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"Physical penetration is sex, which is a very superficial thing. Psychological penetration is love, which is far more deep, far more significant, far more beautiful, far more human. The first is animal, the second is human. And then there is a third kind of penetration: when two consciousnesses meet, merge, melt into each other." ~ Osho

Hazydays 7 Sep 20
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36 comments (26 - 36)

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I love it when one of these things ignites this many responses that come from every direction. That is when this place gets fun. ☺

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 30, 2018

It's all animalistic but love does not have to involve penetration. It is only humans who think one form of fucking is sex while another is "making love."

DenoPenno Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

a bi deep for me

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 20, 2018

Penetrated too deep, eh?

@SACatWalker absolutely


Pict naked pleas

dall Level 1 Sep 29, 2018

What you're talking about is to soulmates. That's walking in the door after A Hard Day's Work and finding a partner across the room and just that look of welcome or it might be just the physicality of the presents and their stance just an eff formation of mutual Trust caring what you're talking about is to soulmates. That's walking in the door after a hard day's work and finding a partner across the room and just that look of welcome or it might be just a physical any of the presents and their stance just an affirmation of mutual trust caring love

Themyt1 Level 3 Sep 25, 2018

I'll take animal.....human stuff later.

Mikie1977 Level 4 Sep 21, 2018

All of the experiences are good, but some of them are good as a snack, others as a 3 courses meal, and when all is connected is like spending the afternoon at your grandmas house, you will almost die from it, it will fulfill you almost forever.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Sep 21, 2018

I am so glad that I am not the only critical voice.


"Psychological penetration is love" ... Every government tries to psychologically penetrate the people ... to fuck them more easily ... The more I think about this post the more bullshit I discover ... The beauty of this article is really very superficial.

I remember a mate's similar strategy to get into the chicks' pants.

Why denigrate sex? None of us would be here without it not even Osho.

Finally we agree! Great!


Since the gloves are off ... How many men would continue a "love affair" if penetration was excluded???

@AwarenessNow of course there ... there is coffee, video games and a plethora of other drugs

@AwarenessNow Osho needed 17 Rolls Royces ...

@SACatWalker so why then compressing them into the initial quote?

If you took all the sugar out of a glass of lemonade.....would you still drink it?

@Mikie1977 most definitely ... I am addicted to soda water ... Preferably with lemon or lime.

@Mikie1977 but if you take out the bubbles ...


Love is a lovely road with beautiful fragrant flowers bearing plants on both side. You traverse this road to reach the destination of sex. Once you reach the destination, you forget about the road. Love is nothing but a means to get to sex.

Noyi Level 6 Sep 20, 2018
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