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Would you?

HardBlues69 7 Oct 27
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Probably not. We’re good in the sack and good pals but we’re too different to make that relationship work. Now, the one I’m banging tonight? Different story.


I know the world is becoming more tolerant in general, but can you really now marry yourself? ?

I can totally relate. I can't even remember the name of the last person I had sex with.


Actually, yes. And I can't say that about anyone else.

bleurowz Level 8 Oct 27, 2018

LOL! All I can do with this one is laugh.

GreatNani Level 8 Oct 27, 2018

Umm. . . Lover's and your bride let them never meet each other.


Ecstatic!!!!!!! We don't plan to marry, but lifelong commitment is the plan.

Humanist5 Level 6 Oct 27, 2018

I think I could make it work...but it would not be a traditional marriage, that's for sure.


Definitely not

Green_eyes Level 8 Oct 27, 2018

Certainly would but then I'm Widowed

@HardBlues69 thanks


Happy. Yes.

Nukdookum Level 8 Oct 28, 2018

I would just have to divorce her again... sooner this time.


Maybe. Would depend on the outcome
of a few sessions with a couples counselor. There would be issues to work thru because we have different ideas about how to be in relationship.

UUNJ Level 8 Oct 27, 2018

The last time I had sex was so long ago, and no, if I married him it wouldn't have been happy. Marriage is not part of my plans, ever.



Cabsmom Level 8 Oct 27, 2018

Happier. ?



TheDoubter Level 9 Oct 27, 2018

I honestly don’t know. I used to be in love with him. In love and love is different. I love my brother and my daughter. I now love him, but there is no passion. It is just there riding the wave of time while looking for the shore. It doesn’t help being 10+ years in and he has never uttered the words. Hell, the vanilla sex is not cutting it because it is more of a job than an adventure.

I doesn’t help that he does not communicate on an adult level about anything important. I do love him, but it is like a brother.

Perhaps I have said too much; perhaps I have not said enough.

Arachne Level 6 Nov 13, 2018

@HardBlues69 he is stunted at an age from his past— lost inside the that needs a skirt to hide behind. Enabled by his mother and scolded by me for being so—needy. Hold your own man because you may be a son, but you ain’t no boy. Man up for yourself. My balls are titanium. I have been hurt, but I don’t clam up in hopes of making a pearl that no one will see. He can’t seem to speak. He may grow up in time when mommy can’t help him anymore. He will have my love, but he will have to work at having me fall in love with him again.


Hard to tell.... can't remember

IamNobody Level 8 Nov 3, 2018

Im.not against commitment. In fact, I search for it and have yet to find it, but I'm against marriage. I'll never marry again.

Jama765 Level 7 Nov 2, 2018

Oh no no no! Fuck NO!


No. I divorced her for cheating. Best move I ever made.


Yes. But I'm also happy continuing our relationship the way it is.

chicagojcb Level 7 Oct 29, 2018

I would be extremely happy ?

Hazydays Level 7 Oct 29, 2018


AmmaRE007 Level 7 Oct 29, 2018

No, married to her and she is institutionalized with dementia.

1ROBROY2 Level 7 Oct 28, 2018
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