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Ok here goes..hold on to your seats. For women. Do you enjoy/love//hate anal penetration? I’ve never tried it. Thoughts???

Lee-Timber 5 Apr 16
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Why just for women?
Some straight men are quite fond of it to, a double ended dildo can have husband and wife both experience penetration at the same time.


Anal sex is one of the love or hate things. reading these posts it's fairly obvious that the only a small number of those who have participated had any experience, or knowledge. First, before you do anal sex, YOU TAKE 2 GOOD ENEMAS. FLUSH THE SYSTEM OUT, that way you have discouraged pain, by making room for the penetration, and second, you don't have feces smeared from belly button to asshole. ENEMA, STRETCH, using fingers, or dildo, or anything safe, to slowly relax the sphincter, and when you can easily work lubed fingers in and out (3) you are pretty well assured of great butt sex...

NormCastle Level 7 Apr 28, 2018

@SaucyCheryl Comments were directed to those who are virgins or have experience bad are sooooo right,after a few times, lube it up and go for does take some experience, but it is soooo worth it, for either gender..


I like doing it but it requires lots and lots of lubrication.

lbusche Level 7 Apr 21, 2018

Tried butt sex a few times... it literally feels like i have to take a shit... and feels super awkward for me... my boyfriend made my butt hole bleed and we haven't really fucked with it in a few years... I have offered to try again a few times since then, especially when I am drunk, but he doesn't seem to have much interest. He said he didn't like hurting me... (I have only had one partner for 11 years) I would be down to try it again, but I would like to be drunk. it's not for my pleasure, but I get off getting him off if you know what i mean 🙂

M3G4N666 Level 6 Apr 18, 2018

Some advice to your partner: use enormous amount of lube, and don't try to go in balls deep. He should be watching your reactions carefully. Eventually you two will find a nice groove. He just needs to remember to be gentle at first, until you are more receptive.

IMO anything that can only be done drunk should stay undone.


I very much like anal...both giving and receiving. The orgasms are longer...IMHO. All the prep work & communication everyone envolved has to put in to make it an amazing experance is great for any relationship.

MissaDixon Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

Absolutely! That is some A+ level of communication that is required!


I’m indifferent butt don’t have a ton of experience (see what I did there). My biggest fear is getting him “dirty.” I would be horrified! In my limited experience it doesn’t do much for me but it also turns me on knowing he’s turned on (much like a blow job).

Marcie1974 Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

Condom him ?

@Nickbeee I’d still be super embarrassed ?

@Marcie1974 This looks pretty cool. I will shut up now as I clearly have no use here lol 🙂

@Nickbeee lol!

@Marcie1974 time it for when you have already gone. If you think it is worth the effort, do an enema


I personally love it but, surprisingly, some guys don't like doing it. I dated one guy who thought it would make him gay, despite the fact I'm not a man...

Ginagm71 Level 5 Apr 16, 2018

Not to be crude but an asshole is an asshole. if a woman doesn't want to do it, a man can very easily find a man who is willing. Its the same thing.

@Kojaksmom In my experience, if a girl won't do it, he'll spend his life begging her or he'll find another girl who will. Unless a man is bisexual, the difference between screwing a dude instead of a gal is huge.

@Ginagm71 I was more referring to the homosexual Factor you we're speaking of

@Kojaksmom Right, that's the issue. He equated buttsex with being gay, which terrified him. Didn't matter to him that I'm a girl...

Me thinks he doth protest too much.

@Marcie1974 haha... Nailed it!


Yes. Most women are terrified of it because they had a partner who didn’t know what they were doing try and do it without any preparation.

If she can’t relax it’s going to be painful. Preparing for it is very important if it is to be enjoyable for her. Yes... porn anal has a lot of prep to it.

I am a fan and find it highly enjoyable and intimate.

Fab Level 5 Apr 16, 2018

I'm not sure if I agree with that. if we found somebody that can do it right we would love it. Sounds like something every man on the face of the planet would tell you.

If a girl can't relax, yes, it will probably hurt, but that's only one part of it. If he's too big or too forceful or whatever, it's likely going to hurt no matter how relaxed she is. As I said before, I love it, but there really are some guys that need to learn how to do it properly or not do it at all.

@Ginagm71 probably true. It's not a second vagina that was engineered for the purpose. And by the way I'm happy you enjoy it ,and I am n no way passing any kind of negative judgment on you

@Kojaksmom mouths weren’t necessarily engineered for oral either but that’s enjoyable.

Every person can choose what is pleasurable for them.

Recently I had a conversation with my best friend who was anti-anal. She found someone who knew what he was doing and was surprised at the difference in the way her orgasm felt.

There are many paths to pleasure.

Safe, sane and consensual.

@Fab I have tried it a couple of times, I'm not anti anal for no reason. I personally find it disgusting and unsound from a health perspective under the best of circumstances. Hey there's a lot that I put into my mouth, but there's not much that I shove up my ass. And there is a direct pain /pleasure scenario that might be affecting orgasms as well .the agony/erotic experience is probably what the women are speaking of when they come

@Kojaksmom It is completely okay that you feel that way. Everybody has different thresholds of what they like/don’t like.

I will tell you that I have had orgasms from anal stimulation as well and have felt them. It’s not from pain. It’s a different feeling just as vaginal orgasm is to a clitoral one.

I am a masochist and into D/s so I understand that my limits are pretty far out there and not for most.


I don't like anal sex. A little anal play is good though. There are a lot of nerve endings in that region that can be pleasurable. Thrusting however is painful.

Wildflower Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

Perhaps there lies the secret. No thrusting. Simply use the contraction of your muscles. And use lots of lubrication. Coconut oil is good as it helps prevent Candida.
A word of warning on thrusting - it has been known for a hole to be worn between the colon and the vagina which resulted in the woman becoming pregnant - it could well have been the biblical virgin birth. And on sensitivity when the cruellest cut of all, epesiotomy, has healed the sensitivity is normally exquisitely enhanced.

@FrayedBear how does a man have anal intercourse without thrusting? Every last one of his instincts will force him to .That's like masturbating with no hands. the rectum was not made for this purpose. There is a large host of medical issues that should be taken into consideration. Small rips in the anus and rectal area can be extremely damaging. Bacterial infections are another concern. if you're going to do anal do anal ONLY no vaginal penetration after. Bleeding is also occurring on a small scale during anal intercourse, so you are coming into contact with your partner's blood

@Kojaksmom You are projecting your imagination and what you wish to believe. You are not a man. You are not a mind reader. You obviously know very little about the differences are between people. You are one person not a definitive sample of humanity. Have you experienced every different size and shape of male. Have you only had intercourse with circumcised men who were betrayed by their mothers when at their most vulnerable and in need of protection. Men who do not have the sensitivity of uncircumcised men. Men who yes require far more vigorous stimulation to overcome the loss created by circumcision.

@FrayedBear on this Foum I have only been asked what my personal opinion is, I have not been asked to go out and poll a wide chunk of human society. I try to be as respectful as I can to those who have a different opinion.
I've had both .I don't particularly like uncircumcised males. I have found the only sensitivity on their penises is the actual head. I prefer circumcised penis /vaginal sex. Just my preference. I could see how an uncircumcised male would appreciate anal sex more though .perhaps that has something to do with why I prefer
Circumcised males. Circumcision is a category to be discussed in and of itself I guess.

@Kojaksmom thank you for your opinion. You seem however limited in what you wish to understand. Have you consider also the problem that occurs with people, males and females who have illness/ disease that results in degeneration of nerves and ability to transmit information? I also wonder if you have ever experienced orgasm without any form of physical stimulation? For some who do not know that it is possible it can be very scary. For the open minded and adventurous it can be the greatest pleasure known to humanity.

@Kojaksmom Bleeding is more likely when the hymen is broken. Whether accomplished with penis, fingers, tampon or scalpel. Equally if people were concerned about a little blood, intercourse with premenopausal women would never occur.

@FrayedBear what? Citation required

@CraeftSmith As you are American here is a purple heart ?.

@FrayedBear I don't understand why you said that, but I had to scroll up to figure out what comment I was responding to. I can't find any studies talking about anal sex causing a hole between the rectum and the vagina, nor can I find any information about impregnation occuring in the manner you describe. I just wanted to know where you learned this, because it would really change my thinking on this topic.


I hate it! Most of us do.I blame porn for the perception we all love it. May i add porn stars give themself multiple enemas before a shoot. Wonder what would happen if they didn't? Its also is not high on our priority list to make sure our genital regions are hairless as an egg.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

Isn't being in a relationship like being in a sporting team? Each team member contracts to become the best they can for the team. Who wants to play on a team of losers?

@FrayedBear I'm not sure what you're saying here. That it should be my goal in a relationship to not have any boundaries? That being a "good sport" is far more important then my health and well-being? I certainly hope that's not what you're saying. That's not open minded, it's cruel and reckless.

@Kojaksmom cruel and reckless is the person who does not train, does not learn the team routines and fitness. That is the person who endangers not only themself but their fellow team players.

@FrayedBear I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about. How does this relate anal intercourse?

@Kojaksmom Oh dear. I hadn't realised that you are still obsessed in a poo hole. I moved on long ago. ?

I still am just looking for clarification of your statements ,but it's perfectly okay if you don't want to give it. After all you know best

That is fine if you don't like it. You can do that without the spurious claim that "most of us hate it". I have found that to be closer to 50/50. I've had partners specifically ask for it. My claim is just as useless, since it is anecdotal.
Be strong in who you are. You don't need to rely on a statistics to tell you want you like. Some guys don't like doing it, because they think it is disgusting.

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