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As an Aussie living in a mainly secular country I'm amazed and disheartened by the stories from Americans who have to hide their secularism and who are discriminated against because of it. It's difficult to accept a first world country with third world beliefs. To all you poor buggers, hang in there and keep fighting for your independence, we feel for you.

Cyklone 7 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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49 comments (26 - 49)

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I believe that religious people are trying to pass third world beliefs in aussie. Correct me if I'm wrong.

My NZ friend says they are having some of the same issues there, but it's not even close to as crazy as here.

The aussie's are trying to push a religious discrimination laws. That is third world beliefs.

We were stupid enough to vote in a religious zealot and then act surprised by this.

Wish I could correct you. Religious Anti-Discrimination Bill, is supposedly going to protect indiduals. It is actually a licence for religious institutions to discriminate against everyone else.


As an American atheist since age 13, I have never felt a need to hide my lack of belief. My dating profile states I'm an atheist. Telling people helps normalize it.

My Christian friends love me for who I am. We don't talk about religion.

@LiterateHiker Ditto 😉


My sympathies. It never ceases to amaze me why people can't see the disconnect between technology in a first world country, driven by science, and a belief in hocus pocus.

Still, at least in the US you can come out as an atheist, as
unpopular as it may be. My further sympathies go out to those who cannot come out, for fear of severe punishment.

Yes like those middle eastern countries like Saudia Arabia, Iran and so on.


Thank you! As an American with friends all over the world, it becomes obvious how idiotic we appear and are as a nation. When I live stream with other atheist the conversation always turns to aweful American beliefs and how Aussies pee without getting the ceiling wet!


Oklahomans do discriminate but I have found my tribe where I can be open and comfortable. I have always been open about it and I am sure it cost me promotions at work but my big mouth in many areas would have done that anyway.


Australia has a Conservative government. You think Americans are not as tolerant and accepting of diversity as Australians are? Which part of the U.S. did you experience third world beliefs?

Really! do you not read the posts on here? Alabama`s abortion laws, Kids allowed to get answers wrong if they contradict religious views, gay farts cause cancer, vegan burgers alter DNA and right there in the white house Trump's spiritual advisor casting out demons ffs all she needs is a bone through her nose.

@273kelvin We all know in the U.S., especially the progressive states that the American South is a problem and we are fighting it hard. But I am not sure if Australia is better in these respect. I have heard stories coming out of Australia of beating of immigrants, harsh immigrant deportations and much of God loving. How is Australia better than the U.S.?

@St-Sinner Politics is often dirty all over the world. What the poster was expressing was his sympathy for those like us who are secular but find it difficult to "come out". From what I glean on here, much of the USA social life revolves around the church. In Australia, it is the pub.

@273kelvin The U.S. has been politically and religiously 50:50 and it is always a fight between the two ideologies.There are a lot of ironies in the U.S. Constitution although it is touted as a wise document. All Men are Created Equal it said but the founding fathers proudly owned slaves and said nothing about slavery being wrong. I believe what the poster said was more relevant 70 to 80 years ago. Not so much today. The religious elements have tendency not to die out easily but they have been losing ground in the last few decades.

@St-Sinner If they are dying out then their death throws are making lots of waves. Overturning Roe vs Wade seems to be inevitable atm.

@273kelvin "and right there in the white house Trump's spiritual advisor casting out demons ffs"??? 🙄 Ffs most definitely 😐


as a Canadian I have the same feeling about hiding these things.... what is up with that..... seems like Agnostic and atheists are secrets...

blzjz Level 7 Jan 30, 2020

I would feel physically choked if I had to hide my atheism.


Thank you. It might even be a good idea to move to Australia. 🙂


I happen to live in a part of the UI.S. which, at least in the larger cities of the Pacific Northwest, doesn't really discriminate against secularists. Actually I didnt' really experience religious disrimination all hta tmuch when I lived in Los Angeles either.

I also have a brother who lives in the state of Kansas. I have never gone to visit him, in part, because of where he lives, and in part because h eis one of my siblings who hangs onto the religion we were raised in (Mormon). I never visited my oldest sister when she lived in Utah either.


Thanks it will be a struggle

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 30, 2020

See what happens when you throw off the yoke of British rule! Hard right religion and no national health service free at the point of need cradle to the grave hahaha.
Fair enough, I think we'll be in line for becoming the 52nd State in another 367 days. Porto Rica having the 51st position reserved for them.


Some of us don't hide.


So what's up with the new "Religious discrimination Law?"


The British North American Colonies were founded, at least in part, as a dumping ground for religious undesirables. And we've been stuck with them ever since!

You hit that on the nail. Very well said 👍


Growing up in a small farming community in central Minnesota I used to joke we had two races....Catholics and Lutherans. There was a fair amount of animosity between the 2. Catholic parents got especially concerned if their kid was dating a Lutheran. Because....they’re just so different 🤦♀️

Well at least they didn't include Atheists in the conversation. BTW I support Amy Klobuchar.

@rogueflyer well my family didn’t go to church so the kids on the bus told me I was going to hell. In a town of 2,000 you better believe everyone knew who went to what church......of those that didn’t go at all GASP

@Marcie1974 I had to go. Don't know which would be worse.


I am a Canadian who lived in Texas for 8 years in the 2000s. I thought that the Bush years were pretty bad. I had hope for the US when Obama was elected and served two terms. I was shocked Trump won the last election. I thought secular liberal ideals would blossom as younger generations became adults. I was wrong. However, it is important to note that there are liberal minded secularists in pockets of the US. Trump as played to the religious and ethnic divides every chance he gets to stir up hatred for the sake of power. I also think he does it for the sake of pure drama as if he is staring on a reality TV show. The show would be a comedy if it was not reality. Trump's character would make a great cartoon villain and he provides plenty of humorous content for the late night talk shows.

We talk about Russia, we talk about election meddling, we talk about fake news of 2016 but don't write enough about Trump's election in 2016 was clearly a backlash against electing a black man for 8 years. The silent white majority decided to stand up and tell us that they did not like it. Not many admit that the was White backlash against a Black President. That is the ugly truth.

With Bernie, there will be another White Backlash against winning a Jewish candidate from the ultra progressive and socialist shit and we will regret that for the next 50 years. We don't have a slightest idea of what we are doing to ourselves.

@St-Sinner The truth is folks stayed home because they believed the polls that Hilary was a shoe in. She won by 3 million votes all in the wrong states. played America.

@Mooolah I agree. Hillary clearly demonstrated in her arrogance that she believed that she was a shoe in. She had already started talking about her cabinet.

@Trumpeter It don't hurt my feelings when you trash Obama. He was a false messiah of the Democrats. Overrated.


Unfortunately our current prime moron is a member of a cult and has drunk too deeply of the cool aid the religious bigotry bill is just one example. Completely corrupt. So while at the moment we are allowed to express our stance if scotty from marketing gets to stay in much longer then we won't be allowed to as it will upset the poor little cultites.


If just one thing had been different, I would have grown up in Australia.....sigh....


A few more years of the current group in power (trumpie is just a figurehead) and the dreams of the xtian taliban will be fulfilled. Scary.


I understand you, but don't worry. America is fast becoming a third world country and we have in office the right people for that job. I just read that Trump has raised another 45 million in the last quarter for his re-election campaign. Put the quarters together and you have a tremendous amount of money raised by this man who "only wants to help us." He really wants to help us bad, and so do the powers behind him. We are not in good hands and this is not Allstate.


Dude, thank you but our country's constitution literally mentions the separation of church and state, unfortunately current conditions are a pain in the ass, this should be corrected in November 2020. Why don't you instead worry about Morrison, a pentecostal nut case taking your country in the wrong direction? That threat is much more pressing to you Aussies I would say, than our own nut cases that will most definitely be expectorated in a few months.

My fingers are crossed that you are correct with regard to your next election, but don't worry about morrison as his career is as dead as the wildlife that died in the fires he chose to run from.

@Cyklone Never underestimate the ability of people to choose badly because he is an xtian like them or they have always voted lieberal or their local lieberal has helped them or something stupid. I had a friend who said you vote at the local level and the lieberal bloke was a good guy it did not matter at the federal level ie I am voting lieberal but hoping the labor government gets in stupidity.

@Cyklone so is Trump's.


What I have learned while on this site is, just how failed and broken the US education system must be. Sometimes seeing levels of ignorance expressed, (Not by members generally but in the postings.) that it should be a shame for any government in the 21st century to admit to allowing. Everyone should have the right to an education which at least provides a basic understanding of the world within which they live.

Sadly you have to wonder where the next generation of educators are to come from, when you produce an uneducated generation this time, it becomes a task of trying to lift yourself by your own shoe laces. And doubly sadly, I suspect that the failing is spreading to other countries like the UK too.

That's just brainwashing. The public school system is a scam. Studies done in the 1980s showed that when children were taught by one teacher per five students, students were able to advance a grade every two weeks, only working two hours a day! When I was homeschooling my kids, once they learned phonics, at two years old, they were off reading on their own, checking out 200 books every two weeks from the country library, then when they read them all, moved on to the University of Morehead library, then finally, I had to drive them to the vast U.K. library system to get the books they wanted.

@birdingnut wow, what a great job you have done with your kids education! I think public schools have drastically gone downhill since I was in school in the 60s and 70s. If I had children now I would definitely homeschool them.

@birdingnut I found the school system a scam in my day, and I don't thiit has improved any, the only real education I ever got was because I was an avid reader myself. And don't get me started on the time wasted on religion at a C of E school.


Yes, but don't remember our very own twatt of Happy Clappy Prime Minister and his Merry ban of men and women who are destroying everything.


This Country was founded as a secular Country. Then things got screwed up when we let the religious nutters into the Government. We are trying to fix that, so please don't lose hope for us.

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