few decades ago. I could see a problem with such a search being somewhat obscured due to search terms.... That or getting bro science results, maybe cosmo. Or people getting the wrong idea from certain media.

I would kinda expect the kind of dude that doesn't care simply wouldn't look much up if they were having trouble.


Good luck. Many women would rather just complain to their friends about what lousy lovers men are.

BitFlipper Level 8 Aug 25, 2022

So far, the response has been all about "communications" which I assume is before the doing. One responder talked about on-going "encouragement" during the doing. She is in control. She is orchestrating her pleasure. Is that not what it is about?

Most women and men of my generation had no sex education whatsoever. I believe this is also pretty much true for all the younger generations. So no wonder there is a lack of communication. As an example, I got married at 17, my husband was 24. We were married for 7 years. I NEVER had an orgasm during that marriage. I didn’t even know there was such a thing for a woman. Only after a divorce, when I encountered a man who knew how to “pleasure” a woman did I learn. I know a woman who had her first orgasm at age 81! She had been married to the same wonderful husband for 54 years, until he died. Obviously, in both cases neither partner had the information they needed to have a healthy sex life. We need to educate people in this area.

I don't complain unless my partner doesn't listen or care... I have had good relationships with men who care about the experience I am having not just themselves.


I tell men what I want and what feels good. Two-way communication is key.

Pay attention to spoken words, breathing changes and body language.

During sex, men love that I am sensual and playful.

Do you position yourself such that you can readily shift your body to maximize the physical contact of the moment? Do you physically guide your partner's touch? How much are you in control of the contact?

At my age, I do not want to “teach” a man what to do. Yes, I will communicate what I like and am in the mood for. If a partner does No know what he us doing, I will recommend the books I mention in my responses above.


Open and honest communication about what you each prefer and would like.

Betty Level 8 Aug 25, 2022

To what level of detail? When to stroke with what level of heaviness? When and how to give attention to the nipple or clit? A woman knows. A man has to be taught. Every woman is different. One wrote that each encounter with the same partner can be different.


@SunshineEast Yes, that level of communication.


I see that as a one-sided question. It should be about both parties. Moreover, what works best can change between every bout of sex. See also @HippieChick58's comment.

anglophone Level 9 Aug 25, 2022

My focus here is upon a woman. A woman has more erogenous areas than a man. If a woman is focused upon giving directions how can she fully enjoy the experience. One can readily observe the "gamesmanship" by watching videos of girl-girl intimacy of amateur and professional partners.


Communication is the key. You have to be able to tell your partner what feels good to you, and listen to your partner.

Plus paying attention.

Communication is good before hand but in the moment, one doesn't want to give a lot of directions. Can a man fully meet the sexual needs of a woman better than another woman or even as well as another woman?

Yes! This is not like algebra.

@Sticks48 It is in the details. It's like writing. It is all about wordsmithing. Change a word or its placement can change the impact of a statement. A woman is multi-orgasmic. What does one do to prolong her orgasmic state for as long as she wants?


Everyone is responsible for their own climax. If you are waiting for someone to magically know or understand what pushes you over the orgasmic edge you are destined for disappointment.. my 2 cents.

Davekp Level 8 Aug 25, 2022

Yes, about the orgasm but what about everything leading up to it? It is my opinion that there is more to sexual intimacy than the orgasm.

@SunshineEast All your comments sound like you want details about the sex performance to jack off to, just watch free porn and fuck off!

@MichelleGar1 Well said. 🤗

@MichelleGar1 Do you watch porn? There is a lot to be learned. The first takeaway is that our young are learning about sex from porn. It is scary. The second takeaway is that sexual intimacy is a beautiful, wondrous thing to see when it is shared by two people who are motivated to give pleasure to one another. There is a difference between sex for procreation and sex for pleasure. For procreation, the man takes the woman for intercourse to impregnate her. In some ways it is consensual rape. How does one give pleasure to another when they do not know what pleasure feels like to that other? How does a woman give pleasure to a man who cannot maintain an erection? Not all men are porn stars? I have learned a lot about pleasuring from girl-girl porn in which it is obvious that their are warms feelings between the women or when it is obvious that one of the participants gets "lost" in what they are doing. Most do it mechanically, i.e., "you do me then I'll do you."

@SunshineEast sure.. that’s a fair opinion.

@SunshineEast Most of the time the sex is for pleasure not thinking about procreation but procreation happens when we are just wanting pleasure. Yes, I've watched porn, I prefer to watch two men get it on.

There's a group for this type of post, I think it's called Sexual 🤔, ugh, I forgot. The originator died unfortunately about a year ago or more, she was very young and in a poly relationship.

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