Do you think the draconian abortion laws passed by mostly white christian republican men; will affect the 2020 election?
Will most republicans running for Congress will be blamed and face losing their seats in Congress?
Im thinking it will. Add republicans who actively support the Squatter in the WH and the Republicans who have looked the other way. If the election results if 2018 is any indication for 2020, i think Republican lawmakers are in deep trouble!
I am firmly rooted in reality, and I am not particularly hopeful.
The fact is that the system is irrevocably broken, and the republicans
have been working on creating a stranglehold on the government.
It's going to take a LOT of people to get up off of their apathetic asses, and get out to vote.
I just don't trust people enough to believe they will do the right thing.
I think we've passed the point of no return.
Voter apathy is indeed the primary reason for this BS.
I don't understand how people could miss the opportunity to vote.
I think it's a priceless gift to be an American. I never want to take being a citizen of the USA for granted.
If more people experienced first hand and/or observed what oppression really looks like, how it affects citizens, how easily rights can be stripped away; they would vote en mass and fight like hell to keep their right to vote sacred.
@Katsarecool Too many people simply do not care. As unbelievable as that is, it's the truth.
For some, they simply have no concept of anything beyond their own lives.
The "greater good", and "big picture", have no meaning for them.
@KKGator sadly, I agree.
These so called "heartbeat" bills are incredibly stupid.
A 6wk zygote DOES NOT HAVE A HEART. they have a small group of cells receptive to electricity that will eventually become a heart.
This mass of cells DO NOT BEAT. They quiver from electricity. This clump of cells DO NOT PUMP BLOOD. Therefore at that stage they are not viable. They feel nothing.
Forcing any woman to stay pregnant is pure theocratic crime
Unfortunately it seems to me that conservative white christians are seeing this as their time to start ‘taking back’ America, it’s not just Trump’s MAGA delusion, and holy shit are they coming out of the woodwork like termites... I expected more from the 2018 election, but I guess it was seen as a win for Democrats?
Corrupt Democrats have no spine to raise up living wages so corrupt Rethuglicans will win 2020 if people NOW do not vote @Howiehawkins20 Green Party Green NEW DEAL of 2011
....peace through green jobs is the only solution
It's deeply disturbing on Facebook I read two men arguing that late-term abortion is a woman giving birth to a child and then making a decision to kill it because they decide they didn't want it. As long as there are ignorant people out there that believe this, the ignorant Christian forced birthers will vote Republican / conservative. No amount of information can change their minds.
I saw tRump on TV saying the same thing - that a baby is born and the parents talk to the doctor and decide if they - then - want to "execute" it. I don't know how this stupidity ever got inserted into a debate about abortions. And what bothers me the most - is that no one stood up to him on this - no one publicly called him out on how he was using his position as president to present information to the public that was totally and completely wrong. ?????
I’m thinking that super conservative women are doing a lot more to push this than we realize. It’d be nice if Democrats stopped focusing as much on 2020 White House and more on maintaining congress and taking the senate.
..and let them replace Alligator Ginsburg…? Break treaties and start wars from the White House. Not me ~
Let’s hope so, because anything else will be interpreted as unequivocal support for these barbaric laws.
I agree with one thing, cats are cool
And my four cats are the coolest!
@Katsarecool That I believe !!!
Let's hope so. I have my doubts though. I think a big part of the problem is that voters on the left don't seem to be getting out to vote.
Sadly true!
@CommonHuman Hmm. Are there any states that do not have early voting by now? Even GA has it, and it's a fairly backward state.
@CommonHuman It would appear that 11 states don't have it yet. Surprising that some of those are in the northeast.
You’d think so… I thought Hillary vs trump was a no-brainer, for women… I’ve now lost track of how many ..though far fewer than will admit it.. didn’t vote for ‘her.’ Oh, she was going to win anyway.
The powers of darkness will do their best to again split the opposition to trump. And since his far-wrong fanatics own the republican primaries, their candidates will yet again reflect that. I suppose your question might be, who are ‘women’ going to vote for, this time?
Actually Clinton had almost 3,000,000 more votes than trump.
It was the crooked electoral college that screwed things up. These people are not elected officials. They are appointed thru chronisyn, hand selected by mostly Republican states, this is especially true in so called red states.
Several states are removing restrictions on electoral college, allowing them to vote independent of who had the most votes.
As it is now, if a candidate carries a state then the all the EC votes must go to thst candidate.
I'll be thrilled when this antiquated system is abolished.
@Katsarecool Yup, she almost won… And it should have never have been near as close. I might call it a perfect storm, just enough of the wrong shit at the right time.. And yes, the nation and world should never forget - had it been a strictly democratic election - Hillary would have won.
Complacency, purist attitudes, anti-establishment quirks, bernie dreams and Hillary hate did her in. As I admire her greatly, always have ~
I hope everyone one of them loses their seat to a minority woman!
No, sadly not a chance, elections are all about who makes the best promises (although they always find excuses why the could NOT fulfill them) and who runs the best smear campaigns or spends the most money on those campaigns.
Voters, for most part, are often as fickle as the weather unfortunately.
Having experienced the result of the 2018 elections I could not disagree more.
Politicians describe legislation they’ll introduce or support. The ignorant majority would and could not understand a more in-depth description than, “If elected I’m going to….” A politician honest enough to give the odds of ‘their bill’ passing wouldn’t get out the gate..
@Triphid Maybe you haven’t personally known many, or any. Or maybe they didn’t trust you.. I’ve met and known plenty of politicians; those I worked with and for were honest, solid citizens. It’s not the politicians, it’s the fuckin idiots who don’t do their homework - and either vote for the worst, or listen to other fuckin idiots and don’t bother to vote at all.
I wish our batch of local know-it-all’s would put their knowledge to the test - and get their asses signed up for the next Primary Election - either side! If ‘politicians’ are simply liars - shouldn’t righteous ‘truth tellers’ be a shoe in
@Varn In case it may have slipped from your attention, I live in Australia where I was born, raised and have spent my working life. I've met and worked around innumerable politicians in my time and 99% of them I wouldn't trust with a bucket filled with broken eggshells.
Btw, here in Australia it IS compulsory to vote in Elections once you have attained the age of 18 years or gained Citizenship as an Immigrant.
@Triphid Good for Australia. But I’m tuned into the USA, and the last thing we need are fewer citizens voting… Must be something ugly in the water down there, though ...causing all your politicians to become untrustworthy?
We’ve a dirty party that’s promoted voter apathy for years, and they win! But what I’m sadly more aware of are those, in order to stand back and claim ‘they had nothing to do with it,’ or, use it as an excuse not to do their homework, are too quick to label them all ‘corrupt.’
It’s never that difficult for me to find a good one, the difficult thing is not supporting them once I do
@Triphid Money talks… So apparently, ‘our systems’ are messed up.. Allowing some/ the money grubbing conscienceless ‘politicians,’ through social manipulation from ‘think tanks,’ extremist media, unlimited ‘donations’ from unscrupulous industrialists, and well organized radical political parties..?
There often appear to be fixes, such as banning non-nation contributions, or in our case, reinstating The Fairness Doctrine, a rule giving equal time to ‘each side’ in reporting.. Or ending unlimited campaign funding by corporations ..another rule we once had...
But - I can understand ‘over here’ (USA) how ‘all of the people can be fooled some of the time.’ And our segment of religious fanatics and terminally ignorant who can apparently be fooled ‘all of the time’... But you’re describing living within a nation were ‘all of the people are fooled all of the time?’ ...didn’t think that was possible
Political progress happens when progressives bust their butts registering new voters where they live backing candidates for living wages and women's HEALTHCARE = reproductive rights to be free from forced pregnancies
I agree
“The system is rigged”. It truly is. Do you really think that anything will change? The tax breaks repealed, the abortion laws repealed, a conservative Supreme Court will change? No. The lines in which the United States “is” or the United States “are” is becoming more apparent every day. Do you really think someone like Warren or Sanders can get in? The Democratic SuperPAC will push who they want in office that can best support their agenda.
If ‘the system was rigged,’ there wouldn’t be many Democratic Primary candidates running for the presidency..? If ‘the system was rigged,’ why did all those Republicans run for the presidency last time..? Ask Jeb Bush if the system’s rigged.
The system’s fucked up, but it’s from a series of ‘conservative’ supreme court decisions and regulation dumps by the Republican Party.
The DNC last backed it’s only viable, electable candidate, HRC. Not only was it, her turn, and that she’d been the most qualified and experienced presidential candidate in US history ..and had prettymuch kept the DNC funded and operational ...she was the only Democrat left. Bernard Sanders was not - and is not a Democrat … he’s an opportunist spoiler many before him.
We’re fucked, for sure.. But attempting to convince folks there’s no hope is ..what, fatalistic..? Don’t give false hope, but don’t discourage our only chance to claw back a working democracy ..capable & willing to support social progress. Motivete, vote - then do it again!
They will be fine. I think they are doing what their constituents want.