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I have a dilemma:

  1. Part of me wants to be alone as right now I am just sick of men and want a break. I am also a very busy full time single mom with almost no time.
  2. Im 39 and sexually frustrated alot. Ive never been good at masturbating and really just want to have sex alot. So Im pent up.
  3. The idea of a fuck buddy disgusts me as one of the reason Im sick of men is that they put no effort into me at all and make me feel like a piece of shit so that eventually I am sick of even trying at all no matter how lonely I am. So the idea of a fuck buddy completely turns me off.
  4. Time is short and passes fast and I don't want to waste my life being sexually frustrated and not enjoying sex and intimacy.

Is there a solution here??? lol Am I the only one in this boat??

Lauraleigh39 6 June 18
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28 comments (26 - 28)

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I sympathize. Masterbation falls short of satisfaction. A sex worker doesn't interest me. Perhaps a friend with benefits; someone with whom I could have a relationship would be nice. I think the sparks die after a couple of years with anyone, so I don't expect a forever sexual relationship, which make most sense when a couple have children. I had three stepfathers; two of them abused me. Though I am a stepfather; I feel children are better off poor than abused.

EdEarl Level 8 June 18, 2019

You are definitely not alone! I'm pretty sick of men myself. I'd be happy with a FWB but most men don't want to be friends, they just want the benefits. I tried the "just sex" route but I can't do it. Maybe a gigolo? A professional cuddler?

Wildflower Level 8 June 18, 2019

hmm id worry about stds. looks like abstinence may be the best route with a vibrator after all...


Sex is one of the most amazing things we can do for ourself, and our partner. We have all heard that sex is 99% mental. You should try and rid yourself of the negative thoughts, and just enjoy yourself with or without a partner. Find time to make this happen. There are a lot of awesome people just like you that just need connect.

LazyLarry Level 4 June 18, 2019

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Posted by UnitySomeday my princess will appear before me. ❤️

Posted by AtheistPeace666Hello I'm a single Canuck looking for my special lady Canuck.

Posted by KhaCRYou ever feel like you found the perfect sexual partner then he turns out to be a complete 💩bag and you can’t find the satisfaction in other encounters?

Posted by EntheogenFanI have a story to tell.

Posted by EntheogenFanI have a story to tell.

Posted by KateOahuYes, I agree that the reverse is also true.

Posted by JolantaThis is what women have to put up with and then they want to be intimate while we are still angry because they will not do their share of housework.

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Posted by JolantaThat’s Amore. Some women are just far too shallow.

Posted by JolantaSomething for real intimacy perhaps.

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Posted by EyesThatSmileNakedness.

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Posted by Ann-1980The 4 types of Intimacy to feel sufficient, satisfied & healing in a love relationship.

Posted by Philip21over the top thinking? []

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