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How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?

We don't have a word for non-believers of Santa Claus or non-believers of The Tooth Fairy, yet we live in a world where those who don't believe in God(s) or supernatural religious philosophies are labelled Atheists. I think that the state of non-believing is the normal state of things as it doesn't need to be taught, unlike religions. I am consequently uncomfortable with using the word and I feel that I concede grounds to their insanity when I use it. What are your thoughts?

Chris90045 5 Sep 29

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I feel fine identifying with that word - even though I don't discuss my views often with my family.

I also understand the baggage that unfortunately comes with it. So I can see several different sides of this whole discussion.


I do not feel that we need a label. Everyone is born an atheist and then some are taught to be believe in something making them a theist. I have no problem identifying myself as an atheist, but it is not something I think about or let dictate my actions. For example, I would never say something like, "I would never go to your church because I am an atheist." However I would say, "I have no interest in attending your church service. It does not appeal to me." If someone asks me if I am atheist, I also answer yes because by definition that is what I am.


I have no problem with the atheist label in general. I do expand on that by saying that I am atheist/evidentialist/rationalist because it describes my position in the scheme of things much better than the single word 'atheist'. I hold no beliefs other than the mundane that we all use to navigate our world. I require evidence in order to seriously consider anything, and any discussion must be rational or I won't engage.


Completely comfortable


Atheist has a bit of shock value so why not?

gearl Level 8 Oct 23, 2017

I am a logophile. Words help us understand and "atheist" is simple and descriptive (as long as we agree on the definition of course!) 😉

LoriS Level 3 Oct 23, 2017

In the late '80s early' 90s those who learned that I did not believe in GOD labeled me a bad person.
Now, most who know me understand that I am a very good human! Some say that I have a better chance of going to "heaven" than most Christians!!!
They totally don't get it but, I'm not offended.


I don't want to redefine who I am. People come up with many terms to make themselves seem more respectful because they fear rejection or negative consequences. I embrace the word atheist.


In a perfect world there would be no atheists, but it's not, and as long as people believe ancient theistic crap, they need to know that there are atheistic non crap believers in the world. But if there was a God, he could straighten this out, easily !


Its not the use of that word that is the problem, but how it is perceived by people that is.


Very. I think it is mostly the religious who aren't, and mostly because they don't understand what it means.


I am uncomfortable with the label Atheist and often search for a more neutral term, mainly in an effort not to offend my more insecure friends.

mzee Level 7 Oct 21, 2017

I wish the word was more accepted, but that's what I am.


Totally comfortable with it, although I used to be much more shy about it. But now any time someone starts spouting off religious stuff to me, my response is "You know I'm an Atheist, right?" Now I have no problems, I proudly identify as Atheist, and even post videos on my Facebook page designed to help those struggling with their loss of faith, and introduces them to Atheism, and let's them know that they are not alone in their lack of belief for some omnipotent being that controls all. I Don't force my beliefs on anyone, and I shoot down anyone that tries to force their beliefs on me, but I am more than happy to answer questions for people and help them realize a world without the shackles of religion.


Not one fact or proof ever. To have faith in that is proof of your mind not working properly


Humanity is divided into Theists and Non-theists, taking Theist to mean one who believes there exists one or more supernatural entities with the power to influence events in the physical world.
Non-theists are divided between those who reject the Theist position as illogical, usually calling themselves Atheists or Rationalists, and those who accept that you cannot prove a negative, and so prefer Agnostic or Humanist to describe their position vis-a-vis Theism.
For my part, I do not accept that a Non-theist has to prove anything, the Theist is the one making the extraordinary claim for which one piece of verifiable evidence has yet to be supplied. I therefore regard Atheism as the default null hypothesis to be accepted until disproved.


Atheist is the term that I used to describe myself. That being said, I don't throw the word around casually. The word comes with so much baggage I don't typically use it unless I need to.


I don't see why the word should make one uncomfortable. It's a word that describes a perfectly respectable point of view.

I suppose that discomfort with some words is situational. If I found myself surrounded by armed, and angry, Christian extremists I don't think I'd be comfortable peppering my conversation with the word "atheist".


It's sad that we need a label. But It's a common trait among us, so a word is necessary, and "atheist" is about as accurate and impartial as possible. So, yes, I am very comfortable with it.


Atheist defines the lack of religious belief, that is all. I am just a much an atheist as I am a photographer, husband, archer, film-goer, book reader, tea drinker, father, uncle etc. Not one of those labels defines me.


As comfortable as saying the sky is blue. Not kind of blue. It is what it is and that is what I am as much as I am a non stamp collector.


I only use the word atheist around other atheist friends who know what it means and doesn't mean. To most of mainstream society however, that term has been poisoned almost to the level of "nazi". People have a knee jerk negative reaction and immediately assume terrible connotations. It's better to describe oneself as a "non-believer" or "not religious" - at least at first.

I totally get that, and I agree it does have a stigma attached to it. I look at that as an opportunity to have a conversation, and to educate. but I also grew up around hardcore catholics, my aunts and uncles went to catholic school, so I used to be much more shy about it. but I also agree that non-believer and not religious can be just as effective, and mean the same thing 🙂




Natural, clean, proud

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