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I’m curious about whether and how people set age parameters for potential romantic partners. Do age differences matter to you, and if so, why?

UUNJ 8 May 4
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As the recipient of aberrant sexual advances from adult men during my childhood, I prefer younger men. The spouse is only 6 months older & I consider that still within the parameters of cougarism. The boys hit on me. I do not stalk & take 'em down. They are always of legal age. With that said & being of a certain age, I set my younger boundary here at 40 because at that age they have some life experience & appreciate quality before quantity. The elder boundary has to be at least the spouse's age. This is a range & not a restriction.

Mooolah Level 8 May 17, 2018

I don't think that age, specifically, matters that much. But similar experiences -- points at which you can relate to one another -- can make a big difference in the quality of a relationship. As a general rule, people who grew up during very different times in the world will have very different experiences (there certainly are exceptions).

Based on that, I personally aim for someone (either older, younger, or about the same), who is at least within +/-8 years or so, which increases the likelihood that we would have enough similar experiences to be able to relate to one another, and the closer to my own age, generally the better. But I'm also open-minded enough to not assume that someone outside that range couldn't be a match.


I try to stick with women near my age. If that's not possible I stay away from women young enough to be my daughter

newt125 Level 4 May 7, 2018

Doesnt matter to me.never long as two bodies can hold each other and make each other moan,what the hell is the open to any possiblities.if not,you are going to put an age limit on trying new things and having fun.come on peeps


Age is just a number. A person's spirit, health, attitude, fitness, have more importance than the age number. I've met people in their 50s who are frumpy, dowdy, uninterested (therefore uninteresting) and feeble. I have also met people who are into their 70s who are active, fit, fun-loving and young at heart.

To use age numbers for parameters precludes many possibilities. Having flexible parameters helps.


While I prefer someone just slightly younger than I, for practical purposes I set a minimum age limit of 21. I don't think I could date anyone under 30, though, unless she was amazingly mature for her age.

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