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What do you think about the swinger lifestyle? Is it the way of the future?

zesty 7 Sep 15
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It’s on my bucket list...but I’m not in a relationship so I wouldn’t have to worry about jealousy

Marcie1974 Level 8 Sep 15, 2018

I suspect polyamory will ultimately be more widely accepted than swinging because polyamory is relational. To each their own, though, regardless of what society says. As long as it’s consensual.

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 15, 2018

There’s never a “way of the future” when it comes to sex and relationships. They’re such profoundly personal choices. Guess I’m the lone(?) non-monogamist here so I’ll chime in a bit. I’m polyamorous but not a swinger. However, one of my beaus has a kink for seeing me with someone else. The more strange, the better. I’m considering this not because I’m particularly into the partner sharing but because it’ll stoke my relationship with beau #1.

I absolutely get that this isn’t a thing a lot of people could do or want to do. I’m okay with that. I think we all need to give each other the latitude to feel fulfilled in our relationships with a little more open-mindedness.


It isn't for everyone. I hope that the world does get around to accepting all different styles of relationships. I like the poly relationships where more than two adults are living and loving together while raising a family. I think kids growing up seeing all facets of romantic love, between men, between women, hetero, and everything else is a good role model so that they can grow into whatever adults they like without all the hangups I see folks have today.

Nukdookum Level 8 Sep 16, 2018

I don't think swinging brings any intimacy but I have no issue with it. I am however polyamorous which a lot of people see as swinging but it's more relationship based than sex based.


not for me

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 15, 2018

I’ve enjoyed it, as much as possible, meaning I have yet to find a secure, non-jealous partner.

That said, many (not all) swingers are “stuck in high school”, and just want to drink and party.

Some are quite mature and their company is immensely enjoyable

Dangrenade Level 6 Sep 15, 2018

For some it has been the wave of the past. I don't think it will change in the future. For me it lacks any real fulfillment.

JackPedigo Level 9 Sep 15, 2018

I think the growing acceptance of same-sex relationships will result in growing acceptance of other diverse relationships. I don't know we will see institutional acceptance in our lifetime...


It works for some people and not for others. I have done it and enjoyed it. I have also been perfectly content in monogamous relationships.



Ktruin Level 5 Sep 15, 2018

I never found such a lifestyle be particularly interesting or exciting. Tried to play with the swingers in my early 20s, but quickly grew bored with it. I had learned that i enjoyed more physical and emotional substance to my relationships.

josephr Level 7 Sep 15, 2018

Oh hell I hope not.

Sydland Level 7 Sep 16, 2018

If it's your choice. Not my thing.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 16, 2018

I don't know. Im curious and yet I just don't know as to how emotions will play out Ive thought I wasnt a jealous person.. But interesting posts and food for thought

EvaV Level 7 Sep 16, 2018

No thank you.

Humanist5 Level 6 Sep 15, 2018

I lived in playboy city in Germany (Heidelberg) for 15 years. I lived in a smallish house in the old city and had the town American "playboy" as a neighbor and best friend. He always had a woman living with him, albeit part time, but had lots on the side and often a new one would move the old one out of the way and take over. He never got married and always wondered how many kids he had. He was 6' 4" 190 lbs. and an officer in the reserves and knew how to wrap (some) women around his finger. He still lives in the same small, old apartment (but is well off financially) but has gotten older (he is now about 77) fatter and bent over (his lifestyle has caught up with him). No more girlfriends and only work. Any relationships he has had were short lived and I see his life as being empty. We are still friends and I occasionally hear from him.


Swinging is something I have never tried, At 68 now while I always enjoy giving and receiving in body pleasures with a woman partner I believe , Swing activity is for healthy people up to. Middle Age for couples who also enjoy the Social aspect of the Lifestyle.

MikeKelly Level 3 Sep 15, 2018

Not for me.


Maybe if you could find an agreeable partner.

Trajan61 Level 8 Dec 8, 2018

I really think I could do way in hell

Dwgwnr Level 6 Oct 22, 2018

I've not had the opportunity, so do not have strong feelings one way or another. I'm curious, and would go along with a date who was into swinging or wanted to explore something different and possibly pleasurable. On the other hand, I like being in love, and making long term relationships. I'd much prefer polyamory; although, keeping multiple partners might be too difficult.

EdEarl Level 8 Sep 16, 2018

Was part of a swinging lifestyle once...not my cup of tea...gets too hardcore and crazy from what I saw. It is fine for some no doubt, but I prefer a more intimate and personal connection with my partner...was in a Polyamorous relationship and that was my personality ... Both lifestyles are not for everyone and as far as it being a "wave of the future"...don't think so...yes it will be more widely accepted as will all gender and sex preferences and our ability AND right to be able to choose who and what we want without censoring government and self-righteous religious zealots will become the norm...we take a couple steps forward then back...the trend is forward, just have to keep it moving
It is all dependent on your comfort level...
What It boils down to in my mind is...there is no one thing that is right for everyone, so rather than fight change...go with the flow...or not ... It is up to you and you alone.

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