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Does true love exists or has it existed before or it will actually exist

Avva 4 Sep 24
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We say it differently in English.



It is true love when it is chosen each and every day.

Betty Level 8 Nov 7, 2022

Are you 12? 13?


No, no and no (but only in that order).

Yes, yes and yes (in that order).


Most of the time people confuse love with lust. I don't know anyone who I can truly say that they are happy together all the time or even most of the time.

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 7, 2022

If a significant physical attraction brings people together, that may be more lust than love. But if they stay together for decades and the physical attraction wears off, it's possible love is a factor in why they stay together.


I believe in it. It involves a level of trust that is amazing. I had several false starts in my life before I found what I believe to be true love. One of the most telling questions about weather you are or are not in love should be " would this person push my wheelchair if something happened to me". If so than you are at least started towards true love.

joeandbarb Level 7 Sep 28, 2022

Depends upon one's definition if "love". My dogs give me "true love".

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 26, 2022

I have only found it in books and movies.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 25, 2022

Tell me the reason l

@Avva . It might take a very long conversation to iron this one out. Not that I don't want to, but it is a complicated story. I've lived a very long life, interwoven with many others.


I find it difficult not to criticize people who not only can't express a complete or useful thought, but can't write a sentence. From what I can discern, to me it's a pointless question.


If you can't love yourself, a bit much to expect others to.
Loving yourself is just accepting what you are, warts and all.

puff Level 8 Sep 24, 2022

Love is an action verb. To love someone you act in a loving manner.

You are right

There are different versions of love. Most of us love relatives, pets and friends, even sports teams or foods, yet that isn't the same as being in love. I do not believe I have ever been in love, but certainly was close to my wife and a few lovers after I left my wife. I think each individual has a different understanding of being in love, if they ever get to that. I understand intimacy much better.

It's also a state of mind...


Loaded question. 😂

Davekp Level 8 Sep 24, 2022



Nobody knows and anybody thinks he/she knows is living in childhood fairy tales that includes you.

We have grown up and it is time to snap out of it. You may well be a man trapped into woman's body with a head of a 8 year old.

St-Sinner Level 9 Sep 24, 2022

Wow, what a tool.

@AlbertSchepis You're being kind.


Love isn't magic. Love is about affection, caring about one or more people outside of ourselves, respect, the effort that is mutual, connections that happen on one or more levels. Love can be romantic or platonic.

MizJ Level 8 Sep 24, 2022
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