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Guys what truly draws you to a woman?

Ladies what truly draws you to a guy?

Masondixonline 6 Jan 28
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Someone who is trustworthy and reliable - if he says he will do something, he follows through. Someone who respects himself and respects others. Someone who is kind of eccentric.

SKH78 Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

Intellect, adventurous spirit, great kisser, excellent communication skills. After that it's all icing on the cake.

Nukdookum Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

As I mentioned in my profile; commonalities in several areas (emotional stability, intelligence - the more the better, concern for health, open-mindedness and financial stability). This takes time and getting to know another. I really try not to be taken in for the useless chemistry attraction. This wears off fast and is not a good indicator of a lasting relationship.

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 28, 2019

Confidence is incredibly sexy!

Sacrilege Level 6 Jan 28, 2019

I meant to include that in my comment. That is so true


Looks- it depends on the person. I normally go for tall with dark hair and sexy eyes. However, those aren't set in stone.

Attitude-I like a little bit of "bad", but not too much. I like a masculine man...not macho, but not effeminate. I like them flirtatious.

Cabsmom Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

Me too! any sign of macho arrogance is a red light, and I'm walking backwards with my arms out.


First and foremost - her good heart, which is far more important than her appearance. Her acceptance of me for who I am and despite my flaws makes her more genuine and potentially worth a lifetime investment of my time and my heart.

tedelliss Level 6 Jan 28, 2019

Intelligence, chemistry, honesty.

hippydog Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

I don't know about women but no matter what any dude here tries to bullshit the ladies with if you're straight it's about ass and tittie's ? and if you fall in love you learn to go down town like a lesbian and never cheat on her even though you always looking

You sound like like a real charmer.

@Kojaksmom that's the problem right there why ask for a genuine man who's when it's obvious that most people want to be charmed witch is just code for you rather hear bullshit then truth

@SaucyCheryl whats kinda interesting is , because he is a douchebag, he honestly believes all men also have to be douchebags , but they are just pretending they are not..

Well how degrading is it for a man to find out that a woman is only looking for a big cock in a lot of money?

@ActionBastard I don't know if you have daughters or not but once you hear the first guy talk about your daughter's nice tits and pussy I think you're going to be a little upset

@Kojaksmom the reason why my twenty year has a good boy friend and my fifteen year old isn't dating yet is because I tell them the same thing I say here

@SaucyCheryl i swear i am only a minor douchebag. Creapy perv is more my bag.

@ActionBastard they'll grow up just like me I hate men for the most part.would you tell your sons if they don't have a big dick and lots of money they will die alone?

@Kojaksmom you hate men because they've lied to you all your life. I teach my son to respect everyone not just women and I teach all my children that the world is unfair and they must first love themselves and if they live their lives with confidence they will be able to fight through the hard times to enjoy the good times

@ActionBastard let me play the devil's advocate here for a moment ,your daughter doesn't have a good boyfriend. according to you he's just after the ultimate intimacy killer which is seeing another human being as her body parts only.

@Kojaksmom they've been together since she was thirteen and I'm sure it was physical attraction what made them start dating at first but like I said if you fall in love you do things to make your partner happy. Maybe he goes down town like Ellen would and I'm sure he's there for her when she just needs to talk. I've met the dude and I like him and I hope he's taking her to pound town like we all would like to go weather we admit it or not

@ActionBastard sad
When sex is the only aspect of love that one person appreciates

@Kojaksmom if you try to find the negatives you'll always be miserable. Sex is very important in a relationship but it's not the only important thing by far

Curious, what if you fell in love with a woman who happened to have had a mastectomy? Or a misshapen ass? All other things being equal, of course.


What a loaded question! Looks initially. Age compatibility. Height. Then, when discussion starts...commonality.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 28, 2019

Their intellect first, their smile and their kindness. I could never be with someone that could not think and who I thought was mean.

AlexRam Level 7 Jan 28, 2019

Empathy is a big, big draw for me. So many people are entirely lacking in it. Beyond that, intelligence, humor, a nice beard and good forearms and shoulders 🙂


It used to be beer, now I don't drink. I'm sober therefore I'm single.


Smart pretty centered likes old guys 🙂

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 28, 2019

First, there has to be a physical attraction. I'm a sucker for eyes. I don't expect a Barbie doll, but if I don't feel an attraction, what's the point. Second, a mutually similar personality. I tend to have a warped sense of humor and can't be in a relationship with someone that doesn't get it. Third, I can't deal with a needy woman. This one is hard to explain, I don't mind taking care of a woman, I actually enjoy it, it gives me an ego boost when I can do something for a woman that is my other half, but that being said, if I have to take care of everything in her life, then I call that needy.


Uncommonly high intelligence.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

There's something about a man with confidence that I find extremely attractive

Kojaksmom Level 8 Jan 29, 2019

For me - it's the combination and melding of significant traits, and how they relate to me that are important. Just as important - is also how mine relates to hers. Every possible combination (of relationships) is unique - as the variables (traits) can approach infinity. While pure physical attributes are important, it's the combination of physical with the mental and spiritual that are qualifyingly important. Take age for example - many women my age have physical impediments that would make hiking at high elevations nearly impossible. Enjoying the high country (from 10,000 to 14,000 feet of elevation) over sometimes rough and trail-less mountainside) is of importance to me. Even younger women may be similarly handicapped. On the other hand, women in their younger 60s - who more likely fit the physical requirements to be compatible with me - may not feel comfortable cavorting with a guy roughly 20 years their senior. Differences that may be cultural, intellectual, mental, political, or of just plain interests, etc., would/could complicate things - or beautify them. However, probably of greatest importance, because of those multiple trait similarities/differences, may be a pure ability to work out situations, willingly, one with the other. And doing it with humor, sensitivity and patience. Being able to giggle and laugh in all of the expected ups and downs can result in putting "frosting on the cake." And yet, pure simplicity may be the actual key to relationship success. Some call the result of all these possible interactions - love! Personally, I'm open to love - in all of its manifestations. Who knows?

mkeaman Level 7 Jan 28, 2019
  1. When a woman shows interest in me!
  2. Eyes
  3. Ass
  4. Face

Obviously the two will never meet if in one question they are women, in the other ladies.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 28, 2019

Integrity, confidence, humility, a sense of humor, kindness. Beyond that, someone who "gets" me and I "get" them -- I don't have any illusions of knowing this when we first meet or haven't gotten to know each other enough yet, but there at least has to be something about them that compels me to want to keep knowing more.

bleurowz Level 8 Feb 1, 2019

What draws me to a woman almost everything. I almost absolutely love them except for very mean negative women.


First, we all have to admit is looks, than for me it is humor, intellect and common interests and if we are compatible sexually, and do have the same political and religious views.

Yes agree on all points, sexually compatible is key

Looks,yes, but for me it's more than a physical appearance, it's how they carry themselves and how they relate. Really beautiful people radiate something from within.


While bewbs are nice they aren't the end all be all... I think an attractive woman for me is someone who is nice and is willing to geek out with me once in awhile. They don't have to like the same things I like. But I find it attractive when a woman goes out of her way to ask me about how I feel about something. Or takes an interest in something I like. Anime for example... she may not like it but if shes willing to take the time to either ask why i like it or what I like about it... well it shows me that she at least cares enough to step out of her comfort zone and come down to my level to try to get to know me better... which says that she has an open mind and is willing to try and learn new things.

I appreciate the fact that she may be out of her element and that shes trying to either make the best of a situation or maybe shes trying to see if i measure up to her wavelength... either way it takes guts... and that deserves some brownie points and possibly a nice dinner.

Parzival Level 5 Jan 29, 2019

Is that strange?


I always look at their eyes and teeth. I don't know why? A sense of humor has always been the one thing I want.

Swimmer83 Level 2 Feb 9, 2019

The attempt to make a connection through understanding via verbal exchanges and logical foundations of the relationship being established

Shezmu Level 4 Feb 5, 2019
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