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Here’s my question, and I think I already know the answer; I’ll let calmer heads prevail. When I joined I explained how I caught my husband in an online relationship, and karma being what it is, she turned out to be a catfish. It was like a freaking soap opera, I hate drama. We’re going to counseling, we both have some issues and are trying to mend. She kept messaging him after he told her he knew, etc He blocked her. She even sent me a friend request.? So I have made an alt and am fucking with her, hard. She ks this new guy is total putty in her hands, “he’s “ even wiring her $800 this weekend. I know it’s messed up, but it’s like I don’t want her getting away and doing it to more men, and she is. Plus I admit to blinding rage at times that the bitch deserves it. Let me have your worst:

Cherie44 7 May 31
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Let it go you will probably suffer more in the end the longer you try and extract revenge plus i doubt it will help with your counseling as it will keep everything raw and in the moment for you

weeman Level 7 July 19, 2018

I am a little surprised that after all of that you still stayed. Obviously I don't know all of the details and in this respect, you are a better person than I am.

Wrytyr Level 7 June 21, 2018

Tut tut - that's about a scathing as I can be for that. And I struggle to be THAT harsh!

Frankus864 Level 2 June 14, 2018

@Cherie44 ... I realize this conversation was over a couple of days ago, but I wanted to reinforce the advice that you stop thinking about "her."

"She" probably isn't a at all. These scammers are very insidious and it is a profitable cottage industry in some parts of the world. Electronic photos and words too easily disguise the true identity of these people. The photos used to lure your husband have nothing to do with what the person on the other end actually looks like ... it was just the bait.

Good luck with the hard work you have to do to restore the trust and intimacy in your marriage. ❤

GinaKay Level 7 June 3, 2018

Be sure that you are reimbursed for half of that $800 in the divorce settlement. After agreed on amount, ask for an additional amount removed from his part to your part equal to the sum of any amount that he sent her.

Fartwink Level 5 June 1, 2018

It is emotional to want to seek revenge but logically you know it only hurts the seeker in the end. You are venting your rage at someone who is not responsible for the void in your union. Your spouse was seeking something that is absent & he sought it with someone who he felt filled that void. You must look inward, not outward at this failing which can with work, beome a victory in your own growth. I often fantasize "what I woulld do to so & so" but I don't follow thru. My vengence never manifests in action. That is for the cosmos to do. Believe me. A person such as she is not a happy one. Don't be her. Look at your own deficits & fix yourself. That bis the only person on the planet that you can fix. Good luck.

Mooolah Level 8 June 1, 2018

@Cherie44 Perhaps there is a trust issue with him regarding you, that the separation of the internet permitted him to trust a complete stranger. Sounds as if he was seeking sweet nothings. You sound like a very powerful woman. That is something he fell in love with. But another part was yearning for something absent for your coupling. You might find some solace that he did not fund her or meet her or exchange bodily fluids with her. Far less of an offence to you than the alternative. This might be the warning sign that the cosmos sent you before something worse occurred. Sounds as if he need cuddling. Do you? Cuddle each other. I have only my dog. Good tidings.


Laughter is the best medicine, send her some sad, limp cock shots first, see how badly she wants the money

Buttercup Level 8 June 1, 2018

You would never have known about her if your husband hadn't communicated with her.

I would have left him.


The ONLY way to retain your sanity is through closure. The way to achieve that is to rule a line under that, declare that `chapter' in your life to be over, accept that whatever "evil" is done to you is contagious -so you must protect yourself or it will destroy you!

Left to fester, and fuelled by your anger, it surely will! You can reinforce your resolve by the realisation that your anger and indignation, righteous or not, -all that negative energy, is reflecting back inwards on you, and actually causing more grief and stress to YOU, than to HER!

So in your hatred, you are handing the victory to her! SHE has won! Do NOT let that happen! Stiffen your resolve! Show her that you are stronger than her, that she cannot destroy you, for you are impervious to her worst manipulations, you are a bigger-person than she'll ever be, you are your own woman, and your mind is strong!

UncleAlan Level 4 June 1, 2018

I would check with the police, or a lawyer. She may be breaking a law. There are a lot of obscure laws, especially in the area of wirefraud.
Don't mess with her anymore. You may weaken or destroy your case against her.

@Cherie44 that's ok. The less private companies deal with potential legal issues, the happier I am. I am partial to "we the people" justice, i.e. the rule of law


I know it's hard, but don't stoop to her level. She isn't worth the f*cks you give. The longer you follow her, the longer it will take to move past this...and if you want to heal your marriage, at some point you will have to move past it and let it go.

She sounds like a truly despicable person. I'm sorry your spouse got sucked into her trap...but remember, cons are very good at what they do. Someday she will meet her match and when it happens, she more than has it coming.

Hang in there!!

@Cherie44 I wish you luck! It's a hard place to find yourself in, but you guys can weather the storm if you both really put the work in. Sending all the good juju your way!!

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