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How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?

We don't have a word for non-believers of Santa Claus or non-believers of The Tooth Fairy, yet we live in a world where those who don't believe in God(s) or supernatural religious philosophies are labelled Atheists. I think that the state of non-believing is the normal state of things as it doesn't need to be taught, unlike religions. I am consequently uncomfortable with using the word and I feel that I concede grounds to their insanity when I use it. What are your thoughts?

Chris90045 5 Sep 29

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I don't mind it. But I see it as a statement of absolute knowlede there is no God of any sort. I don't think we know enough to say 100% we know that. We may believe that but no one knows that 100%.
So I use agnostic. But I would not say anything about it if someone uses it. I might use it myself in some situations where it seems aporopriate to make a stronger statement to avoid any confusion.


When I was younger I liked the tag #atheist. It worked for me. As I've grown older it feels like it carries a lot of weight with it that I just don't want to carry around. Do I believe in any gods? No. I don't. But I'm not as dogmatic in my unbelief as I used to be. I leave the door open, a la possibilianism for whatever else might be out there. That works for me, anyway.


I feel like the main difference is the societal expectations regarding the subject at hand. If I don't tell you I don't believe in Santa as an adult, you already assume I don't. Same goes with the Tooth Fairy, or any other such make-believe creature or story. However, staying silent on your beliefs creates a different narrative altogether. The norm is to be religious, even if just barely so. To claim you're an atheist sets you apart from the "neutral" setting people have for random passerby's.

This is also why I am an advocate for being not only comfortable saying you're an atheist, but unwilling to use fluffy language to indicate anything other than non-belief. If you want people to naturally assume someone isn't religious right away, more people who are un-religious need to speak out and say as such instead of letting the assumptions of others categorize them falsely.

I like "non-delusional". That's a great sentiment!!! I am proud at calling myself a firebrand atheist.


I don't mind the term at all, it gives people an idea of where you're at even if it lacks specifics about you. But as a term it seems consistent with, for example, typical versus atypical


Perfectly. When people hate me for it, I wear their hate as a badge 🙂 I mean what could be better than getting thrown out of a club fulla nuts worshiping nonsense? 🙂


If there is no scientific proof............. it doesn't exist. Period.


Especially when I'm in the US I do feel like I'm being provocative when I describe myself as atheist. Its really too bad because in France, where I'm from, it's really not a big deal, as it shouldn't be. Still, despite the fact that the word here may have a negative connotation to a lot of people, I still use that one because other designations appear to me as sugar coating.


Let us say that we were mislead six thousand years ago into believing in personified gods. Let us add that not everyone agreed. Time went by. Today we have all those belief and non-belief systems and people don't remember where we came from because those back then hid that knowledge from our ancestors. What do we have here? Confusion in the mind of mankind. That is why you have to ask those questions. Now answer them: Nacrea: Natural Creation.


I don't like the word because to most,or many southerners it means devil worshiper. They literally back away,the word is frightening to them.

True but that may also be an opportunity for a conversation. Things never change is conversations don't happen between people that have opposite views.


I'm so used to it by now, I guess I'd say, extremely comfortable.


Very comfortable.


Humans have created an existence centered around labels. I think it is utopian to expect a world without "faith", thus the label "atheist", while seemingly acknowledging most still serve some sort of religion, is necessary. And I feel it will be as long as we exist.

Jhawk Level 3 Feb 22, 2018

It is just a description. There is also no word for believers of tooth fairy or Santa Claus. There is a word for believers of deities.


I am a proud atheist.


I never identified as athiest until I moved south. I am just nothing. I don't collect stamps, but don't consider myself a non - stamp Collector


I am much more comfortable with it than the people who I tell it to. Some are schocked others say I will pray for you some actually accept it. At times it generates discussion which have been very entertaining. Many times I am able quite quickly to place a logical question that befuddles them and normally end sthe conversation.

Yes, conversations about God on the spot are fun! I used to avoid them out of frustration but I grown quite used to it by now.


I like it. I think the word atheist, a-theist, is a simple and concise way to tell people how I view the world, in general terms. Living near Charlotte in NC, "The buckle on the Bible Belt", the word is also a quick way to differentiate between the knee-jerk reactionary religious fundamentalist types from those who are capable of independent thought. Some people get very angry when I say I am atheist. Others refuse to believe it and claim I am agnostic because I can't prove there is no God and because they don't understand the meaning of the word agnostic.


Just as comfortable with the word "fuck". I find that it is human nature to label things, people and places. If you don't believe in a God of any sort then I suppose Atheist is as good a label as any. If you truly have no clue as to how we got here and where we're going, like myself, then Agnostic is the word to use. They're all just labels and have different meanings for different folk. Just be good, kind and loving and don't worry about the labels. Just tell them you are other explanation is necessary.


Completely, but it is not fully Apt.

These days I use the term Ignostic, which serves two purposes.

  1. It stifles argument from most believers with unknowing looks, so is useful if I do not have time for discourse in the real world.
  2. It is far more accurate of my actual thoughts on the matter.

Good point, but I have got used to insanity being normality around me, so a word that expresses rebellion against the insanity suits me. Antitheist is even better.


I am perfectly comfortable with the term. I don't care for the phrase godless heathen, but that's just that I think about it......Godless heathen seems to be a more accurate description of my situation. Either way, they are just terms to differentiate between believers and non believers. We do need some way to tell us apart. They could just as well call us Georges and themselves Jims. It wouldn't make much difference to me. Let's just agree to allow the Jims their fairy tales, while us Georges follow reasonable thought


I'm not comfortable with the word because I can't prove that God doesn't exist.

I think pretty much everyone prays for help from time to time - just in case.


I am very comfortable with the word, but I realize for many it represents evil. But if we were to use it daily, it would lose some of its negativity.


I am very comfortable with the word, but I realize for many it represents evil. But if we were to use it daily, it would lose some of its negativity.


I am very comfortable with the word, but I realize for many it represents evil. But if we were to use it daily, it would lose some of its negativity.

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