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A man I had a casual relationship with misunderstood when I told him I cared about him. He told me that I wasn't supposed to fall in love (part of the "deal." ) I told him I wasn't in love. Truth be told I cared about him as a friend, and it was my first FWB jealousy flared up a couple times. I figured my way out of the jealousy for the most part. I realized that just like he was free to do his own thing; I was free to do mine. It became interesting. I told him about guys I went out with (nothing serious), and I told him that if I got in a serious relationship our sexual relationship would be over.

However, I realize that I may not be cut out for that type of "relationship."

Cabsmom 8 Sep 25
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What do you mean...u don't want an fwb situation?

Dwgwnr Level 6 Oct 22, 2018

I don't think it's a good situation for me.


FWB never made a lot of sense to me.. I 'get' being able to have an open relationship, but to have sex, talk , and cuddle repeatedly and NOT have emotions?? How is that even possible unless your psychotic or just dead inside? (Imo)

hippydog Level 8 Oct 8, 2018

He even admitted to having feelings once...I wish I had screen shot that message. He probably wouldn't admit it now.


I was in a FWB relationship with someone well-outside the age range I prefer to date, and he dropped the L-bomb. I politely told him not to say it again and reiterated that our arrangement was strictly FWB. His response was, “you can’t tell me how to feel.” I replied, “I’m not telling you how to feel, I’m telling you not to tell me how you feel.” I also told him that I would end the relationship if he said it again. The next time he came for the weekend he said it again. I reminded him what I’d told him and let him know it would be his last visit.

He was outside the age range that I want to be serious with, and I just didn’t want more with him. What I didn’t tell him (but probably should have) was that I couldn’t continue to sleep with him knowing how he felt because I have no desire to toy with another’s emotions.

You did the ethically right thing. Sure, you could have strung him along in order to get laid some more, but you realized that wasn't right.


I like the FWB arrangement, but I'd like more.... Of course, it doesn't look like that's gonna happen any time soon.

Jthurston2 Level 6 Sep 25, 2018

FWB relationships have never been easy for me.

Sydland Level 7 Sep 25, 2018

@Shouldbefishing Yes. The middle and end are complicated.


Friends care...this distinguishes FWB from hook-ups...


I had a similar experience with a FWB. We had some wonderful times together but it didn't last, I was starting to feel more for him than him for me. Although I was disappointed, I'm grateful for the experience and we remain friends. Before I met him, I thought FWB was just a terrible thing -- I'm still all for a serious relationship, but if I go awhile not meeting anyone and a casual opportunity came along, I wouldn't rule it out. I want love, but I'm not a nun.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 25, 2018

And there after?

Humanlove Level 7 Sep 25, 2018

In theory it sounds great but casual is hard for me as well.

Electro68 Level 7 Sep 25, 2018

It’s a process learning how to do casual or multiple relationships if you never have. It’s been quite a year for me in that regard too.

You go girl

@Electro68 ?


Interesting. I had a similar experience with a FWB. She was serious though and became uncomfortably possessive.

Yep, need too. She wanted more and I didn't have it to give at the time.

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