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That kinda day...
Took out frozen spaghetti sauce, let it thaw out <never actually confirmed it was actually spaghetti sauce> boiled the noodles, got ready to reheat sauce --- yep, it is chili.... now, what am I gonna do with all these noodles? ??????

Heidi68 8 Nov 20

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At least it was food! My poor Mom once unthawed a hydrocolator thinking it was a steak!

It was a very disappointing dinner.... ?

Is that a refreezable cold pack?

See there is a positive.... for me

@bingst Indeed. They were made of fabric and filled with "I do not know what" - they were big and heavy and you boiled them.
A lot like boiling something filled with sand if you can imagine that?

Then look on her face when the foil came off? "Priceless" - Utter betrayal!

My Mom was incredibly organized. I've no idea if she had a migraine - or what happened that day - maybe the label had fallen right off? rofl


In Cinncinati, chili (i like beans in there) on spaghetti, with chopped onions & shredded cheese, is a Huge thing! I made a cold version for a party Saturday and it was big hit, looked pretty too with dabs of sour cream & shredded cheese on top.
If you already ate the chili, put butter, parmesan, & pepper on the spaghetti. A squeeze of lemon if you like, too.

I have plenty of chili & noodles left...


Have you never been to Cincinnati? That is how they eat their chili.

GwenC Level 7 Nov 20, 2018

Been there for a horse show guess I never ate chili chili there


What can't you put on noodles?


It is called ChiliMac.


That is a very legit way to make chili in the midwest. My mom always put macaroni in it. I tend to like mine with angel hair and sour creme.

Skyline makes great $ selling it that way:


Zster Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

Mix it up. It’s probably delish.

Everyone keeps saying it is - guess I will try it tomorrow night.


Anything you can cover with cheese and broil for 3 minutes is going to be delicious.

Cheese makes everything delicious ?

This makes me think of lasagne.


I guess you have been informed! Just goes to show the best way to find out new things you like is to wing it! Let us know how you liked it. You can call it South of the Border Spaghetti! ?


I have been on some extended camping and backpacking trips and, towards the end, have had my carefully planned menu fall apart, leaving me with all sorts of bizarre combos. I pretty much remember all of them tasting good! Mother of invention, and all that!


you could always make a Flying Spaghetti Monster diorama to praise his most benelovent noodlieness!


I've eaten chili on spaghetti and rice.

I am learning I am a traditionalist.... my world - chili by itself or with chips or crackers. the rest of the world - chili on just about anything... where have I been?

@Heidi68 I agree. But why waste good spaghetti unless you can warm it up tomorrow with a good sauce.

@kiramea unsaved it and figured I would make a sauce in the next couple of days. Tomorrow I might try this chili noodle stuff...
Did I mention I made a TON of pasta.....


I recently posted that I had Toll House cookie dough for dinner one night. A plate of chili spaghetti sounds amazing to me.

I would have traded you, yummy cookie dough


Where is it written that one cannot eat chili on spaghetti?

Exactly! it's kind of good!


chili spaghetti is good. ask all of Cincinnati.

Yep...just another day in Cincinnati. But to be fair, Cincinnati chili doesn't resemble traditional chili that much.

@MountMadness meh, it's made with meat and sauce. I know a couple of places who specifically make sweet cincinnati chili for like fries and other for regular chili stuff. I also know people who use cinnamon and cocoa in their regular chili recipe. It's truly not as far off as you'd think when you start tasting some of the sauces and mole's of Mexico. Plus the public schools in Oklahoma and Texas back in the 70's often made it that way so they could use it for sloppy joes as well.


Why not? It'l work,ya you've got meat and beans with spices mixed with noodles,more "Stick to your ribs" in cold weather meals.

Now I just need some cold weather....

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