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Are you an open or closet agnostic/atheist, and why?

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OPEN! Because I am an american and I have the right to be and believe what I want and have researched!!


I am an open agnostic, but I don't were a sign an advertise. If someone is pouring on the gospel, or church identity then I will tell them I am agnostic. Usually the conversation ends there. I wouldn't mind further inquiry, but most times the conversation is dropped, the subject is changed.


Open to the people close to me . I have no desire to advertise my non belief for the same reason I do not care to hear about OTHER people’s beliefs


Open. I will openly mention that I am an atheist if I feel it flows naturally into making such a statement, and I post my atheist views on FB but I don't go out of my way to let everyone everywhere that I am an atheist. I meet a new person, they won't know I'm an atheist until something justifies my bringing it up.


I am an open agnostic with family and friends, but closeted at work. I don't feel comfortable discussing religion at work so I just don't say anything.


I'm very open about being an atheist agnostic. I find no shame at all in it and if people don't like me for it then it's their loss. I am who I am and people should accept me for who I am I accept them for who they are.


I am open, I live in a small town and I do not gab about it if someone ask what is your religion I have no problem saying that I am agnostic. I have always dislike those people that go around and try to convert you to worship their demigod. Or join their faith. First thing that come in my mind when those people come around is what can I say to get them to leave quickly.


Completely open since I was around five. I see no reason to hide my beliefs from anyone. If your beliefs are strong enough and supported by reason, critical thinking, and skepticism, you should be proud and willing to be open about your beliefs.


I am very open about being an Agnostic. Some of my so called friends quit speaking to me because of it. I guess they were not that good of friends. I have had bible thumpers try to argue with me over it, but I prevail and they get mad and walk away swearing to never speak to me and I say THANK YOU!


I'm open, but generally I don't initiate any discussions about it. Among certain of my more seemingly close-minded professional contacts, I steer away from the subject as diplomatically as I can. But if I'm asked directly, I will plainly and unabashedly state that I am an atheist.


Open although the amount of bravery required to be open about it where I live is absolutely none. Much respect for those who are open in the Bible belt or even worse places where it might actually be dangerous.


Open and vocal because stupidity irritates the sh*t out of me!


I'm open. I like to treat people with respect regardless of what they believe. I enjoy hearing about other religious views. I'm not judgmental. You can say it's against my non-religion.

Gohan Level 7 Jan 9, 2018

Open or not? Never gave it a seconds thought. I yam what I yam. It's not that I'm an atheist. We are all born atheists. We have to be taught to adopt the mantles we hang on ourselves and others. I am an unencumbered human. I did not make a choice to believe in a higher power or not. None ever came around for me to believe in. Anybody here ever meet one? Just curious. As maturity approached I did read the bible to see if it had any beef. Nope. No red meat at all. Just a bunch of fish that swam away when you got close. I was so confused with that fantasy I cancelled my subscription to Mad mag. Found that the printed word was also not believable. That coupled with the desire to be left alone by powerful people or supposed omnipresent entities gave me the title of 'atheist'..... Believe? What a word. I believe I'm alive right now. Able to walk and talk. Get stuff done. Work my hobbies. Enjoy my family. Enjoy this life. All without any astral help. The bottom line? If there was a god of any type, I would want it to stay far away from me and mine. But, I know there is not.


I'm an open African American atheist which makes it even more difficult.


Very open. I have no reason to hide it. I don't go around preaching and proselytizing to people who are minding their own business, but if someone tries proselytizing to me, I damn well tell them about my (lack of) beliefs. In addition, I am very outspoken when it comes to separation of church and state and freedom of AND FROM religion in public life—so that is when I most tend to get vocal about religion (i.e., preventing it from creeping into laws and schools, etc., and also when its followers exhibit intolerance, bigotry, misogyny, etc.).


Open. ECHR article 9:

"Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

  1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience
    and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or
    belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others "

Religious people use article 9, so shall I.

NB: Religion also includes the belief in the absence of god. So according to the ECHR atheism is also a religion, or to be treated as one, legally.


My kids and my close friends know. So does anybody who asks me. Otherwise, I don't feel the need to make it anyone else's concern.


To have been an open Atheist would have been professional suicide while raising to kids alone, without support what so ever, though my friends and family knew this. I am a firebrand Atheist, since my retirement. I make it a point to listen, be kind and gently with the religious and don't mind engaging them in that subject. Some people can't look me in the face and some people are close and dear friends. It's all good.


I'm an anti religions philosopher. I'm very open about it.

If I can help even one person with sharing what I know, this far outweighs anyone not liking me.


I'm an anti religions philosopher. I'm very item about it.

If I can help even one person with sharing what I know, this far outweighs anyone not liking me.


Open....that is how I raised three more and made a difference


I don't usually share my beliefs or lack thereof... But most of the times I just say " I do not practice religion, I just believe in something"

I don't consider necessary announce to all people around me my political or religious affiliations


Open agnostic and too old to care what people think.


Kinda closeted agnostic at least until my divorce is final and I can move out of the more fundamentalist part of my state, part of the dynamic involves having to write down some of my moral and religious beliefs as part of the questions sent by my ex’s lawyer...the deeper I got into the questions, the more I realized that what I believe in and what I want for my kids just doesn’t square with what most churches offer out here (and the ones where I might be a fit don’t count in the eyes of many). But I’m isolated enough in this town as it is.

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