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LINK 'In God We Trust' Signs Go Up In South Dakota Public Schools, As Required By Law : NPR

From the story:

Earlier this summer, a group of students from Stevens High School in Rapid City approached the school board and suggested alternating God with Buddha, Yahweh and Allah on the signs — along with other terms such as "Science" or simply, "Ourselves" — in an effort to be more inclusive.

The kids at least get it more than the adults (trying to be inclusive)... This will prompt a lawsuit.

Whenever I see stuff like this I wonder how do hypocritical Christians righteously still clutch their pearls and cry about being attacked for their beliefs...

DGJ0114 7 July 25

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I read on Facebook that Kentucky schools will be doing the same thing


"In Education, We Trust" would be better, especially in a school. "In God We Trust" only belongs in a church.


If they'd like to continue trusting in God, they had better not read the bible.

God screws over a LOT of people.

Athena Level 8 July 25, 2019

I never really understood having a "covenant" with god. Why, exactly, did god have to abide by it? It just doesn't make any sense.

@greyeyed123 He didn't have to, and didn't. Sort or prehistoric version of Trump - just because one signs a solemn agreement to do something, doesn't mean one actually has to do it.


This is why Xians are such a bunch of twats; they strive to affect policy so they can push their god on everyone rather than just be satisfied to have their own "personal relationship" with the all-powerful figment of their imagination.

And pushing politics onto the pulpit over the last 30-40 yrs, has blurred the lines between religion and the laws of the land.


I understand that this was in response to a serious school shooting. Don't do anything about the proliferation of guns or the mental health of children. This is much easier and cheaper.

And lazier... And an opportunity to push their religious beliefs on everyone.


Thef original motto was much more inclusive - E Pluribus Unum. This new one was a 1956 rendition instituted in the aftermath of McCarthyism. After all, only commies were Godless.

But now we love those godless Russians!

@greyeyed123 - Except the Russians are rediscovering religion post Soviet Union and under Putin. But your point is well taken.


E pluribus unum translated is: "out of many, one" which is exactly what America is.


Separation of Church and state?

My first reaction

Should have stuck with "E Pluribus Unum" which my Latin teacher was fond of translating as
"You wait for ages for a Bus and then a whole load turn up at once"


the noddly one will be disappointed not to have been recognized.... 😟

No meataballs?

@Donna_I "noodly"?


bible belt crap

bobwjr Level 10 July 26, 2019

Religio-nazi 1: "Ah have been persecuted in ggggeeeezzzzuuusss's name!"
Religio-nazi 2: "Whut happened?"
Religio-nazi 1: "They keep saying things ah don't agree with!"

THHA Level 7 July 26, 2019

They have missed out the second line:

All Others Pay Cash!!

You beat me to it.


Good for the kids. This should give us hope that kids are out thinking the adults. Hopefully in about 30 or 40 years this will be a different country in a much better way.

It's just the waiting 30 years part that sucks

@tmonsta Yeah, I doubt that I will even be around at that point. I am so sad when I look at the world and this country in particular that I am leaving to my grandson. I think a lot of us felt we had it fixed for the most part and that the other stuff was just the fringes of society. But then the really dark underbelly that has been growing was able to come up from its hiding place and I'm not sure how we rid ourselves of it. Of course I am sure the underbelly is saying that about me right now.


Christians are so sure that they have god on their side...they care not what others say! Plus, they are standing up for god (as if the god they speak of, needs defending). Strange...


What about Buddha or Allah? Why should the Christian god be the only one to be trusted? What give these Christians any right to shove their beliefs over other ones?

Sorry South Dakota but I’m only trusting in myself.


Time to swap the "D" and "G"...


Trust the dog, at least the dog is real.



The more things like this happen, the less religious people will get. If there is one thing I know about Americans, it's when someone says you have to do, think, or believe something, that's when we say, "F-you. Make me."

It's kind of our thing.


In my opinion it is an overall meaningless expression as god is anything someone worships, e.g. money, sex, power, deities, pets, etc.

The problem is, our youth are still forming ‘their opinion’...

@Varn Why is that a problem?


I don’t like it and it shouldn’t be in a public school...With that said, hopefully some kid will have enough and figure out how to push back on the BS. If just one kid does it....🤔....Hoping for the backlash.


All in all it's what the hick's want on the wall.😫

Umma Gumma


How about “in dog we strut” for the dyslexics?


Whose god? And who’s we? I’m certainly not part of the we. Do you think they’ve read the constitution? I don’t.


Religion is feeling threatened and is fighting back. It is the last the last gasps. In 50 years, the religious population will be half of what is today in the U.S. Agnosticism is rising rapidly.


It would look better with a "H" between the "T" and the "R".

Senex Level 5 Aug 1, 2019

Arent teachers paid to teach and not preach? this grosses me out

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