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Do you care if you are remembered when you die?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 11

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Yes. i don't know why. i won't know if they do. somehow i do anyway.



No. Because I won't know. I'll be dead.


Being concerned about being remembered is just poisonous ego. If you are or you aren't it won't matter to you if you are dead. You will know NOTHING.


I don't know if I'll be remembered, but I hope that some will look back on my life and smile. So, maybe a fraction of myself cares, but in all honesty, does it really matter? I'll be dead.


Yes. 100% yes. Phylis was a family friend who made carrot cake for the holidays every year and would give them to her family and included us. When she died of cancer, there were a few years without carrot cake. Now I make about 30 carrot cakes and 150 cupcakes and deliver them to friends and family between Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I do it, I think of how much work Phylis put into this and how she included us. I remember how she used to yell at my father and put him in his place when he needed it. I remember the first time my father apologized. I was 24 and being deployed and he screamed at me when I told him. Phylis yelled at him and changed my relationship with my father forever. When ever a friend loses someone, I bring them "Fuck Cancer" cupcakes and tell them about Phylis and what a difference she made in my life and how my memory of her changes me and changes the world.

I don't want to be remembered for anything but to know that I lived a life worth remembering. I want to make a difference that outlives me, by even 5 minutes, because then I will have changed the world. I won't care once I'm dead as I'll be gone, but I care now.


I'd settle for being remembered while I'm still alive.

Keeping it real... This is good !!!!


No not really.


I guess it would depend on how I am remembered and I guess that's dependent on how I live


Not in the least. I just live life. I hope to make others smile and try to do right, but remembering me isn't important. Remember how to treat others.


By my family would be nice. I’m not going to be around so it doesn’t really matter.


No, I don’t. I have asked my family to cremate me when I die. So the funeral service will be held only with the family members at home or restaurant.


No, because I assume at some point everyone I know will get dementia anyways.


This isn't a real focus for me. No, I guess I don't.


No. As a former teacher, college instructor, and staff developer for public schools, as well as simple contacts as a person, I know that I have influenced hundreds, if not thousands of people. From feedback I know that for many that influence was highly positive. I don't care if those influenced don't remember where he influence came from. But, I do take pride in the fact that the influence occurred.


Not particularly. I know there are some who will remember me. Their reasons are their own.


Not really, i'll be remembered by those whose lives i touched for a short time, then they too will be gone ?


Not sure..... lots of people remember Hitler, Sadaam and Stalin.... so......


Nobody is remembered after they die. To prove it, tell me all about your great-great-great- grandmother.

She wasn't so great after all, was she? 😛

She had kids , who had kids , who had kids , who had kids , who had kids , and here I am . I had kids , who had kids . Although , looking at the geneology stuff , can be interesting and fun .


Not at all. Not sure they remember me now?

jab60 Level 6 May 12, 2018

What? I will be dead.......


A person dies twice. Once as they go in the ground and again the last time their name is uttered.

I would like to be remembered, but only if it inspires or brings a smile.

That's quite depressing and true.


Only by my daughter. At the moment every one else can KMA.


I'm not that sure I am remembered now.


Not really. Just my having lived and interacted with people has changed the world (I think for the better). I don't feel a need to be remembered, because I know the world is better place for my having been in it whether or nothing anyone remembers me. That is enough for me.


Not at all.


I think we all want to be remembered, )but in reality we will be forgotten over time.

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