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Atheists can't feel awe and wonder. _Oprah Winfrey

steninjose 3 May 26

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Oprah, meet Carl Sagan...


Funny how I've felt both many many times... Oprah is a dumbass. And so is anyone else who believes that complete and utter bullshit. Especially since we atheists find new reasons to feel awe and wonder in the natural word everyday without bullshitting ourselves about reality like the religious... Also, who the fuck cares what Oprah thinks?


Said that October 2013 - who knows if she still feels this to be the case? People change.

And frankly one person's opinion doesn't mean a great deal to me.

No, she's still a dumbass.


She's got that one... way wrong!


I have never been that impressed with Oprah.


Source? Google is not coming up with the source.


I live every day in total amazement

Corvus Level 6 June 20, 2018

I dare say Atheists are uniquely in a position to experience GREATER awe and wonder, because we don't reduce everything to "God did it". I look at the sun, and am in awe and wonder of the forces which brought together simple hydrogen and compressed it into a nucleus fusion reactor, and my mind wanders to what it might be like to be on a planet around a different star. Religious people would just think "oh, God made it, made it only for us, and there's nothing more to see here".


H mmmm can I convince someone to name their boobies awe and wonder ?


Sadly, because Oprah said it, many will believe it unquestioningly.


I can feel awe and wonder..I just don't worship like a dog to a God that I don't believe created this amazing universe...sorry got it wrong.


Show me where they live and I'll give them a good groping ...


What the f__k?

jab60 Level 6 May 27, 2018

It is a bit sad to see she is so ill informed, I hope someone will enlighten her. I am not an atheist, I am an agnostic Humanist, but I know atheists who feel wonder. It is wonder that leads some to Pantheism including Naturalistic Pantheism. They wonder at the beauty of nature and the universe, now shown to us in the wonderful (good word) images from the Hubble telescope for example. Many atheist (and agnostic) scientists experience great wonder from their work, such as astrophysicists and cosmologists.They repeatedly exhibit it in the media, following in the steps of Carl Sagen of Cosmos fame.


She lives in Cukoo land ?


I feel awe and wonder all the time, and I became an atheist at age 13.

Awe is not an emotion only experienced by Christians.

Hiking is a transcendent, uplifting experience for me. I feel grounded and centered in the mountains. The mountains are my sanctuary.


I don't know about anybody else ,but that's ALL I feel is awe and wonder.


Oprah, Oprah, Oprah! Are you kidding? Thought you were more tolerant and smarter than that. I don't need to know where it came from to appreciate the wonder and awe of nature.


Oprah also endorsed The Secret as a legitimate book, gave us Dr. Phil (once accused of getting a man drunk before a show for “better tv”, and made the Cash me outside girl famous), Dr Oz (the infamous Apple juice tester, and reparative homosexual therapy quack), and also had a hand in popularizing the term “Vajayjay”.

She will be the last person I take advice from.

Excellent could I forget Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz, one goofier than the next !



Not on her level. People fall all over her. Why?

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