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For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?

I became an agnostic because, from my perspective, there isn't enough evidence to prove whether there is a God or Higher Powers or not. I think atheism is based more on belief rather then empirical evidence and science, though much evidence would concur that there isn't a God.

Alright, shoot. 🙂

RYSR10 6 Sep 23

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There never was evidence one way or the other. Gods are imaginary.


I think I read it in our by-laws.

Tomas Level 7 Mar 15, 2018

Atheists know that there are no gods. I do not know that. The universe is incredibly huge, we do even not know how big it is how could anyone say they know about god or gods? I absolutely do not believe in the gods of any human invented religions, all of them are absurdities created to exploit and control humans. But about the possible existence or non-existence of gods I do not know and I do not care one way or another.


Atheists don't believe in a god because there is no evidence of one... Same reason a lot of us don't believe in unicorns. Give me evidence and I'll consider it.




Took the words right out of my mouth. Precisely the same reason I became an agnostic too.

bzm64 Level 3 Mar 10, 2018

If you have faith god is real to you personally I have no faith in god


I grew up idolizing Spock, who famously said that there were always alternatives. Not wanting to be boxed into a binary decision, I first identified as a 'nullifidian.' Perhaps this is applicable to you?


There are different versions of atheism.

For example, the "positive" - or sometimes referred to as "militant" - atheist might make the claim "there is no such thing as a good or deity", which WOULD imply some level of faith in such a conclusion considering that person hasn't explored the entirety of the universe to validate such a position, thus requiring at least a similar degree of faith as a theist in their conclusion that there IS a god/deity.

Weak - or "negative" - atheism is a much more broad, more agnostic-ish position, ranging from "I don't think there is a deity" to "given the alleged evidence for the god(s) or deities that are said to exist, I reject the premise that any of these are plausible" - it's more or less simply a rejection of the theist's own positive position.

TL;DR Summary: Being an atheist doesn't inherently require one to "believe" or "have faith" that no god exists - it can be as simple as "I reject your claim that x god exists", and since the burden of proof is on those that take a positive stance, the simple act of rejecting the claim made is perfectly valid without requiring any further response.


I haven't come across a convincing argument or proof for the existence of any god past or present. The whole god thing, to me, is a non-sequitur, it's not about belief.


Because the entire concept of a god is a human one. Until we learn the true science behind things we tend to assign a magical reasoning. I prefer to substitute a black box that says "tbd" instead of a mystical father figure up above deciding fates and fortunes.


There is no evidence to believe one exists, so why would I hold that belief?

Lack of belief in a personal interacting god is atheism. Lack of belief.


I call myself an atheist because I think that if there were a god, we would have some evidence to demonstrate it.


O 'oh stop right there! atheism isn't based on belief its based on lack of hard evidence A-gnostic means without gnosis (which is knowledge) cut it any way you like they are the same thing. and you can believe whatever you like its a free country!


Me. I am the same thing as their god. we are all our own creations and we build ourselves, not a man in the sky

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 21, 2018

Science. There is no proof of a god, regardless of the millions of gods current, and pre-Judeo-Christian, etc. There IS some evidence of god centers in the brain which can cause that cause a feeling like god is around you. It's biological, and I would argue evolutionary, in that it kept us going and alive when all hope would otherwise have seemed lost.


When I was 6 years old, I rode my bike to a neighborhood church to attend services by myself. I listened to the sermon one day and upon leaving, the pastor stood by the door, shaking hands. I told him he was wrong about Jesus. I told him I knew Jesus and that wasn't what Jesus said or even meant. They told me not to come back. But see, I have always known Jesus in a way no religion teaches. Jesus was a world mission master, not what they said. He was a teacher, not a god. I remembered being around him in a past life. What god would allow horrible things to happen? None that claim to be forgiving or loving. No. There is no God like some Morgan Freeman or white bearded man seeing what will happen and choosing the lessons both hard and soft. I believe in an energy beyond humans, a higher power if you will, but it is the collective consciousness of us all. Like a beach and each of us a grain of sand. How we think affects that energy. I know this deeply, not like a flimsy faith, but proven to me in different ways throughout my life - like the day I woke up KNOWING something terrible had happened. I scrambled around trying to hook up a tv to an antenna to find out what was causing the deep shift in the energy field around me. It was 9/11. I felt the pain, the fear, the sorrow, the grief and shock. I felt it plainly enough to run around my home trying to figure out how to get a signal on my tv - and I was living in Boise, Idaho. I think there are many who know there is no god. I think there are many that feel there is SOMETHING, but the religious god head makes zero sense. But we are hear to learn, to experience the physical plane existence and work on the vows of mastery, right? To claim our divine inheritance - not as a gift from some god but as our own divine nature - as the grain on the beach that is the higher power of us all. That's how I know it.


After seeing from bloggers the truth about the Bible, and being an intelligent science-lover, I realize there is no evidence for magical and that the real evidence is so much more intriguing and exciting. Life now has real meaning.


Oh, and regarding the main question (this is my answer to a post about an article that asks if atheism would end if scientific proof of god would be discovered): Of course, irrefutable proof of the existence of god would end atheism. The real scientist should always accept the results of a solid scientific methodology, even if it goes against his or her opinions or beliefs; indeed it should change his or her beliefs. But, think about it. If we had such proof, we would know where god is and how to communicate with it. We could ask questions about all the contradictions of this world and god would have to answer them. It would no longer be possible to use that ridiculously empty notion that “god acts in misterious ways”. And then, what answers could those be? Think about it... god does not exists.

There are actually people who believe that the earth is flat and that vaccinations cause autism no matter what science they are presented with. I doubt there is an irrefutable proof that would change all minds.


God does not exist. Of that, I can be sure of. Why? Well, we cannot prove that something does not exist. At most, we can fail to prove that it exists. Which is the state of affairs of all religions. They cannot offer any proof of the existence of their god. They just believe, and that’s fine... for them. But for me at least, it is not satisfactory enough to say that I just don’t believe in the existence of gods. That would be a ridiculously flawed position as theirs is. That is not only not satisfactory... it is not acceptable. But we have reason. In fact, if we did not have reason then we might as well just trust our lives to a god. Oh wait! That’s hat they do!!! So then, I use reason. Here we go: Xenophanes, some 2500 years ago, famously said, arguing against the human propensity to create gods in their own image, “mortals suppose that gods are born, wear their own clothes and have a voice and body. Ethiopians say that their gods are snub-nosed and black; Thracians that theirs are blue-eyed and red-haired. But if horses or oxen or lions had hands or could draw with their hands and accomplish such works as men, horses would draw the figures of the gods as similar to horses, and the oxen as similar to oxen, and they would make the bodies of the sort which each of them had.” I learned this many years ago in school back in my country of origin, but this specific text was taken from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( What I then did was to take Xenophanes idea and combine it with good old reasoning in the form of Induction, which is defined by Merriam-Webster as “inference of a generalized conclusion from particular instances”. And with those tools I turned to the source that no Christian would ever refute... their own Bible. If you read Deuteronomy 1, and use these two tools, there is no intelligent way to deny that their god was completely made up at their own likeness, with all their own flaws, all their immaturity, all their warrior bronce-age mentality, and with the sole purpose of convincing a group of mostly ignorant people (their version of deplorables) of the righteousness of killing others and despoiling them of their land. Look it up and see for yourselves. Perhaps in further comments we could go one by one through each line and phrase and arrive together to the conclusion that god did not create us, it was for sure the other way around


The only "higher power" that can be proven is the universe itself but it is not a god. In order to believe in a specific deity you must be taught it exists, otherwise we would have people born believing in Zeus, Ra, or gods we've never heard of before without ever being told of their existence but instead we have people who follow their traditional family religion blindly, as they were trained to do--you aren't given a choice. If you have never learned about Baal, how could you believe or disbelieve in him--he simply doesn't exist in your reality & you're fine without him. The best evidence against gods is that NONE of them, EVER, in the history of the world has been proven to exist & most are now considered myth--I see a pattern, who else can take a hint?

"Live a good life. If there are gods & they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones." -Marcus Aurelius


Several things: Any intelligent being capable of creating anything (I.e. the universe) should be the end result of a process of evolution. A God cannot be considered as not having a beginning because if we accept that, then nothing stops us from skipping the creator and just say that the universe had no moment of creation. So, not only the universe does not need a creator, but life as we know it offers no evidence of the existence of a God, and in fact the state of the human race suggests that there is no God. And if there is one, the way he/she/it designed our existence denotes a being not worth venerating at all. Woody Allen said it perfectly: if we can say something about God is that he is an underachiever.


Complete lack of credible and verifiable evidence of any existence of any gods, ever.


How do you "believe" in the non-existance of something that doesn't exist? This can't be about belief. We believe in things because we do not have proof in their existence. Belief acts as that proof. I don't think it's possible to believe in the negative. I "don't believe in ghosts," I don't "believe" that ghosts don't exist.


Hospice nurse, retired, 25 years of pure nonsence. I am what they call, jaded. I have seen it one time or another. Lived in different countries (gave birth 1st time in Colombia) took care of more people than I can count, in all states of life. Combine that with family members, you have a fucking zoo....Grateful Dead said it best, enjoy the ride.

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