19 8

So how to do you react to a person's Facebook and other social media posts? Do you get a jist of a person's personality by looking at their public profiles? Does it influence your willingness to engage this person on a deeper level?

Kojaksmom 8 June 1
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Lorajay Level 9 June 7, 2020

Yes it influences, at least that helps to have the first impression of the person and make the first selection or discard.

Merseyman1 Level 9 June 7, 2020

I enjoy sharing pages poems ,sayings etc that i enjoy and are on a positive note but reality as well

RoyMillar Level 9 June 5, 2020

Most young(er) people are still about flaunting their good looks, nice car/house, delicious foods they've cooked or eaten and countless vacation pictures. I would say the best facebook friendships with strangers (aka people I did not previously meet in person) has been with people that have some posts about equality, justice, social/political content, latest news, etc. I mean they don't have to be as serious on their profiles as me, but if it is ALL about their vanity and ego and appearances, I tend to unfollow.


I look at them, but take them with a grain of salt. If their feed is full of tRump, god / religion, hate, or dead animals; I’ll probably pass. If that goes well, I’ll see if I can get her number. Email is Ok, talking, preferably in person is the best test.

CS60 Level 7 June 2, 2020

Yes, I look. I want to know the person interacts with friends and family and isn’t just posting memes that any scammer could post. It’s also essential to have a Facetime call shortly after meeting online to assess basic compatibility. I have learned a great deal by men’s reaction to being invited to speak by phone or Facetime.

UUNJ Level 8 June 2, 2020

@Radu The scammers refuse, outright.


Yeah, it does. Not LinkedIn, but Facebook. Initially I started using it to keep in touch with family and long-distance friends, so I kept it as a safe space, but I think I was one of the last people I know to do that. So, yeah, I trust their social media to reflect their views and will act accordingly.

Lauren Level 8 June 2, 2020

It really kinda depends on their Profile


I never go to FB unless someone requests me to enjoy their art project, or whatever.

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 2, 2020

Engage in conversation..


I get lots of recommendations for friends on Facebook. I look at their newsfeeds before "friending" them. If they're trumpists, haters, or just plain dumb-asses I pass them by.

BitFlipper Level 8 June 2, 2020

I just shared a post detailing why people think trumpers are, at best, stupid. I will lose most of my family shortly. No big loss though.

Detritus Level 7 June 1, 2020

My family tends to the sane conservative side but my wife's are rightwing moonbats. We don't get together often and when we do we stick to football and grandkids talk and I have been taught (bruises healing nicely) by wifey to STFU on social media with them.

@RonWilliam53 me too when i see my brother's side of the family.


long time, no see

TheDoubter Level 9 June 1, 2020

Me? I've been dealing with depression, stress and being an essential worker. Life sure does suck for me right now.

@Kojaksmom that's not good. i want you to pull through. best wishes.

@TheDoubter thank you, I'm trying even though I'm tired.


It can be a first cut thing. Somebody who's a tRumper or tinfoil hat wearer upfront gets ignored. Not being overt isn't a guarantee the person is someone I want to communicate with but overt is a guarantee it's someone I don't want to.

Me too! And as a female, if 90% of their friends are hot chicks with filtered photos he is a no-go.


This song says it all.

Unity Level 8 June 1, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 June 1, 2020

With a couple of exceptions the people I interact with here I don’t follow on other platforms. But.. I have 4 different Instagram accounts and each of them reflect a somewhat different slant on who I am. 2 of them are simply characters. Not really me at all.

Davekp Level 8 June 1, 2020

Seeing what a person puts online whether it is through Facebook, Agnostic or any social media platform doesn't necessarily give you insight to who they truly are.
The truth is you can live right next door to someone or even in the same house and don't really know them.
Personally I follow my instincts more than anything. It's what we all used before the World Wide Web existed

Unity Level 8 June 1, 2020

me too. i go gut response


It depends on how deep you want to go.

Remember FB - and even are in "good company" based on the groups you choose to join; so you tend to join groups of folk with personalities similar to yours.

I've tried joining Conservative or pro-Trump or pro-gun groups....they just either are uncomfortable with your POV at best...or will curse at you and threaten you for your comments at worst. Those who are not easy to get along with will block you - or you may end up blocking them.

Robecology Level 9 June 1, 2020

Are you conservative/pro-Trump? Just curious.
I’m a gun a gun owner. I like all the rest of the Constitution too...I’m a liberal.

@CarolinaGirl60 i have a rifle and a revolver but i'm anti-trump/GOP/antivaxxer/NRA

@TheDoubter I grew up in a gun family. My dad has two large safes of guns-revolvers, rifles, a musket he built, small ankle guns for concealed carry, guns with clips, bows, shotguns.
I carry a revolver. I’m Democrat registered, but pretty far left on social issues. Most of my family are conservative, and religious.
As a nurse and a student of history, I vaccinated my kids. I had both the smallpox and polio vaccines as a child. To each their own, though.
That’s freedom!

@CarolinaGirl60 why do you carry a handgun?

@CarolinaGirl60 Not "conservative" - but I do respect a lot of the conservative strategies; caution when passing bills....doing intensive research on them - not "rushing to judgement" are all originally conservative strategies. Lately - the opposite seems to have occurred. They've become #religulous. They've lost touch with the need to do research. They seem to support socially reactionary strategies ( keep women and minorities oppressed; help the rich, repress the poor) which I why I used to like going on their sites and debating them...but lately they're just too hostile, too quick to call me a "troller" etc.

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